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  1. N

    Male Or Female ?

    Thanks everyone for the insights I decided to chop him down and not take any chances. I am happy I will have buds with my two other female plants and if this one is a success I will plan to grow something better then just a bag seed!
  2. N

    Male Or Female ?

    Okay thanks for all the advice again I really appreciate it. Cheers!
  3. N

    Male Or Female ?

    What do you mean by "stressing" too much heat nutrients ect..? And thanks for the advice it's always good to know these things before those pollen sacks pop lol
  4. N

    Male Or Female ?

    So def chop this sucker down? And this is a female if I am correct right ?
  5. N

    Male Or Female ?

    It's been a long awaited process for my first time growing and ended up vegging out 3 plants. I put them into flower about a week ago and I am uncertain if this is a male or female it is my first time growing so don't get to harsh lol
  6. N

    Leaves Turning White?

    Oh good lol thanks again for all your help man ! Cheers!
  7. N

    Leaves Turning White?

    This is really tricky getting the right soil sorry for asking so many questions i really appreciate all the feedback. I have actually stumbled upon this which looks promising with no fertilizers added and Mycorrhizae in it...
  8. N

    Leaves Turning White?

    What do you think about this option with added perlite and sand i seen a bunch of people use this and get pretty good results . I would do what you just said but ofcourse i havnt found a local store that...
  9. N

    Leaves Turning White?

    That is another thing i am worrying about is stressing it this young. Also should i stay away from any of the MG potting mixes? I am a lil confused on what i should do with picking the right soil lol btw i have my own bags of perlite and peat moss too.
  10. N

    Leaves Turning White?

    Oh Okay So i should aim for a basic enriched potting soil? Or get a base soil then a enriched soil and mix the 2?
  11. N

    Leaves Turning White?

    What's amended soil? Never heard of it. And stay away from anything MG right ? And if she didn't need transplanting asap I would order online and wait the few days but I know I just want to be safer then sorry.
  12. N

    Leaves Turning White?

    Thanks for the advice as always! What soil would you recommend me getting? My area is kind of limited /Lowes/HomeDepot/Walmart it would be nice to get something that works from there instead of ordering online constantly and having to wait and hopefully not be too late lol
  13. N

    Leaves Turning White?

    So FFOF is a good candidate? I heard some people having a lil bit of nute burn with it. As far as spraying the plant the most i have done was mist it with some regular tap water when needed.
  14. N

    Leaves Turning White?

    If I can't get my hands on the pro mix asap because in my area they do not sell it and I'm not close to any hydroponic stores. The only thing I can get my hands on fast is fox farms ocean forest would that be good ?
  15. N

    Leaves Turning White?

    Okay thanks for the advice guys! I will be picking up a bag of pro mix today and transplanting. Should I transplant my other plant that is doing good so far in the pro mix too ?
  16. N

    Leaves Turning White?

    The bag says it's got a bunch of a different nutrients in it. I'm just concerned that the mis color this early is not good lol
  17. N

    Leaves Turning White?

    I wouldn't think so as my other plant is doing just fine with the same mix of soil but I could be wrong .
  18. N

    Leaves Turning White?

    Using organic potting soil with mixed in perlite and peat moss so I assume there's nutrients in there. Have been feeding regular tap water but letting it sit overnight. Have yet to get a ph tester i am this weekend though. Could it be early nute burn ?
  19. N

    Leaves Turning White?

    This is my second seedling I started growing and about a day ago I noticed this unusual whitening happening to the first serrated leaves. Just wanted to know what Ya guys think and if Ya have any pointers on to what this is!
  20. N

    First Time Growing!!

    I agree a friend of mine had hydro and it grew literally like a weed lol But I will start a journal on here and will keep updating daily as this has became a legit child to me haha