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  1. G

    In House Genetics Platinum Dosi

    Topped for the 2nd time. I raised my lights up almost to the top of my tent. Hopefully the girls will stretch out alittle more before i put my screen in.
  2. G

    Anyone know of any good pole fans?

    I bought 2 of these fans and they are absolute trash. 1 didnt work out of the box. The other works but they dont move the air very well.
  3. G

    In House Genetics Platinum Dosi

    Not to much to update right now. Broke a branch off 1 plant when tying down. I tried to tape it up to save it but just didnt help.
  4. G

    In House Genetics Platinum Dosi

    Got the screen put together. This will be my 1st grow trying a scrog. I probably wont put the screen in until I do the 2nd top
  5. G

    In House Genetics Platinum Dosi

    My temps stay around 76 degrees and 55% rh. When I have the tent opened up temp and rh drops off.
  6. G

    In House Genetics Platinum Dosi

    Got my autofeed set up and topped all the plants
  7. G

    In House Genetics Platinum Dosi

    Thanks for stopping by
  8. G

    In House Genetics Platinum Dosi

    Wasnt having any luck in 100% perlite so I switched to 70/30 coco perlite. Things are looking much better now. I probably added 2wks to my veg time
  9. G

    In House Genetics Platinum Dosi

    Decided to start a journal for this grow mostly to help me keep track. Ive been on this forum for awhile and this might be one of my first posts. Anyway heres my setup for now 5x5 tent 6 hlg qb 288v2 about 600watts total(diy) Jacks 321 RO water In House Genetics Platinum Dosi Started with 100%...
  10. G

    Different PH readings

    Change the battery in your ph pen then calibrate or get a new ph pen.
  11. G

    Better late than never

    sup y'all, I've been on this site for alittle bit and have a few posts already. I guess I should give an intro though. I just recently became a card holder for some military service related issues and decided to grow my own instead of relying on somebody else. First off I think growing is one of...
  12. G

    Is this root rot?

    Yeah started using hydro just in case. I don't use the seaweed extract as beneficial bacteria. The plants look nice and healthy no wilting or yellow tips. Im gonna take that as it's not root rot. Thanks
  13. G

    Is this root rot?

    Like I said very new to this and I did my homework but sometimes trying to find what's right or what works is a task. So I just take what a can and find something that works for me. Thanks for the help it's appreciated
  14. G

    Is this root rot?

    Yeah I use seaweed extract that is really dark. I did buy some hydrogaurd and did one treatment of it so far. I'm new to all of this so maybe I'm just being paranoid. Thanks for chiming in though
  15. G

    Is this root rot?

    Hey guys just had a question on wether or not this looks like root rot or not. It might just be staining from nutrient water but I'm not sure. My plants seem to be growing slow though. They look healthy and water temps stay right around 67 degrees and I'm not getting any slime or rotting smell...
  16. G

    What's happening?

    I run 650ppm total
  17. G

    What's happening?

    That was just ppm for cal/mag
  18. G

    What's happening?

    Yes using cal/mag and I did bump it up to 250ppm maybe I cut back a little see what happens
  19. G

    What's happening?

    Leds would be nice but I can't afford them. The setup I have really has cost me any money other than nutes. Thanks for the feedback
  20. G

    What's happening?

    Do you think I should just let the exhaust run the whole time to control temps?