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  1. S

    Is is time to harvest?

    It turned out really well, but the yield is extremely small. Only 6g's from one plant, had it under a 150 watt compact light.
  2. S

    Is is time to harvest?

    But the hairs are almost all red(except the main cola), isnt it the sign to harvest? So, i gotta wait till they disappear under a bud?
  3. S

    Is is time to harvest?

    Can i chop the bottom ones, then? They are all red, theres only a few hairs that are not red.
  4. S

    Is is time to harvest?

    Yes, Lowryder is an autoflowering plant.
  5. S

    Is is time to harvest?

    And the red ones got REALLY thin...
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    Is is time to harvest?

    The bottom ones are already 80% red, the top cola isnt, but its brownish and 30% red. Wont the bottom colas get useless later, if they're already mature?
  7. S

    7 Weeks Flowering (pics)

    Jesus, my 6g Lowryder looks worthless, compared to these.
  8. S

    Is is time to harvest?

    IS IT* typo :(
  9. S

    Is is time to harvest?

    It's a Lowryder#2. Here's the pics: The bottom colas seem to be ready, if not even too late. Should i harvest it now? Tell me please, before i screw it up...
  10. S

    Leafs lost strenght,point downwards.

    Nutrients are Bioflorin, european equivalent of your american nutes. The soil has 7-7,5 PH, the package says is for cactuses but i read somewhere it'll do the trick. I already had two dudes and they grew like monsters in the same environment, the girl seems a bit lazy. Is there some way i can...
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    Leafs lost strenght,point downwards.

    Your advices WORKED! The girl looks perfect now, the leafs went up so fast i could almost see them moving, hehe. It's amazing how much water this plant needs, i used to water it a LOT less when it was younger. Oh, and one more thing. From what i can see now the harvest won't be big at all, i...
  12. S

    Leafs lost strenght,point downwards.

    Ok guys thanks for the advice, i just watered it a bit more. Gave it a whole glass of fresh tasty water. Some water spilled out from under the pot, is this a bad sign? How do you determine if the plant has too much or not enough water? I don't want to screw it up now...
  13. S

    Leafs lost strenght,point downwards.

    Yes, that's exactly why i'm not watering it more, the water just runs through the pots. I also use 24h photoperiod(light is always on). I read somewhere that Lowriders grow better under constant light. Last night, however, i took the plant out of the box and turned the light off. The leafs look...
  14. S

    Leafs lost strenght,point downwards.

    It's a Lowrider#2, 5 weeks old. Lives in a box, under a 130 Watt compact light. I water it once in a week, 3/4 of a glass. Few days ago the leafs just lost its strenght, i have no idea whats going on but i feel the plant is dying. Please help me fast before i lose my only plant!