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  1. cdici


    Where is the conflicting info? The first response(Supertaco) says 2 cfls is O.K.,(he used 3), Second response(Me) I said "daylight" cfls for veg, "soft" cfls for flowering, place them close to the plants and where to access general info on marijuana growing. Third response, Supertaco mentions...
  2. cdici

    how often

    Huh?! Yes, you should water your plant. That never varies, you will always have to water you plant through all phases of growth or your plant will die.
  3. cdici


    You need cfls that say "daylight" during veg, saved the "soft" ones for flowering.
  4. cdici

    vinegar to lower ph

    Buy a soil ph meter (like$10), it has a metal spike or probe that you stick into the soil, to see if you even need to make any adjustment first. Add your vinegar to your water rather than the soil! To quote a more knowledgeable source:
  5. cdici


    The bulbs (CFL's) need to be in a fixture that can be raised as the plants grow, the light need to be kept a few inches from the top of the plants. Use as many bulbs as you can fit. "Daylight" type cfl's produce enough light in the blue spectrum and are good to start with, then to flower you can...
  6. cdici

    5 Weeks Of Veg 1 Week Left Till Flowerin

    You could get one of those mini dehumidifier. Since it's a small space it won't be overwhelmed. I would have it just come on at night when you say the humidity shoots up. You could pick up a bucket of Damp Rid (cheaper)Damp Rid Inc FG50T Moisture Absorber
  7. cdici

    When Do I Change Veg Cycle To Bud Cycle?

    Determine sex one or two weeks AFTER flowering. You decide when YOU want them to flower, not the other way around. Figure on them doubling in height in flowering so switch from veg to flowering BEFORE they reach 50% of your closet's (or cabinet) total height or they will outgrow it during...
  8. cdici

    Second Growth...Suggestions.

    That is a good cfl. A lot of people use cfls with really good results. Get several in you can afford to, Good luck!
  9. cdici

    Closet Advice

    I think it's time you came out of the closet!
  10. cdici

    12/12 Lighting Goof

    Thank you, everyone, for your input!
  11. cdici

    Questions about water sources

    So what exactly is the "effect" you refer to? I'm not arguing here, we just have a little difference of opinion and that's cool :smile:. I have grown a variety of plants that are big, healthy and lush with (chlorinated) tap water for years. If it's hurting them you'd never know it, because there...
  12. cdici

    12/12 Lighting Goof

    Wow, what I lost in quantity of replies I made up in quality! GK, I am honored you weighed in. (4000+ posts, awesome!)....Yes, got a timer for the main lights, but I added an 2 additional cfls without also putting them on a timer. Is the potential change in sex always only in one direction...
  13. cdici

    12/12 Lighting Goof

    I have seen threads where people ask what happens if you accidently let in a little stray light during a 12/12 dark period. But what if you're a week into flowering and you accidently leave the lights for 20 hrs?! DOH!:o What happens? :confused: Do you basically "lose" that week and have to...
  14. cdici

    Need help please read

    I think the jar method is (nearly)foolproof. With paper towels if you mess up and accidently let them dry out you're screwed, they can't dry out in a jar/cup of water. I use a coffee mug with a piece of foil on top and place it anywhere the a/c does keep cool like a closet or cupboard. In 2 days...
  15. cdici

    Questions about water sources

    It's just my opinion, but I think it is best to make and use fresh nutes/water when you are going to actually use it. The ph can change from when you mix it to when you use it(I have personally witnessed that). The only thing you lose doing it that way is that the chlorine doesn't get to...
  16. cdici

    New To Growing And Looking For Allout Of Help And Guidance

    Please do me a favor and substitute "makes a harmless criticism " for "does try to play English teacher" in my previous post. That was a poor choice of words on my part. The point I was making was for him to have a little tolerance for a minor criticism.
  17. cdici

    This sites safety

    Wow, pretty good thread! I'm glad I read through all 11 pages(so far) I found out what a proxy is [and just got one too, Privoxy(free)], had a front row seat to a forum e-scuffle, saw a dick get kicked off the site, witnessed and received words of wisdom from the Creator (site creator, that is)...
  18. cdici

    New To Growing And Looking For Allout Of Help And Guidance

    Wow, what a lot of comments over nothing. I see pathetic grammar and spelling ALL over the web on chat and discussion forums. As long as you can figure out what he wants to know I think the errors should/could be overlooked. Conversely(no relation to the sneakers), if someone does try to play...
  19. cdici

    Upper Yellowing Leaves During Flower

    get a cheap ($10) soil Ph meter. you just stick the metal probe in the soil that is in with the plant (not in the bag) You need to get and keep the soil ph at 6.2-6.8 . You should be using bloom nutes (higher in phosphorous and potassium, less nitrogen) for flowering if you are not already...
  20. cdici

    Lighting in my closet

    If you can afford the fixture and the increase in the electric bill AND control the temps, then I think that most experienced growers would say the more light the better!