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  1. JetSet

    First Grow, T5, Northern Lights

    Yea, it did turn out better than I expected awhile ago. I wasn't expecting to get anything really. This stuff is really strong so it will probably last me a little while :)
  2. JetSet

    First Grow, T5, Northern Lights

    Well this is it.. I've harvested my first plant. I found 2 seeds so far in total. It looks like a decent amount to me from 1 plant :hump: The last picture is where it all started :) Will have to start making preparations for my next grow.. I think I'm satisfied pretty much with the T5.
  3. JetSet

    First Grow, T5, Northern Lights

    Yea, I was kind of waiting for more to turn brown, but I don't see it happening, a lot are though so I guess it's time to harvest, I will do it tomorrow. Also, I harvested 2 buds and took a very small amount off one bud that I didn't expect much from, but I almost got stoned. So it's definitely...
  4. JetSet

    First Grow, T5, Northern Lights

    I have about 10 or 12, not totally sure, some are bigger than others, I did count them awhile ago but now I forget exactly how many there are. It's getting close to being done, but there's still quite a bit of white hairs, not enough brown yet.. I have to go by them right now since I didn't get...
  5. JetSet

    First Grow, T5, Northern Lights

    Odor hasn't been a problem yet. It's smelled on and off a little though, but currently I really don't smell much.
  6. JetSet

    First Grow, T5, Northern Lights

    Yea, I've been pretty busy lately that's why I haven't been around as much. I was only complaining because I got a hermie and 2 males lol I shouldn't complain too much though at least I'm going to finish growing one pretty big plant for my first grow :)
  7. JetSet

    First Grow, T5, Northern Lights

    Remember that weird growth? Well, I tried to fix the main cola but accidentally snapped it off in the very beginning of flowering, so it's not there lol Otherwise it was grown naturally and made the branches go crazy.
  8. JetSet

    First Grow, T5, Northern Lights

    Anyway this is what it looks like, sorry I didn't get to it sooner. I've been kind of busy.. Most of those buds are being held up by plastic ties or string + the main stem is being supported by the post. The one bud I thought snapped off didn't snap completely luckily and the plant looks to have...
  9. JetSet

    First Grow, T5, Northern Lights

    I will be posting pictures soon, not much really going on other than I'm having a hard time managing the buds.. they're so heavy now that I think one has actually snapped its branch :( Supporting them is difficult even with string and the stake. I'm glad there's only about 2wks left, this plant...
  10. JetSet

    First Grow, T5, Northern Lights

    My remaining plant is looking good though so I'm happy about that.. On further inspection of the buds on the other plant i'm glad I chopped it tons of pollen things were forming, but not yet dropping pollen.. Not sure if there was risk of pollination of my other plant this late in flowering...
  11. JetSet

    how to tell if your phone is being tapped

    Anything the Gov. can tap the average citizen can tap, the right tools, resources, and knowledge is all that's needed. An average citizen can do it. Don't act like the gov is the only one able to do this.
  12. JetSet

    First Grow, T5, Northern Lights

    Oh well I chopped down the hermie wasn't doing much at all anyway was making things hard to manage, creating more pollen bananas, and making it hard for me to give my other plant with REAL buds light, so I think I was just in cutting it down. RIP. Anyway my harvest will be strictly from one...
  13. JetSet

    First Legal Grow

    Yea I think I also got a hermie of my one NL plant.. The buds look like crap and they have bannanas of pollen sticking out. I can tell seeds are forming like crazy on that one.. Thinking about chopping it down, it's not dropping much pollen but still.. Good luck with the rest of your grow...
  14. JetSet

    First Grow, T5, Northern Lights

    Here's part of an article about the bananas I'm seeing.. they're not like ball sacs really, but they are yellow bananas. I named this new method “Rodelization” after a friend who helped me realize and make use of this way of creating female seeds. After growing crop after crop of...
  15. JetSet

    First Grow, T5, Northern Lights

    Well, the other smaller one looks like it's a hermie might have to chop that one I dunno. They're pollen bananas so that might not really be hermie but stress related I don't think it's that stressful in there but maybe :\ Or should I use these bananas to pollinate a lower branch on my other...
  16. JetSet

    how to tell if your phone is being tapped

    Newer cell phones are digital so they're pretty difficult to tap.. Older analog cell phones were very easy, all you needed was a scanner with the cell phone frequency unblocked. (they don't sell these anymore in the US, but you can get them easily) I was really into scanners and stuff at one...
  17. JetSet

    Can you flower a....??????

    Yea, 20/4 is optimal for auto flowering plants.
  18. JetSet

    First Grow, T5, Northern Lights

    My buds are beginning to bend the branches I don't know how it would be possible to stake the branches.. Maybe get some string and tie the branch to the main stem.. I might try that..
  19. JetSet

    First Grow, T5, Northern Lights

    Yea, I have no idea where the adding lumens post came from.. I've had barely any odor from these plants, but I do notice a hint of a lemony sweet smell.
  20. JetSet

    First Grow, T5, Northern Lights

    Yea, this being my first grow, I really can't say if it was improper planting or troubles with the seeds. They were all planted basically the same way though, so i don't know. I'm pretty happy I've made it to budding with my first grow though :)