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  1. S

    Aussie Growers Thread

    lol sorry to break the rollbread, just got some concern about weather and looking for some advice (from Aus) Nearly finished 8th week of flowering outdoors (fabric pot, so mobile), and prolly got another week or two. It’s forecasted to be cloudy / rainy (1-5mm) the next few weeks with...
  2. S

    Late flower (wk8), outdoor - senescence + ripening (?)

    They're not nanners (from what I can tell, under 30x), they shrivel up and go brown like normal. Just a thick bunch (3-4 hairs) of premature stigma / pistils that go white/yellow, then eventually spread apart and brown off. I initially thought the same, but the camera pronounces it - especially...
  3. S

    Late flower (wk8), outdoor - senescence + ripening (?)

    Thread shoved into Page 3, hence bump 24hrs later lol notice a few people have viewed thread and images, but no replies yet :-(
  4. S

    Late flower (wk8), outdoor - senescence + ripening (?)

    Beginning week 8 (day #51) of outdoor flower - refer to last pic as to what I considered day 1.. people might count earlier/later.. wasn't sure, myself tbh. Trichs ~ 20% clear / 75% milky / 5% amber The calyxes haven’t swelled much anymore for past week or so, buds are staying the same but...
  5. S

    Aussie Growers Thread

    haha well, I didn't expect 4-5 wks left.. maybe 2-3 I'll keep full feed then, that was my concern at this point - also using seasol, gogo juice and unsulphured blackstrap, seems to love it. Got some rainy weather next week, be fun.. but glad to hear it has quite a bit of time to thicken up...
  6. S

    Aussie Growers Thread

    Hey guys from Aus here, thought I'd ask directly in this thread about my first grow, hope you don't mind. 1. how much longer (visually gauging from pics below) does it have left of flower till harvest - 1-2 weeks? Bit confused at what stage of flower 2. should I start using 1/2 strength nutes...
  7. S

    (?) purple / dark spot marks on sugar leaves - outdoor (wk 4, flower)

    lol took onboard the advice about the dark spots and being a nervous nellie man - haven't got any worse, either. So all sweet. Just have a few Q's for anyone that has a good idea of: 1. how much longer (visually gauging from pics below) does it have left of flower till harvest - 1-2 weeks? I'm...
  8. S

    (?) purple / dark spot marks on sugar leaves - outdoor (wk 4, flower)

    Those dark spots are coming back mildly on a few sugar leaves. Still can't figure it out, as weather has been ideal.. maybe phosphorus? Would be great if someone can help a bit here lol first grow and at the last few weeks and don't want to f it. It's only a 2ft bagseed but it's my first grow...
  9. S

    (?) purple / dark spot marks on sugar leaves - outdoor (wk 4, flower)

    The dark marks haven't appeared to have gotten too much worse, just has affected a couple of the top sugar leaves slightly (on both main colas). I still have no idea what it is, assuming weather related. Also how she looking for 5wks in? Could I expect any decent calyx swelling and trichome...
  10. S

    (?) purple / dark spot marks on sugar leaves - outdoor (wk 4, flower)

    week 4 into outdoor flower (~ 2ft, bagseed, unknown "kush" strain) As of yesterday afternoon I noticed these dark purple / black spots + marks on a few top sugar leaves (as per photos), any idea? I gave the plant a feed just before (last one was ~ 2 days ago), just in case it's a micro...
  11. S

    Wk. 3 flower - outdoor (1st time grow) - few Q's

    Anyone able to help with above? Also a housemate did the mowing this morning and got filaments over the plant, he forgot to move it.. Used a spray bottle of water and a toothpick for a good hour before happy with it.. Ah, man. Fun times.
  12. S

    Wk. 3 flower - outdoor (1st time grow) - few Q's

    At the moment the plant is about week 3 into flowering outdoors, give or take - located in southern hemisphere It seems to be doing alright but have a few q's as it's my first time growing : - the bottom yellow fan leaf seem normal for Wk 3 into flowering? I have a few other original fan...
  13. S

    First time grow + LST - main stem split..

    Cheers guys. I found it too difficult to tape it closed so I left the split open. Just tried again before.. It's been over 24hrs and seems healthy. Hopefully doesn't have any issues (especially during flowering / bud weight) Worth using a seaweed / kelp concentrate to help heal it? haha nice...
  14. S

    First time grow + LST - main stem split..

    I ended up going a bit too far w/ LST this afternoon.. should have waited for the plant to be watered properly and do it gradually over a few days. The split is about 3-4mm (at most), where I topped the main stem (refer to pics) I've been told from a few people who checked it out that it...
  15. S

    (?) first grow (outdoor) - any concern w/ leaf tip colour on new growth?

    Thanks for replying, mate. I agree about the commercial "premium" potting mixes, terrible. Full of bark (wouldn't be ideal for the roots..) and those time release caps would definately cause issues growing cannabis (inconsistent profile, nitrogen during flowering, bad flush) I'm not relying on...
  16. S

    Aussie Growers Thread

    I did post a specific thread for this, but thought you guys here may be more helpful (from aussie) --- (?) first grow (outdoor) - any concern w/ leaf tip colour on new growth? Not sure if I should be concerned with the discoloured tips on the new growth (3rd node) and what it is an...
  17. S

    (?) first grow (outdoor) - any concern w/ leaf tip colour on new growth?

    Not sure if I should be concerned with the discoloured tips on the new growth (3rd node) and what it is an indication of? (2nd pic) I'm assuming a slight nute burn from the potting mix's time release caps, considering how young the seedling is (3.5 weeks from sprout)? Also for 3.5wks it seems...
  18. S

    Drying & Curing process.. Concerns w/ mold.

    Cheers for response - & bit belated in recognition, but much appreciated for your welcoming too. Thought I'd let you know I've been curing successfully for over 7 days now (looking and smelling better every few days). I'm still burping the jar 1-2x p/day for 20-40 minutes (depending on...
  19. S

    Drying & Curing process.. Concerns w/ mold.

    I understand, but as I mentioned above; if I had a choice in the drying process I'd of done things differently - i.e use drying racks and hang dry, control humidity/temp and monitor w/ correct instruments. I have already cut the main colas into medium nuggets already (did this initially), for...
  20. S

    Drying & Curing process.. Concerns w/ mold.

    Bump. It's now been drying for 6 days in a brown paperbag & shoebox within my wardrobe cabinet in my bedroom, while outside temp. 40-50°F / R.H 80-100% at night/early morning. I am inspecting them regularly (every 6-12hrs) for mold/mildew, which I have thankfully controlled, despite. The...