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  1. N

    150W HPS Question

    75$ + shipping for a 150watt hps on amazon. bulb, ballast and fixture
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    Grafting possibilities? advice needed :D

    A book called The Marijuana Connoisseur has a chapter that talks about grafting mj shoots onto hops plants for a stealth grow. I picked up a copy a few years back, kinda outdated as far as technology goes but a very useful resource. Picked it up on
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    12/12 interupted! can they be saved?

    same thing happened to me. but for almost 2 weeks this past winter with a bad ice storm. had a generator but the lights would only be on for like 4 or 5 hours because my lights were on the same circuit as my freezer so i had to cycle the freezer. but they came out fine imo. the are hardy plants
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    Homemade Led Lamp w/ pics

    This is my homemade Led lamp. Its a Bunch of xmas lights taped together. i forget how many lights are actually in this ball, but it totals 45 watts. Its pretty horrible and was just a side project to the grow that i had going before. The bigger of the two plants was actually always been under...
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    clone questions!!!

    thanks guys
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    clone questions!!!

    Can I grow a mother plant from a clone and then just clone off of that?
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    timelapse night vision

    thanks everyone. too bad my sony shit the bed. no more time lapse.
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    miracle grow

    yup thats the stuff
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    miracle grow

    i planted in miracle grow soil. the bag said enough plant food in the bag for 60 days. i'm about 2 weeks into flowering. should i be feeding some sort of flowering food? or should i wait for the 60 days to be up before feeding them?
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    timelapse night vision

    the led's are the same led's that you find in your t.v remote
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    timelapse night vision

    i'm not to sure how much light it puts out. like intensity or wavelength. i know they are just little infrared led's.
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    timelapse night vision

    hello i am using time lapse to record my grow. just switched to 12/12. my question is will using the nightshot "nightvision" option on my camera inturrupt the dark cycle?