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  1. C4SP3R

    ~Having Some Legal Plants And Veggies In The Garden???Smart Idea HuH???!~

    its what id do homie, just have a couple crops, tomatos are good maybe some straw berrys and rasberrys
  2. C4SP3R

    putting seedlings under hps?

    prob not, might wanna get a few 32 watt cfls
  3. C4SP3R

    putting seedlings under hps?

    no but theyre not gunna branch much, just get really tall and skinny
  4. C4SP3R

    Am i giving them enough light?

    do they carry cfl's of a higher wattage? ill get a 105 watter or two if i can find em
  5. C4SP3R

    Am i giving them enough light?

    yeah its been flowering for about 3 weeks and only produce about an eigth, where could i 32 watt lights, home depot only carries 26 watt and 13 watt
  6. C4SP3R

    Am i giving them enough light?

    alright well i cant have hid lights, but i can buy flouro's or led's at a local hydro shop, what should i get?
  7. C4SP3R

    Am i giving them enough light?

    i have 2 sunblaster 20 watt lights florescent that make 2350 lumens each 1 lg 20 watt regular florescent with a blue bulb that generates 1000 lumens. is this enough for a 11 week old and a 3 week old?
  8. C4SP3R

    Is it possible?

    ok cool, thanks bud
  9. C4SP3R

    Is it possible?

    Hey my plant unexpectedly went into flowering last night and i woke up this morning 2 a bunch of pop corn buds, can i still clone my plant or is it 2 late?
  10. C4SP3R

    How cold is 2 cold

    thats wicked, how do cold temps turn bud purple? by take them you mean bring em inside right?
  11. C4SP3R

    How cold is 2 cold

    right now im saving up for some light equipment, and my girl is just starting 2 flower, but its 9 celcius outside and im not 2 keen on freezing her, does anyone know what temperature is 2 cold?
  12. C4SP3R

    black spots!

    no i dont have pics at this moment, ill see if i can get one soon
  13. C4SP3R

    black spots!

    my buddy has 40 seeds and hes going to give em 2 me, but im wondering if something is wrong with them cause he says they have black spots on them like it was cut a lil bit or squeezed, i came 2 you guys 2 see what you think could be potentially wrong with these seeds, the first thing that came 2...
  14. C4SP3R

    My Mystery girl

    yea i thought it was from being chopped but my buddy told me the other day, when he was bringing it here it got really badly burned and half the plant died, so the missing chunk is where the rest of the plant used to be, since this plant went through all that shock shes really taken off though...
  15. C4SP3R

    My Mystery girl

    when it was a baby my friend chopped the top to make it bush out
  16. C4SP3R

    My Mystery girl

    I have my baby girl who is 6 weeks old and shes just thriving in this bc sun, just wondering what you might have in mind for some advice, i want to clone her, but i don't have jelly at this moment and was wondering if i could get some advice on how to clone, i dont know if shes indica or if shes...
  17. C4SP3R

    Bottom half of Plant is Dying

    id say maybe just cut off a couple of clones incase that plant is dying and that way with less branches it will get more light at the base of the plant , but im not 10% thats the problem, but i know chronic is suppose to use like a 20-5-5 solution for vegging cause they eat up alot of nitrogen
  18. C4SP3R

    first grow questions

    its supposed to be turf builder for lawn...
  19. C4SP3R

    first grow questions

    lol i just went to costco and bought 40 bags of chips that could work :D
  20. C4SP3R

    first grow questions

    yea pretty much but im moving into the basement tomorrow, so when i have a whole floor to myself they wont care if i have one, just as long as it dosent stink which is why im gunna make a DIY filter for my box, where do i get mylar?