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  1. C

    Grrrrrrrr someone ganked my girls!!!!!!!!!!!!

    wow growing outside for me is but a dream,having them stolen a nightmare, i agree with baz who said that your garden will never be safe again, you need a big dog that has a bite far worse than it's bark.
  2. C

    geuss the plant newbie underdog story....... illustrated!

    more pics here.
  3. C

    fine young lady

    hi some more pics of my fine young lady, looking for more advice from this topic, thanks to all who contribute to a fantastic site. cam
  4. C

    Does smoking Seeds make you impotent?

    hay there. i think its already been awnsered but heres my story, smoked weed for years and years......probebly a decade! hardly ever used condoms with g'fs then i stopped smoking weed and with in 8 months i got my then girlfriend pregnant! it's all about the quality!stoned sperm don't swim so well!
  5. C

    geuss the plant newbie underdog story....... illustrated!

    thanks for your input buddy, yeah im gonna take your adive and stick with it till they turn amber, don't some plants stay white......white widow for example, ok your gonna laugh at me and call me a fool but the only light i have is a twin strip light that has 12 watt bulbs, i know it's probebly...
  6. C

    geuss the plant newbie underdog story....... illustrated!

    ty i hope your right, a friend has cuttings of the same plant and has cut them down already, he knows less than me so im gonna keep going, you think her flowers will get much bigger?
  7. C

    geuss the plant newbie underdog story....... illustrated!

    hi all this is my first post, i have been reading some of your posts and decided to join! ok the story! i got a cutting from a friend at just before summer, i sat it at the window through summer till now and this (refer photos!) is what i have now, as you can see there are 3 main...