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  1. Chronntec

    flowering starting!!!

    Haha, thats gotta suck, Im assuming your growing hydro. Even in soil always use less than recommended amounts on label for nutes. Just start low, if your plants take it nicely add more, or just keep it as is. Just start low and work your way up with your nutes.
  2. Chronntec

    This dumbass needs help. smashed plant

    I agree. Tang it.
  3. Chronntec

    Pruning flowering plants!? PICS

    You need those big healthy leaves for photosynthesis to feed your plant, trimming big healthy leaves is *usually* not a good idea. It would be much better to just add more lights lower, or get better reflective material surrounding the plant.
  4. Chronntec

    most potent indoor strain?

    Wow, thats quite the question. Sometimes I wonder what the secret of life is but Im not gonna get any strait answers for that either. Theres really so many variables, sooo many different strains and hybrids. Its really a matter of personal preference. I know around here lately everyone has...
  5. Chronntec

    Dry Nutes VS. Wet Nutes

    This is a good post I would love to hear some more opinions. Im actually using GH MaxiGrow (powder) shown in the first pics, and its working great for me. I usually mix the nutes a night ahead so they are always totally mixed. I have been wondering about the difference though.
  6. Chronntec

    First grow 10 days old

    Yes I already know this. The fact is you can sex a plant after the 8th node from the preflowers.
  7. Chronntec

    First grow 10 days old

    There was so offence intended. I said read my last post. Im getting tired of answering questions I just answered. I planted the seeds as shown in the first post. I am waiting to get clones so I know they are all female, once I know they are female I will grow them and clone them so I have...
  8. Chronntec

    First grow 10 days old

    Im not gonna waste my time responding just read my last post again.
  9. Chronntec

    worried about veg state

    Actually we are all cops. And this whole site was set up just to bust You. hahhaha I dont think theres enough cops to bust every stoner on this site, and theres gotta be some sort of law against cops tracking down random IPs on websites?
  10. Chronntec

    First grow 10 days old

    Some good BC soil mixed with peat moss and perlite. Right now just using florecent lights, gonna be finishing veg and flowering under 1000w hps. Right now Im just waiting to have some definite females so I can start cloning and getting the numbers up for a good sized first crop, then the...
  11. Chronntec

    First grow 10 days old

    Yeah Im hoping for at least one female, Im gonna get some clones soon, next time Im in Vancouver. Probalbly some purple kush, but I think he might have some green crack now too.
  12. Chronntec

    First grow 10 days old

    Well Im glad to see ThatGuy is baked. Like the original post says they were planted as seeds. I planted them while I am waiting for clones from my friend. Im not cloning these any time soon. lol
  13. Chronntec

    First grow 10 days old

    Yeah thats my biggest worry right now, males and hermies. I only have 4 plants right now but Im waiting on clones, I just planted these while I was waiting for the clones just to see if they would grow, and they turned out quite good so far with just some basic GH maxigrow veg.
  14. Chronntec

    First grow 10 days old

    Finally got some space to grow, heres my baby its Renae #1 started as seeds, they are growing like crazy heres the biggest one at 10 days.
  15. Chronntec

    7 weeks old when will it show sex?

    Usually the 8th node will start to show preflowers.
  16. Chronntec

    Water my plants with sugar

    Also pure apple juice, not concentrate at around 1 cup per gallon or less works instead of applesauce, great for added phosphorus during flowering
  17. Chronntec

    Growing in a 1 bedroom condo

    ____________________ /<windows/exhaust area \ ============================= | vent/\ | Theres a crude example, the ==== is the drywall covering the window, looking down obviously. That whole area will be sealed off, thats where the filters will be, and now possibly the...
  18. Chronntec

    Growing in a 1 bedroom condo

    Im planning on buying 4 lights because they are cheap on craigslist right now. Maybe 1 for the closet, But I want to have 3 for the flowering area, about 11x11 I just want the lights to the in a triangular configuration, run 2 lights at a time. 2 lights always running, each light runs for 8...
  19. Chronntec

    MH/HPS in 63 sq ft box

    You have square feet confused with volume (cubic feet) The square footage is just the length of the base X the width of the base. 36" is 3 feet, so its 3' X 3' thats 9 square feet. This is basic math. The height of the space only determines how high you can grow your plants. In a 3'x3' space...
  20. Chronntec

    Growing in a 1 bedroom condo

    Anyone have any useful tips or suggestions?