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  1. treatmylungs

    Can this be done

    I'm a newcomer to growing and I could use a little bit of help from others with more experience. I have the time to invest, but want to learn how to do things the right way. I would like to start off simple and have approximately $12,000 dollars to invest. My intention is to grow two different...
  2. treatmylungs

    Can this be done

    I'm a newcomer to growing and I could use a little bit of help from others with more experience. I have the time to invest, but want to learn how to do things the right way. I would like to start off simple and have approximately $12,000 dollars to invest. My intention is to grow two different...
  3. treatmylungs

    Can it be done ??

    I'm a newcomer to growing and I could use a little bit of help from others with more experience. I have the time to invest, but want to learn how to do things the right way. I would like to start off simple and have approximately $12,000 dollars to invest. My intention is to grow two different...
  4. treatmylungs

    can this be done ?????????????

    whos the elec. on here that would be a good outlet also i was thinling of putting the lights on movers to hlp up with some of the space and light thinking want burn the plants as mucch i got a lot of shit floating in my head but any help as nice lord knows i need it
  5. treatmylungs

    can this be done ?????????????

    maybe like 4 to 5
  6. treatmylungs

    can this be done ?????????????

    lol i thought that might not be enough
  7. treatmylungs

    can this be done ?????????????

    thanx i really dont want to trust to many people nowing if u no what i mean between me and god lol and
  8. treatmylungs

    can this be done ?????????????

    I'm a newcomer to growing and I could use a little bit of help from others with more experience. I have the time to invest, but want to learn how to do things the right way. I would like to start off simple and have approximately $12,000 dollars to invest. My intention is to grow two different...
  9. treatmylungs

    i was wondering

    . to keep down my electric bill would it be a good idea to use a generator for half the day or maybe 4 or 5 hours have it on a timer .any thoughts
  10. treatmylungs

    seed help

    .im looking for a good seed bank thats reliable any suggestions? also tha t will ship to the usa
  11. treatmylungs

    need help

    thanks alot im up for any help that i can get right now and if its ok to ask were would u suggest i get the seeds from ????
  12. treatmylungs

    my fellow growers

    thanks for the advice im thinkin about just startin off at a small scale but i also was thinking why try lil and if any thing should go wrong nock o nwould it will be the same trouble so go hard or go home feel me
  13. treatmylungs

    how do i become an elite member

    i have sent donations but still im a sranger
  14. treatmylungs

    my fellow growers

    I'm a newcomer to growing and I could use a little bit of help from others with more experience. I have the time to invest, but want to learn how to do things the right way. I would like to start off simple and have approximately $12,000 dollars to invest. My intention is to grow two...
  15. treatmylungs

    need help

    I'm a newcomer to growing and I could use a little bit of help from others with more experience. I have the time to invest, but want to learn how to do things the right way. I would like to start off simple and have approximately $12,000 dollars to invest. My intention is to grow two...
  16. treatmylungs

    In Need of Expert Advice

    kiss-assI'm a newcomer to growing and I could use a little bit of help from others with more experience. I have the time to invest, but want to learn how to do things the right way. I would like to start off simple and have approximately $12,000 dollars to invest. My intention is to grow two...
  17. treatmylungs

    are there good books to show me how to grow froom start to finish ????????

    thanx alot guys you all have been so much help
  18. treatmylungs

    are there good books to show me how to grow froom start to finish ????????

    thanx i will get right into it you find any more let me no thanx once again
  19. treatmylungs

    are there good books to show me how to grow froom start to finish ????????

    im new to growing and i would like to know if there aer any good books i could but to help me get a better understanding aboutgrowinig any help would be great ..........................
  20. treatmylungs

    Here we grow!!

    how do i post a ?