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  1. darren_21

    Spidermites... WWIII

    Very informative post!!!! I'm in on the battle against these little vampires too. I've been spraying with stuff recomended by a friend, but they are persistent little shits. I decided to implement another step, I gave my girl a nice shower and I think I may try the alcohol/water mix too...
  2. darren_21

    Serious issues...

    Ya thats pretty much how it happened... started at the bottom, worked its way up. If anything I feel I may have been a little too conservative with the nutrients... Thanks for the opinion.
  3. darren_21

    Serious issues...

    So I'm theoretically about 3 weeks away from this plant being finished. The yellowing problem start a couple weeks back, but being my first plant ever I'm not sure I ever got a handle on the problem. So here I am, watering every other day. Feed, water, feed, water... Using 10 - 30 - 20...
  4. darren_21

    Lower Leaves Yellowing with some Brown Spots

    Definitely still too early to tell in that pic. I got some 5 - 0 - 0 fertilizer to help with the nitrogen a little bit. As you say, I think I will be having lower yield on this batch as I was unsure of what the deficiency was until a little later on. I think if I had caught it earlier it...
  5. darren_21

    Lower Leaves Yellowing with some Brown Spots

    Still waiting obviously to see the results of the nute balancing i'm trying but I just took a picture for my own records. Here's where she is at now...
  6. darren_21

    NOT Enough Growth

    Way closer with the lights...
  7. darren_21

    Lower Leaves Yellowing with some Brown Spots

    Got my hands on a mix that is made up by the owners of the store for bloom, 10 - 30 - 20. Going to try and balance these nutes a bit better for now tho. Will update later with pics.
  8. darren_21

    Lower Leaves Yellowing with some Brown Spots

    That one looks real nice!!! This is something I'm starting to learn, thats it about what the plant needs not the standard give them this, in that amount every X number of days.... I'm a hard convert because everything I do is normally very structured, with very specific numbers and amounts (I...
  9. darren_21

    Lower Leaves Yellowing with some Brown Spots

    The bloom fortifier I had is has since now been pitched in the garbage... Not sure what I was thinking with those ratios. Now my next question, everything is still looking pretty good, just a little bit more yellowing so I am definitely going to try give a little boost of Nitrogen next...
  10. darren_21

    Lower Leaves Yellowing with some Brown Spots

    I think we're closer to the same page now UB! And yes from all the research I had done, I didn't think these nutrients made sense, but a long time growing friend swears by these nutrients so that was a solid source I had to go by. I guess the overdrive (which he uses) is supposed to supplement...
  11. darren_21

    Lower Leaves Yellowing with some Brown Spots

    How can I have a lack of N when I used the nutes I posted about above. BLOOM Part A 3 - 0 - 3 (Liquid) BLOOM Part B 1 - 0.5 - 3 (Liquid) These are my BLOOM nutes before the fortifier. I will be using the overdrive instead, but from the numbers above, it looks to me like I'm getting a decent...
  12. darren_21

    Lower Leaves Yellowing with some Brown Spots

    These numbers a little better UB? Thanks
  13. darren_21

    Lower Leaves Yellowing with some Brown Spots

    Ok here's an update of where I'm at as of about 10 minutes ago... I took the plant away from the HPS to improve the image clarity.
  14. darren_21

    Lower Leaves Yellowing with some Brown Spots

    Interesting... I will definitely consider this information. Maybe you can give me some input on what I'm using here. DNF nutrients were recommended to me by a good friend. Currently using 2 bottles (equal parts): BLOOM Part A 3 - 0 - 3 (Liquid) BLOOM Part B 1 - 0.5 - 3 (Liquid) Bloom...
  15. darren_21

    Lower Leaves Yellowing with some Brown Spots

    Let me quote from your source... "Potassium (K)" "Deficiency: Reduced growth; shortened internodes; margins of older leaves become chlorotic and burn; necrotic (dead) spots on older leaves; reduction of lateral breaks and tendency to wilt readily; poorly developed root...
  16. darren_21

    Lower Leaves Yellowing with some Brown Spots

    Hmm interesting... Ok well I think I'm going to agree with smokeybandit on this one... From all the reading of done before I started this little endeavour (probly 10-15 hours of online research) this does make sense (the K deficiency). And it only furthers to convince my current...
  17. darren_21

    Lower Leaves Yellowing with some Brown Spots

    The increase in watering was due to a very noticeable increase in water intake when I went into flowering. I have been watering every other day for 2 weeks now. I think you're right when it comes to the deficiencies. I was waiting until this point for the bloom ferts and like you say, that...
  18. darren_21

    Lower Leaves Yellowing with some Brown Spots

    bump... sorry, didn't realize the pics didn't go up first time...
  19. darren_21

    Lower Leaves Yellowing with some Brown Spots

    Tomorrow will be 3 weeks into flowering. There seems to be some yellowing of the leaves starting at the bottom of the plant. There are also some brown spots. I use DNF Nutrients every other watering and I water every other day (up from every 3 days during veg). I have yet to use the Bloom...
  20. darren_21

    Possible Nute Burn... Need Opinion

    Ya I kinda stumbled on a post that pointed this out and it was kinda like a "duuuuuh" moment... thanks for the reply.