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  1. 4x4Gamer

    o2grow emitters better than just regular air stones?

    Have been away from growing for a bit, just starting up again. I am not using the emitters, still have not seen absolute proof they work, especially for the price. Still nice to see this thread floating around.
  2. 4x4Gamer

    Newly built 600w hps Closet grow cab 46''x55''x27"

    UPDATE: Harvest Time!! Day 70 So I harvested yesterday after 2 weeks of flushing, and the trichomes were looking perfect to me. The smell while trimming us unbelievable, best smelling Weed I have grown. Although only having 4 previous grows under my belt. Cant wait until after a few week cure...
  3. 4x4Gamer

    Newly built 600w hps Closet grow cab 46''x55''x27"

    UPDATE: Half way through week 8. Day 59. Getting fatty with the most amazing smelll. Super dense as well. Pinched one of the colas and it was hard! Some of them are having a little lean in them, just got way to tall for the scrog net. Also got a new (claimed 60x) magnifier that attaches to...
  4. 4x4Gamer

    Newly built 600w hps Closet grow cab 46''x55''x27"

    The smell is amazing. kicks me right in the face when I open the cab up. Its a surprisingly very sweet, skunk smell. As for the next grow, I have some ideas. After this grow is harvested, I will take out the additional piece I added to the cab to make it taller. Allowing me to take proper...
  5. 4x4Gamer

    Newly built 600w hps Closet grow cab 46''x55''x27"

    UPDATE: Begin Week 7 Fattening up nicely, starting to get some cloudy trichomes as well 15% Planning on starting to flush in the next week, for a two week period. So ill be in the 9th-10th week of flower when its done. judging by the thrichomes I think that'll be the perfect time, but ill be...
  6. 4x4Gamer

    DAS Perpetual Stealth Cab Chronicles

    Looks awesome!! Great build man, super clean. I can't wait to add my second cab to get a perpetual harvest going. How is that fan on noise? I have a cheap 6in inline, looking to upgrade.
  7. 4x4Gamer

    Grow-cab Dimensions/Number of Pots

    Sound like a plan. If you don't want to skimp on security I would suggest electromagnet locks with a key pad or a hidden button hooked up to release them. They would be hidden on the inside of the cab holding the doors locked. Can get them as strong as you want, and are not that expensive. Only...
  8. 4x4Gamer

    Grow-cab Dimensions/Number of Pots

    Looks like you have a nice space there! Demensions all depend on strains and style of growing you want to do. Indica heavy strains are usually suited better for small cab growing, sativas stretch a whole bunch during flower and require a bit more space, usually. With that said, I grow in a...
  9. 4x4Gamer

    Newly built 600w hps Closet grow cab 46''x55''x27"

    UPDATE: begin week 6 Everything is going good, fattening up nicely and smells incredible in the cab!! Trichomes are coming in heavy, going out on to the fan leaves. Also have seen maybe 6-10 amber hairs in total on the plant. Humidity has risen since the beginning of the grow, but that's...
  10. 4x4Gamer

    Newly built 600w hps Closet grow cab 46''x55''x27"

    Update: begin week 5 Plants seemed to have finished stretching, now time for them to fatten up!! Took some lights off pictures this time. The crispy area is frome the plant growing so close to the light before I moved it higher. The bud sites that where burned seem to be recovering and growing...
  11. 4x4Gamer

    Newly built 600w hps Closet grow cab 46''x55''x27"

    That is awesome! I do want to make a veg cabinet to go on top of this one but only half as wide, single door setup, and the top will be against the ceiling. It will be on the right hand side, to better conceal the ventilation noise and to cover it completely. I will take out the existing closet...
  12. 4x4Gamer

    Newly built 600w hps Closet grow cab 46''x55''x27"

    So the plants started to touch the light yet again yesterday. :wall: So this morning I added 8 inches of head space by removing the top and adding side wall extension pieces, then stained them and put the top back on. I finally got to use my mini table saw!! :hump: see pics. This should give...
  13. 4x4Gamer

    Newly built 600w hps Closet grow cab 46''x55''x27"

    Yes I can remove the top pretty easily, held on by some wood screws (no glue, just in case I needed to mod anything after or during the grow) :). And i have plenty of scrap to make the cab taller, most likely it will be a temporary extension piece to come in handy in situations like these. All...
  14. 4x4Gamer

    Newly built 600w hps Closet grow cab 46''x55''x27"

    UPDATE: Beginning week 4!! So this plant just keeps stretching. Has stretched easily more than 2x it's size, the light is now 19" above the scrog net and she is still almost touching it. Must be Sativa dominant, the leaves are of the thinner type also. The ends of one leaf started to curl and...
  15. 4x4Gamer

    Newly built 600w hps Closet grow cab 46''x55''x27"

    UPDATE: begin week 3. So plant growth has exploded a little more than expected, but still managable, might use some twisty ties to help keep the plant tops a little further down. They are only 4 inches away from the hps glass... little close for comfort, but so far no signs of stress or...
  16. 4x4Gamer

    Newly built 600w hps Closet grow cab 46''x55''x27"

    UPDATE: It has been 1 week since I flipped the lights to 12/12. Growth is going nice and strong, plant looks good and healthy. I did some tucking and trimming today. I just cut off the baby branches at the way bottom that where not going to amount to anything, and also some of the bigger fan...
  17. 4x4Gamer

    o2grow emitters better than just regular air stones?

    Thanks for the reply TheGrowdaddy! Ill keep them in mind when I have room to scale up. :)
  18. 4x4Gamer

    Newly built 600w hps Closet grow cab 46''x55''x27"

    I'll be keeping updates for sure. As far as head space for the lamp to go up, I have 16 inches from the top of the scrog net to the bottom of the lamp when it's up as high as it can go. I'm hoping that's enough. First time growing in these demensions, I'm use to a 5x5x7 grow tent. Next grow I...
  19. 4x4Gamer

    Newly built 600w hps Closet grow cab 46''x55''x27"

    Hello fellow growing community. I have just finished up this closet grow cab. My overall goal was to have the cabinet blend in, as of course just a regular house hold cabinet. No light leaks, (still filling some gaps) and no smell where the biggies. As far as noise, the cab is in a spare room...