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  1. O

    Dimethyl ether

    I think butane is more apt to react to static, due to combustible, always needs extra ventilation no matter what solvent, DME would cause some problems, found that it degrades rubber, which might explain why some people have trouble using rubber bands to hold screens on their tubes,
  2. O

    Dimethyl ether

    I think and will find out if my assumptions are founded, I think that due to Korea import that the gas may not be as pure, I sent a can to a friend that is looking into that, he works with chemicals and gasses, and informed me that the nicotine that he gets from china has different color than...
  3. O

    Dimethyl ether

    there again understanding the solvent you are working with is important. most individuals do not follow simple safety, which is why so many blow this selfs up, much like the old meth cooks.
  4. O

    Alternate solvents?

    on the different solvents,
  5. O

    Dimethyl ether

    Thanks for sharing those pics, have gotten a same range of color, I found using not only 50micron screen, also use unbleached coffee filters. As far as safer than butane, it is not combustible as butane still flammable, no solvent is safe unless you practice some margin of safety when using any...
  6. O

    Dimethyl ether

    I agree, I have gotten different color and agree that you get different colors, thanks for the input.
  7. O

    Alternate solvents?

    From all the literature I have read. I don't understand the above info about dimethyl ether I think people get confused with diethyl ether which is a different type of gas it was used originally to put people to sleep, DME is in that family as it is derived from methane, which originally was...
  8. O

    Dimethyl ether

    i posted a picture of a batch i had tested came in at 56% and this was done with second class nugs, As i am not in Colorado or California or Washington which has an overabundance of pot to play with. but this was done at a lab out of Rhode Island. I did not decarb so my THCA was high, CBD level...
  9. O

    Dimethyl ether

    yes thanks LOL
  10. O

    Dimethyl ether

    i really do not understand Tane head still saying Butane is safe, when i know people who do this at home do not purge correctly, nor many do not have vac systems. As i see so far only one person has replied to me.
  11. O

    Dimethyl ether

    I have been using MZ12x, and unlike another post about solvents, I find info tainted to butane as being safer, which I do not understand as per the hazards, like blowing your self up. From the literature I have read, DME is safer and purges in less time and is not harmful to the ozone layer as...
  12. O

    Dimethyl ether

    I have been using DME to extract, I have been getting good results, amber color, recently had a sample tested and it came back 56% THC, no residuals found. I did not decarb, and this increased my THCA, so, just wondering about others results?
  13. O

    Methylhydrate Extraction with charcoal filter

    I have been using Dimethyl ether to extract, and I am wondering how long should I purge.