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  1. Homefrrie

    Germinating question..

    I've heard nothing but good things about the paper towel method. Personally, I put my seeds in a shot glass, or small glass of water. Within 3 days max, they are showing a decent tap root, at which point I pick them up with tweezers (lightly pinch seed casing), and place them tap root down...
  2. Homefrrie

    Late start outdoor journalllll

    Where's the pics for day 33? :mrgreen: Looking good bro!
  3. Homefrrie

    first grow journal - comments always welcome

    Des, just saw your post that said you took a sample :blsmoke: I'm at day 37 flower and i want to sample soooo bad, but I dont wanna smoke Tiger Bloom :-? What day did you sample at?
  4. Homefrrie


    Ditto No real need to mist unless they're clones
  5. Homefrrie

    Whats wrong?(with pictures)

    Looks like nute burn to me.. probably want to wait until 3 weeks old, then 1/4 strength the first week, 1/2 strength in week 4 etc.. Your at 1/2 strength at 14 days, when half should be at day 28 What kind of soil?
  6. Homefrrie

    whats better?

    FoxFarm tells you to use both during flowering... You can read up on the two on their site also.
  7. Homefrrie

    can i use this bulb to contiue flowering?

    I realize some ppl cant afford to spring $100-$150 for a new MH/HPS system, but by the time you get all of the CFL's that you need, dont they end up spending just as much, if not more? BTW... I found my MH/HPS switchable 400w on Craigslist. Got it for $100.
  8. Homefrrie

    First time grow - 23rd day into flowering

    Day 36 of flowering!! bongsmilie They STINK!!! But a good stink.. very fruity/sweet. I feel like I'm 8 years old, and its 3 weeks before XMas :mrgreen: About 20-30% amber hairs at this point. Haven't checked the trichs yet, cause I know they still have 3 weeks to go. Comments/Questions?
  9. Homefrrie

    time to harvest? PICS

    They were flowering for 4 weeks, then put into a 18/6 on/off cycle? Not good.. it doesn't know whats going on anymore.
  10. Homefrrie

    ALL HPS Growers!! I need Advice plz.!

    Personally.. I put 2 75w floro's on my seedlings for the first two weeks. If you dont have any other options, make sure that HPS is a good 24-36" from your babies. With only 63" of growing space vertically, keep in mind that they will double/triple in size once you put them into flowering...
  11. Homefrrie

    pruning to increase production

    There is absolutely no reason to prune while the plant is still in veg. You will only stress it by doing this. Your vegging it to GROW, not to cut off its growth. Topping/Fimming is a whole diff subject, but pruning is a big no-no. The plant needs those leaves for photosynthesis. SOME ppl...
  12. Homefrrie

    how long should i veg?

    If your not flowering, your vegging, so welcome to the veg stage! :eyesmoke: Whats your lighting setup right now?
  13. Homefrrie

    Popcorn buds!!!

    Pics would help. It sounds like your fine except for the lighting, which is probably the most important. How many watts is the floro your using?
  14. Homefrrie

    how long should i veg?

    Height is a factor too.. when you put it into flower, it will double or triple in size depending on the strain I put mine into flower at about 14", and 6 weeks later, they're at about 44"
  15. Homefrrie

    Light Blaze 400 L.E.D.

    They get trashed b/c they dont put out anything near the lumens that an HID light does.. oh, and the price tag being 5x that of a HID Best of luck.. I'll watch if you start a journal, curious to see how it goes
  16. Homefrrie

    Loads of general questions

    1. I think most soil growers would recommend FoxFarm 2. HPS for flowering (imho) 3. No 4. 3 weeks old 5. Once a week 6. Thousands of nutes out there to rate which is 'best' 7. Whenever the soil feels after sticking your finger 2 inches down into the dirt Good luck!
  17. Homefrrie

    6th week flowering - heavy buds - how to prop up?

    Hahaha.. I feel sorry for me too bongsmilie I guess that could work.. I have string, but if I decide to pull some of those branches in, they're going to be completely covered by the canopy and not get any light.. decisions decisions...
  18. Homefrrie

    6th week flowering - heavy buds - how to prop up?

    My 3 girls are heading into their 6th week flowering.. and from the looks of it, 2 of them might not be able to support the next 3 weeks when they thicken up even more. I dont want to stick anything into the soil, so my question is, what do you use/do to keep your girls upright? I dont want to...
  19. Homefrrie

    Not another Harvest thread...?

    I'd say 2 weeks BTW.. scariest avatar ever...