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  1. soulbad

    Soulbad's First Grow / Strain: Ice

    From seed day 66 FLOWERING DAY 22 Soooo I have been terrible with updates lately :-\. I promise I'll start ttrying to update more often. My girl seems to be doing great; watching it flower has been awesome. It's grown so much vertically also. I've been watering about a half gallon every other...
  2. soulbad

    Soulbad's First Grow / Strain: Ice

    From seed day 57 FLOWERING DAY 13 Did the transplant yesterday evening. It seems to be responding VERY well. I''ve also noticed more and more white hairs showing at top bud areas, and all new growth looks very healthy and green. After the transplant I upped nutes a small amount. 2 tbls per...
  3. soulbad

    Soulbad's First Grow / Strain: Ice

    From seed day 55 FLOWERING DAY 11 Gave her a good watering last night with a bit 1/2 strength bioheaven and 1/2 strength tigerbloom. The bottom of the plant is starting to look like shit. I know exactly why though. I'm 90% sure that the plant is rootbound and is already out of root room. I...
  4. soulbad

    Soulbad's First Grow / Strain: Ice

    From seed day 53 FLOWERING DAY 9 So yesterday I went to a nearby hydro store and bought a few things. Tigerbloom flowering nutes (foxfarm) and I got some rockwool cubes with a dome and tray...I'll be starting a new journal for the clones soon. Yesterday my girl seemed a little droopy but after...
  5. soulbad

    Soulbad's First Grow / Strain: Ice

    Haha no I actually did mean to type follow. I meant follow in a sense that I am no longer going to post pics or show the clones of that mom in this thread... And thanks, I'm hoping to have some nice bud porn showing within a couple weeks....real excited :D, especially knowing i have more on the...
  6. soulbad

    Soulbad's First Grow / Strain: Ice

    From seed day 51 FLOWERING DAY 7 So now that my mother is selected and taken out of flowering I am left with only one female to flower for now :-( I know this sounds bad, but i STILL don't have flowering nutes. However, I am picking nthem up from a nearby hydro store tomorow morning...
  7. soulbad

    Soulbad's First Grow / Strain: Ice

    Splitting one of my closets into 2 parts tonight. Top part will be a mother chamber lit by 3 CFLs, the bottom compartment will be for cloning and Vegging. The lights for both sections are on 24/hr so light-proofing won't be a huge issue. Also, great news! As I mentioned the other day, I did...
  8. soulbad

    Soulbad's First Grow / Strain: Ice

    So my camera is down atm. That's why i haven't updated for a couple days, sorry! So a lot has happened since I updated. Last time I updated I put them into 12/12 to find sex. Well the first one to show sex turned out to be a great female! I had to wait 3 days for the 3 others to show, AND THEY...
  9. soulbad

    Soulbad's First Grow / Strain: Ice

    I lied, no pics tonight...i'm tired as shit...12/12 starts in a couple hours and me and my plants are going to get some shut eye..:leaf:
  10. soulbad

    Soulbad's First Grow / Strain: Ice

    Starting 12/12 tonight, very excited :-D. I'll post some pics when I get off of work in 3 hours, and from then on 2 AM EST til 2 PM EST is night time for my girls :-D
  11. soulbad

    Soulbad's First Grow / Strain: Ice

    Yah thanks man, my friend and I have been talking over the past few days, and we arfen't using the space heater anymore. Now that it is under the HPS, when i keep the door ajar and a fan running i can keep it around 72-74 which I am very happy with.
  12. soulbad

    Soulbad's First Grow / Strain: Ice

    Just got home from work and the plants seem to have fully recovered from the heat incident. None of them are drooping or anything anymore =D
  13. soulbad

    Notorious the B.I.G movie

    hahaha wish get rich had the same ending :-(
  14. soulbad

    Soulbad's First Grow / Strain: Ice

    First pic is a 35 day old Ice. It is the plantt that seemed to hurt the most from the heat. It still looks droopy in the pic but fortunately in just the last hour it's been perking up a bit! The rest of the plants are 42 day old Ice that didn't seem happy about the freak temps but they aren't...
  15. soulbad

    Soulbad's First Grow / Strain: Ice

    So i just uploaded all the pics and wrote a really long thread just to get the BLUE SCREEN OF DEATH. lmao wtf i haven't gotten one of those in forever and didn't even know what the xp version of it looked like, but i got it working and i think it was keyboard related (lol long story)...
  16. soulbad

    Using pipes in public....

    Haha I actually keep a bowl in my car and even though it isn't the best idea, once and a while I'll take a hit at a red light if no cops around (i'm in a very liberal neighborhood). So yesterday I'm at a red light taking a nice hit from my little cannon and look over to see a guy in his mid 30s...
  17. soulbad

    Soulbad's First Grow / Strain: Ice

    So last night I came home to find my room mate had turned the heat up in our house. Our thermostat is taped onto a certain spot and is not supposed to be moved. I walk into my bedroom and hit a wall of heat. My bedroom (and the grow closet) was in the high 90s. All the plants were...
  18. soulbad

    Notorious the B.I.G movie

    I heard it was prettty good. Which I am very happy to hear because despite being a huge Biggie fan, I really didn't have high expectations for the movie >.>
  19. soulbad

    Hydrofarm Hot House Does anyone reccomend this product? Did a lot of searching around the forum and I couldn't find any reviews. Even if you haven't used it. Think it works well? Thanks a lot!
  20. soulbad

    Wow!!!! Watering system!!!

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