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  1. G

    my first yeild

    im not sure the exact size of the pot ,but its the sam size as an 4 cup mesuring cup
  2. G

    my first yeild

    so this is my first grow,i just chopped my ak 49 auto,i was just wondering if i got a proper yeild for an auto. i was unaware that i had to plant an auto in its final pot,so i grew it in a vry small pot much more would i have yeilded if i had it in a bigger pot?
  3. G

    my first yeild

    so this is my first grow,i just chopped my ak 49 auto,i was just wondering if i got a proper yeild for an auto. i was unaware that i had to plant an auto in its final pot,so i grew it in a vry small pot much more would i have yeilded if i had it in a bigger pot?
  4. G

    how do they look so far?1 month into flowering.

    thanks everyone,well,the one with all the hairs is a auto and it took about 1 month to start flowering from seed.the others r not autos so the there just berly starteing to grow buds,they r about 2 and half motnhs old from seed and about 1 month and half into flowering
  5. G

    how do they look?first grow.

    only the one i have close up,its a ak 49 auto,the other 3 r a white widow and 2 big buds
  6. G

    how do they look?first grow.

    hi,this my first grow,they are 2 months old,how do yall think they look?
  7. G

    how do they look so far?1 month into flowering.

    hi,this is my first grow,my plants are about a month into flowering.just wanted to hear some experienced opinions on these plants XD. they are all planted at seprate times about 1-3 weeks a part.i keep them in small pots so they dont grow too big,these pots r very very small lol but i think...
  8. G

    how do they look?45 days old.

    so this is my first official grow,the 3 taller ones in the back are about 1 month and a half,and the two infront are about 2-3 weeks behind them.also,the tall one is the ak 47 auto,is like 1 month old,it started to bud,but i think it got light burn,like the top leafs are yellow and
  9. G

    what am i doing wrong?

    thanks for the info,i will deff keep that in mind
  10. G

    what am i doing wrong?

    thanks guys,the strains are white widow and bigbud in the pics.any chance any of yall can tell wich one is wich?lol
  11. G

    what am i doing wrong?

    i didnt know it evan had nutes lol,so i shouldnt give them any nutes until 2 more weeks?
  12. G

    what am i doing wrong?

    this is my first grow,my plants are 19 days old,.i have seen alot of plants online at 19 days old and most of them are 2-3 times bigger than they look healthy?are'nt they way too small for there age?i have them under a 600 watt mh,18/6 light cycle,about 1 ft 3 inches from plants,the...
  13. G

    wite widow or big bud?

    niiiice guys,im not stressin it that much now,and yeah i thinkk it is odd that all strains are adressed the the same evan tho they each grow better in there own conditions
  14. G

    wite widow or big bud?

    i figured it was important to know what the strain is so i can adress issues specificly for that type of strain.does it really matter if i know what strain is wich ?
  15. G

    wite widow or big bud?

    soooo not what i wanted to hear lol but thanks all
  16. G

    wite widow or big bud?

    so the leafs wont look much diff each other?
  17. G

    wite widow or big bud?

    ok,so,i have mixed up my white widow and my big bud.(transplanted and forgot to label em before i did so) white widow is 50/50 mix of savita and indica and big bud is 60% indica and 40% savita,i want to get them properly labeled as soon as possible,how long till yall think the leafs will be...
  18. G

    hungry or thirsty?

    ok its all good guys!she perked up over night and looks happy as fk now lol,im noob for sweating it XD
  19. G

    hungry or thirsty?

    sure thing,i have to wait till morning thogh,the light is off right now
  20. G

    hungry or thirsty?

    yeah,i only waterd it cause the pot was very light.i dont have any advanced nutes,i use dyna-gro instead.i dont get why its droopy,the soil has nutes in it and i jut fed it last week.idk if i should give it more nutes or more water.its a lose lose lol.