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  1. theloosemoose

    Soil plant run off

    Yeah I let them sit in it for a bit and its amazing how much they can wick up and drink. Its good to let them dry out as well as the roots won't grow if they're not looking for water
  2. theloosemoose

    First grow. About 3 months into veg. Feedback and comments greatly appreciated.

    I agree, throw a screen over them and start flowering and training. Looks good
  3. theloosemoose

    Getting started again; 3x Crazy

    Just wanted to give an update as I come up on week 5. I've yet to give them any boosters except some Rock Resinator for the first time today. Any thoughts on the stuff?
  4. theloosemoose

    Hops anyone?

    I planted a small bine last season and was harvesting this season untili tried to transplant. The old bines died of but the new are teaming with growth. Kinda felt like the first time i harvested bud and was super stoked like what to do with this handfull of herb while looking at peoples photos...
  5. theloosemoose

    home made c02 disperser

    We've been brewing beer in the basement and i've been trying to find a way to harness the extra CO2 coming off. I also wonder if its so minimal and inconsistent that its not even worth it. I guess it depends on the size of the grow and what expected....
  6. theloosemoose

    Getting started again; 3x Crazy

    Will do, thanks for the reply. I doubt to much light because its under the scrog. Also i was leaning more towards a a P deficiency rather than K because its seemed like more of a dark necrosis around the edge, not really yellow. Ive been using the fox farms trio feeding schedule to a T. Heres...
  7. theloosemoose

    banana's = more females

    I know from growing other plants like Tillandsia or airplants that you can enduce flowering early by placing them in a bag with somethings producing ethylene (banana peel). Not sure about the females but if anythings maybe it'd make them show sex earlier?
  8. theloosemoose

    Getting started again; 3x Crazy

    Just wanted to bump with an update. Going into my forth week and so far no problems. Must of been a mix up with the some of the cuts because what I assumed were just sativa dom phonos are definitely another strain. You can see its stretched twice as much as the two on the left and has a very...
  9. theloosemoose

    What meter is good for testing soil ph

    Cop a cheap on on ebay for 20 bucks or so and use your money on keeping it calibrated
  10. theloosemoose

    how are they looking

    Looks great! I'd wait atl east another week or two as stated. The hardest part for me at least is always the anticipation at the end when I'm second guessing myself or maybe just impatient. Those buds can really pack on some weight in the last couple weeks . I didnt believe it until i waited and...
  11. theloosemoose

    Really wierd

  12. theloosemoose

    Getting started again; 3x Crazy

    Thanks! yeah I got a little burn on the bottom but I think my soil is still a little hot. Neutral is in 7? My tap usually runs 8-8.5 and I was lowering it until i realized how much FFOF does along with the FF nutes I fed bring it down. Also the indica dom phonos on the left seem to be much more...
  13. theloosemoose

    Supplemental lighting question

    Be careful I've also heard its a good way to stress and hermie your plants
  14. theloosemoose

    BUD PORN/Dick slinging contest Post your new breeds OR old, All welcome!

    Ive never even heard of variegated cannabis but this is incredible. If it wasnt a male I can only imagine what the bud would look like!
  15. theloosemoose

    Getting started again; 3x Crazy

    Hey guys just wanted to update my grow and get some feed back. Just fed liquid nutes for the first time this grow and now seeing some sort of deficiency. Maybe Mag? Gonna grow some cal mag on next time just to be safe. Also showing 2 very different phenotypes of the cut here. Any ideas?
  16. theloosemoose

    Getting started again; 3x Crazy

    So I just got back into town and am ready to get started again and get smoking! I dropped by Harborside and grabbed some 3x crazy(OGxGDPXBubba) cuts. I've always wanted to grow an OG but they always stretch on me and I end up with a shit yield. I'm hopping this will be a little more compact...
  17. theloosemoose

    Spectrum lacking

    So I'm about to start my second grow which will be another CFL soil grow in the closet. My question is that I have a brand new LED panel from a reef aquarium I just broke down. My concern is that they it only has blue and white LEDS. The whites are 12000-14000k and the blues are 450-470nm. Both...