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  1. Baileysmiles

    First harvest, a few questions.

    Is that the best thing to do with the trim? I have some all mesh bags on the way!
  2. Baileysmiles

    First harvest, a few questions.

    Yay! My first real harvest is here! I have began to flush and all is looking very nice. I cut some of the larf of the bottom and dried it by hanging. It does not smell good. My question is, can I just cut and freeze this stuff and run it for hash without drying it first?
  3. Baileysmiles

    What do you guys think

    I would just do water for a time or two and then check the situation in a few days or week. Do you have a ppm meter?
  4. Baileysmiles

    How long should it take
  5. Baileysmiles

    brown spots on the edges of my leaves Try this website.
  6. Baileysmiles

    First grow! How is it looking?

    Did some trimming. How does it look?? Today is start of week three.
  7. Baileysmiles

    First grow! How is it looking?

    Will side lighting help keep them shorter? I don't really want them to get any wider as I have more space vertically. I just don't want them so stretched out.
  8. Baileysmiles

    newbie update!

    Have you tried to threads specific to dwc? I would imagine that it takes some time to develop large root ball. Your plants look healthy so I wouldn't worry.
  9. Baileysmiles

    does 12/12 from seed cause harsh taste and burn?

    Everyone has an opinion;-) You can grow from seed in a 12/12 cycle but...yield would be greatly increased with even a short veg period. I have not done this, purely what I have read. Can't we all just get along hahaha!
  10. Baileysmiles

    newbie update!

    What are you growing in? Tell us about your setup and such..
  11. Baileysmiles

    does 12/12 from seed cause harsh taste and burn?

    If you can't get the conditions correct in your drying closet, maybe try to water cure a few buds and see if you like that. The taste and smell is diminished when water curing but the smoke is very smooth.
  12. Baileysmiles

    First grow! How is it looking?

    Is there something I can do to help keep them shorter while in flower? I was doing lst but they got so bushy. I will only do four on the next run. Might be easier to control.
  13. Baileysmiles

    First grow! How is it looking?

    I float between 5.3-5.8. I have a black water that is sativa dom and it seems to want something but still have not figured it out yet. The others all like what I am doing so far. I am just so excited to be growing! Can't wait til the end!
  14. Baileysmiles

    First grow! How is it looking?

    I read it somewhere, helps with drainage and water/oxygen retention I believe. So far I like it. I like the texture, it's spongy.
  15. Baileysmiles

    First grow! How is it looking?

    Well I kinda starved them the first week I got them, no ppm pen yet. I have since gotten them on a better schedule. I water/feed about every third day. I am doing a 1-1-1 ratio with gh micro,grow,bloom. I also add cal/mag, protekt, hygrozyme, and now added mollases. Last feeding was at about 900...
  16. Baileysmiles

    First grow! How is it looking?

    hahaha! I got them on 12/6. They were like 8 in tall.
  17. Baileysmiles

    First grow! How is it looking?

    Oh the space is normal ceiling height so 8 feet tall and a 3 by 6 area walled off with panda film and two by threes.
  18. Baileysmiles

    First grow! How is it looking?

    I know! I am a little worried. I have two 250w HPS lights over them. They are in 3 gallon pots. They were in veg for about a month from clone. The temps are 82 day and dropping to 60 night. Rh is getting a little high sometimes like 70 in the last 24 but I have the side open and can get it to...
  19. Baileysmiles

    First grow! How is it looking?

    I am so excited! I am in second week of flower and they are changing very quickly. Sorry for the lights but I have no other light in that room. How do they look? Any advice so far? I am growing in promix with perlite and vermiculite. I haven't come up with a better way to water so I take them...
  20. Baileysmiles

    Test Test...Gotta Pass this Test.

    I think you will be fine. If you are worried, drink lots of water and do a couple of shots of Apple cider vinegar.