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  1. R

    CXA3590 Build Plan

    I always worry that 'somehow' the TIM by itself will fail to maintain contact when heated. Probably has something to do with the tactile smoothness of the compound when applied (which 'sets' after exposure to enough heat). I also worry, even when using fasteners, that, somehow, the TIM will flow...
  2. R

    If texas decriminalized...

    ^This. And then, all of us need to unite in exactly this way, at the Federal level. I think everyone who actually cares to get this done and over with, so we can move beyond it, should gather around the white house and just STAY THERE, chanting, 24/7, until they admit they're wrong and...
  3. R

    30% up genes?

    Thanks for the clarification. I was all "not sure if..." And, i didn't think you meant "feminized seeds have 0% THC," i thought you meant there was some specific breeding circumstance where it was reliably reproducible (the 0%). That interpretation didn't seem too implausible, since "i don't...
  4. R

    Is Marc Emery helping or hindering?

    First living cannabis plants i ever saw in real life, were grown in home-made super-soil from Emery seeds, just before his extradition. The only valid position on cannabis prohibition, is that it is utterly and eternally wrong and unacceptable, to ever initiate violent interaction with another...
  5. R


    somewhere i read it's being compared to "10,000+ Chernobyls" And it's in the freaking Ocean, rather than being isolated in a specific area, like Chernobyl. Also: Bees. I think it's safe to assume that the sky has indeed officially fallen.
  6. R

    If texas decriminalized...

    Oklahoma's one of the worst ones. More like most texans in positions of 'official' power, don't represent 'most texans'. Kinda like how it's exactly the same everywhere else too! Those pretending authority, are imposing their imaginings on others, for profits.
  7. R

    California judge order sex change to proceed

    How can you expect me to be an expert on gender dysphoria? If a bad person needs the same help a good person needs, help the good person. Then figure out what to do after that. :)
  8. R

    California judge order sex change to proceed

    Give it a chance. It's mostly space between lines, lol. Unless it's life-saving, it's elective. He won't die of cuntlessness. He might suffer, but the family of his victim has and will too, and there are likely other more deserving people who should be helped first. What i don't understand...
  9. R

    Christians not wanting to do business with gays...

    Wonder how much of those donations came from tax-exempt churches...
  10. R

    California judge order sex change to proceed

    Had to look that up. Hmm... So are we officially diagnosing the mismatch between the brain and body as the brain being wrong, or the body being wrong? And if it's the brain that's wrong, why attempt to solve that by surgically altering the body? (perhaps it's easier than correctly altering the...
  11. R

    California judge order sex change to proceed

    What causes gender dysphoria? And, does elective surgery correct this?
  12. R

    30% up genes?

    Man i had no idea (not relevant yet, in my case...). Would not have guessed that (either the male-link or the zero-THC fems...). Feel like i need to ask: true or sarcasm?
  13. R

    Ed Snowden... Hero or Villain? A poll.

    Snowden revealed things The State doesn't want its own population knowing. Things it cannot justify. The State accuses him of treason... which clarifies and confirms that The State considers its own population "the enemy." The State (or rather, the hijackers running it) considers the...
  14. R

    at a loss.....

    sometimes people go into denial about how significantly their vices/habits/patterns are actually damaging themselves (and possibly others). Denial is a bitch of a beast to fight, in another person's mindscape. And we all know what Nietzsche said about fighting monsters and gazing into the...
  15. R

    at a loss.....

    lol, the self-quoting. And yeah... the drinker has to stop himself. That's pretty much the only way. And the only way that'll happen, is if they actually want to. My own bout with alcohol dependency was short but intense. One day, i had enough feeling terrible and decided not to drink...
  16. R

    Christians not wanting to do business with gays...

    Also: who do you trust to enforce rights observation properly? The government? lol.
  17. R

    Christians not wanting to do business with gays...

    Sorry, you don't get to define whether the other person is or is not traumatized. They do. Just the same as, you don't get to decide whether another person may or may not be allowed to pursue the desires of their own flesh, based on your approval of their preference. I'm just trying to tell...
  18. R

    Christians not wanting to do business with gays...

    What if we differentiate by catering external events? If they don't feel comfortable being exposed to homosexuality, who says we should force them to experience that exposure? What if they say: "i don't want to participate in, or witness a gay wedding, but i have no problem serving anyone...
  19. R

    Racist Bastards.

    trained to not see the color difference? lol. No. We just figure out for ourselves that it's better to choose not to use "color difference" as though it were a valid judgment criteria, except in purely aesthetic situations. Most people do realize: regardless of someone's appearance, they...
  20. R

    How long do i need to veg?

    expected departure date, minus 2 weeks for dry and beginning cure, minus minimum 10 weeks for flower. I like a 3 week veg minimum. So: if you're moving Aug 1... better hurry! 10 weeks veg, 2 weeks for dry and Start of curing, min 3 weeks of veg (more if you have less light). ~16 weeks from...