What do you guys think


New Member
> Hello everyone, hope all is well with all who are reading this! I am still a new grower who has been having some problems with my plants that I was hoping you guys with some experience can help me sort out. > Basically, I have 7 plants going at two different growth stages (2 at 4 weeks flowering and 5 that are starting their 2nd week of flowering) that are all showing similar signs of stress in the form of weird leaf cupping (looks like canoes). My plants starting showing these symptoms (leaf cupping) probably about week 2 of veg and I initially just thought that I had some form of nute def. because I had just starting feeding them (they were about 3-4 weeks from germination when I started feeding) and it was a light feed at first (about 1/2 the recommended schedule, I figured better to start off light and gradually increase the dosage) so I figured it was probably a def rather overnute. I just picked up my dosage. No improvement. Plants overall looked really good and were growing and man they are STINKY! Just the weird cupping at this point, plants were and are nice and green. So I didnt freak out and kept going. In the mean time I asked for a little advice and people told me to check everything from my light distance, feeding, temp flux, and PH. Well, I have ruled out light distance, and my environment (which is ideal from everything that I have read). I did get some good advice regarding nutes and ph though (I had not been monitoring my ph at all and I now make sure that everything is ph'ed at about 6-6.5. I also discovered that I needed to add a cal-mag supplement since I am using RO water.) My problem seems to be getting worse now and my girls are exhibiting new symptoms. Not all of them, actually most seem to look very good and all seem to be growing, but 2 are starting to scare me. My diesel (4th week flowering) has developed small brown spots on the leaves that seems to be slowly spreading (funny cause her sister has no symptoms) and the leaf cupping. The last week I have also noticed burnt tips and purple stems. And the newest growth on my blue widow (2nd week flowering) is twisted and deformed.
> I have recently added the cal-mag to the last feeding, but I was told that it would take about a week for the plant to 140116_037.jpg140116_036.jpg140116_039.jpg140116_035.jpg140116_038.jpgovercome the def. I also ph my nutes to 6-6.5, but when I tested the runoff it was about 5!! Is this normal? Does this mean that my soil is aciditic and my plants are probably in lock out? That would explain the def., but I still don't know. The first week or two that I had the ph tester, my runoff tested fine. It is only in the last week or two of testing that I have seen the runoff at 5.0, and not every plant. But I had seen the symptoms for weeks before I seen the low runoff ph. My older girls are also showing burnt tips (4th week flowering) and I know that twisted new growth is a sign of overnute if I remember right, so I am wondering if I have actually been overfeeding even though I felt as if I was not. Since they are flowering (wish I would have held them back) I would like to try to get it figured out ASAP, but overall they look good so I really do not want to make drastic change and blow it all to hell (quality is what I am after, yield would be nice). I am thinking that I will...
> 1.) top dress my soil with dolomite lime to stabilize ph
> 2.) reduce or stop feedings
> 3.) continue with cal-mag at recommended feed
> Does anyone recognize these symptoms or offer any advise?
> Grow Information:
> Mediun: 70% Happy Frog/30% Perlite
> Light: 400 watt HPS about 18 inches from canopy
> Temps: 70-80 degrees
> RH: 30-45% (it's winter here and ideal humidity is hard to achieve.)
> Nutes: Fox Farm trio for soil (Grow Big 6-4-4, Tiger Bloom 2-8-4, Big Bloom .01-.3-.7) per feed schedule now at 100%, started at 50%


Well-Known Member
You should go hydro next round. Hydro guys don't have all these deficiencies. We know what is in there because we put it in there. Change water regularly . Less to worry about. I have been growing just short of 4 years. I have never had a deficiency problem.

harris hawk

Well-Known Member
Looks like "n" toxiciy"to much nitrogen, which is a very common issue, to fix flush plant for one week,and re-adjust nutrients, watch you cal-mag very easy to use to much: add all your "N's" up, they should be higher then "P" iin vegation stage, but once in flower the plant needs low/no "n" but needs "p" for flowering. Just remember:" Once you have noticed a plant problem you are all ready two week behind tin fixing it!" You caught it early ("n" toxicity makes the leaves look like a "claw" and can get very dark green and browning/spoting on ends. Stop using cal-mag altogether until you get a better handle onit


Well-Known Member
It takes weeks just for lime to "stabilize" a medium. If you topdress with it, I think your going to end up causing more problems. FF has enough in it and is considered relatively pH stable out of the bag. Your plants don't look bad at all, I think you are over-thinking this. Soil runoff pH or PPM don't mean shit. Honestly, I would just go as you have been and keep adding the cal-mag to your feedings. If your new growth is twisting and burning than you are likely overfeeding, so adjust feedings accordingly. Also, if you want to stop worrying about this pH kinda crap, just go all organic next time.


New Member
I have planned all organic for my next crop for several reasons... No ph worries will be a big+. I think i am probably over thinking it.. All in all they do look good. I plan on backing of the nutes and hopfully all will be fine. I think that i will continue with the cal-mag. I know there is some in my soil..but from what i have been told recently is that i would need to supplement after the first few weeks as that is all the soil would hold me. Is that your understanding as well?
Also runoff ph and ppm are not impotant? I understood the runoff ph would tell your soil ph, and ppm would indicate if your soil was retaining salts.