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  1. meathead

    When do u introduce fem to get seeds?

    Thanks for your reply, it took me a while but i finally had a boy and i pretty much did what you said. My only questions would be how far along should a female be ( what is too far)? How long can u keep the pollen and it still work?
  2. meathead

    When do u introduce fem to get seeds?

    I was thinking of trying to produce some seeds, just for fun. I was wondering when i should introduce the fem. to the male, meaning at what stage should the fem be at? I'm not looking for a ton, but i have no real clue what to do other then pick the best male and female.
  3. meathead

    need your help! PICS

    I've had my power go out like that before, but it never effected my plants, my power was out for 18 hours which made my dark cycle was over 24 hours and there still was noticeable changes, i had at least 3 different plants at 3 different periods. So I'm thinking you have a different problem...
  4. meathead

    cloning pure power plant

    I'm currently growing 2 clones of ppp. I'd say my cloning survival rate is about 50%, but I just started cloning for the first time this past year and i've only tried cloning ppp, about 15 attempt. I got my original seeds for
  5. meathead

    Newb's Own First HARVEST - AK-47s

    I was wondering, do you flush your plants the last two weeks using a dwc setup, and if so how do you do it?
  6. meathead

    First indoor cfl clone grow

    I have a clone question, if you take a clone while a plant is vegging, and the mother ends up a hermie, most likely due to interruptions of light in the first 3 weeks of flowering, does that mean your clone will be a girl?
  7. meathead

    12/12 problems

    How does high temps effect a plant during the first 2 weeks of flowering? After 15 days, i still have no signs of sex, the temp have been in the 90's when i'm not home, i'm able to lower them to 78 to 83 when i'm home. i can't do anything when i'm not home to lower the temps, don't ask why.
  8. meathead

    12/12 problems

    Good afternoon everyone, I've been flowering for 2 weeks and haven't notice any signs of male or female parts. I believe my problem has been due to some power outages, i've had the power go out at least 3 times during the past two weeks, and every time it's been out it's lasted at least an hour...