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  1. N

    Cleaning Vacuum Pump

    uhhhh. no. change the oil and blow the dust off the top. is this a serious question?
  2. N

    BHO with Vacuum oil/wax tutorial

    wow sad to see this thread dead.... I was the third poster in it too. I remember the day it was born. C&E has sure went downhill the last few months....
  3. N

    90% THC. 1.75% CBN. 1.75% CBD

    so those numbers on my container are BS? wheres guzias?
  4. N

    90% THC. 1.75% CBN. 1.75% CBD

    Hey guys. bought some budder from a buddy. not shatter, but budder/wax he had it tested he said and on the lid it said 90.X% THC 1.75% CBD 1.74% CBN are those numbers possible? or was he just writing stuff on the container to help the sale? 90% seems high to me.... thanks (ps: its ol...
  5. N

    wondering what I could do with this stuff

    evap it in a dish on a hot plate or with a fan... smoke the remainder or make edibles with it. chances are its garbage though.
  6. N

    can you use left over weed for edibles???

    no. there is less than .5% thc left. you cant turn chicken shit into chicken soup.
  7. N

    200x USB Microscope

    omfg this skid is still posting here. I havnt been here in like a year, and of course hes still here, being a loser like hes always been and always gonna be.
  8. N

    Making Wax w Propane

    jesus, clean your dish before rinsing you fucking clown.
  9. N

    Beginners Guide to Dabbing

    ive seen someone pull my nail off.. very first time he used it when I first got it, he figured he had to clutch it.. wtf?!?!? he lifted the red hot nail, got it two inches away, seen me panicking and freaking out, and actually didnt drop it, he set it back into the bong!!!!! was very scared to...
  10. N

    kief to bho

    I made oil from kief. turned 4 or 5 lbs of trim to powder. shook it in a pollen tumbler. extracted about 150 grams of mid grade kief., used 100 grams kief and added 50 grams oh chopped/powderized buds. total weight was around 150 grams. 3 cans butane (maybe 4 at the most... cant remember)...
  11. N

    abandoned oil on the blade turns to shatter, vac purged oil is taffy. why?

    actually theyre about the same thickness... there wasnt a thin film on the razor. it was a .5 g blob I forgot about... maybe a chunk 5x5mm big. about the same thickness as the stuff I throw into the chamber (7 grams and 3 or 4mm thick puddle)
  12. N

    Is this sap? Can I work this into form?

    ive found that at 110-120F sometimes it takes way too long to budder.... weeks. but at 130-140F itll speed it up quite fast... SOMETIMES. other times it will turn to perma goo... I think it depends mainly on the AGE of the product, and the POTENCY of the product. pure fresh bud runs will wax...
  13. N

    abandoned oil on the blade turns to shatter, vac purged oil is taffy. why?

    yeah it didnt crackle or anything on the nail, and there is too little to put in the chamber. not even half a gram.
  14. N

    abandoned oil on the blade turns to shatter, vac purged oil is taffy. why?

    hmm interesting. ill try a hoot of the shatter/abandoned/unpurged stuff and see if it crackles. not sure if im getting used to it or what, but after 2 or 3 weeks this stuff seems to have lost its taste too, is that normal? I dont put it in a container or anything and it rearly gets used. I...
  15. N

    abandoned oil on the blade turns to shatter, vac purged oil is taffy. why?

    just wondering why the oil I forgot about on my blade is pure shatter now, whereas the oil that went into the chamber a little bit is a taffy, sticky oil still??
  16. N

    girl guide cookies. 28g bud + 2 cans butane = 8.4g golden oil return. 30% return

    oh this was a nug run alright, probably the nicest buds ive seen in the last 2 or 3 years. I am keeping in touch with him for more on my days off and ill shoot you guys some pics for sure. this was pure nug, no trim, no leaf, beautifully cured, the smell of the bag was heaven. and yes this is...
  17. N

    15 Lbs of trim, how to BHO properly.. tastes green. where to get large tube?

    back in the day I used to vial it up, no chamber, no knowledge. if you didnt heat it the needle before you pulled it out of the chamber, it would come out like glass... shatter without a chamber. how does it not work like that? boil it twice, then light heat from there. the edges where its...
  18. N

    15 Lbs of trim, how to BHO properly.. tastes green. where to get large tube?

    yeah the kief isnt melt or anything, def some powderized material in there. but the first run it produced shatter without even using the vacuum chamber. this second run is going to sit in the chamber for 2 weeks while im working. its 75g crystal and 50g finely chopped weed.
  19. N

    girl guide cookies. 28g bud + 2 cans butane = 8.4g golden oil return. 30% return

    the half lb he is saying will be 1400$ CDN, so 1200$ USD.
  20. N

    girl guide cookies. 28g bud + 2 cans butane = 8.4g golden oil return. 30% return

    what contaminants could it be, the bud was frozen for 24 hours in the freezer. I knew right off the bat this stuff was going to be killer. he called it girl scout cookies or something. the last time this guy stopped by his stuff also yielded high 20s. last stuff was called "GSP" (the UFC...