007, number 1.


New Member
I've noticed a couple of posts on this subject and decided to put it in a thread.

In your opinion who was or is the best ever James Bond?

For me it will always be Sean Connery. I don't much like the Bond films any more so i'll always remember Sean Connery being the best. Roger Moore (Sir.) was a faggot.


Well-Known Member
I love Connery (this should be a poll btw). I own Dr. No (1st Bond film ever).

- I should confess that I have not seen all the films, but Connery still rules.

Dalton and Brosnan were OK too.


Well-Known Member
I love Connery (this should be a poll btw). I own Dr. No (1st Bond film ever).

- I should confess that I have not seen all the films, but Connery still rules.

Dalton and Brosnan were OK too.
i think gold finger was befor dr no


Well-Known Member
apparently not
sean connery was good and brosnan was descent too but brosnan's films werent as good as connery's whether it was him as an actor or just the surcumstance of the plot


Well-Known Member
I don't think you'll find many Moore supporters.
I even like Dalton better than Moore.
Moore was a pansy.


Well-Known Member
Roger Moore was my favorite , he always made Xing out the bad guys look easy plus I thought he was the best at delivering the comedic quips that made their way into the bond movies.

Oh yeah , The bond girls during the 80's were ultra hot too.:hump:


New Member
Smirgen, in your sign-off quote... I'm just wondering what happens to the first mouse?

Also, to a bird... worms are much tastier than cheese. So the 2nd mouse getting the cheese would be of no concern to the bird.


Active Member
Pierce Brosnan all the way and he smokes pot too.bongsmilie
Connery was good but he didnt act as good eather and Pierce had the voice.

Pierce :spew: Connery


Active Member
lol i think i was the one who started the "wich is the better bond"

I've noticed a couple of posts on this subject and decided to put it in a thread.

In your opinion who was or is the best ever James Bond?

For me it will always be Sean Connery. I don't much like the Bond films any more so i'll always remember Sean Connery being the best. Roger Moore (Sir.) was a faggot.


Well-Known Member
Smirgen, in your sign-off quote... I'm just wondering what happens to the first mouse?

Also, to a bird... worms are much tastier than cheese. So the 2nd mouse getting the cheese would be of no concern to the bird.
Hey Skunk, I think Smirg meant that the cheese is in a mouse trap, so the first mouse gets killed and the second gets the cheese.


Well-Known Member
Hey Skunk, I think Smirg meant that the cheese is in a mouse trap, so the first mouse gets killed and the second gets the cheese.
Yep thats it Doobie, Sometimes the "Earlybird" mataphor doesnt always ring true.


New Member
Smirg', I still do not get what this has got to do with the bird. for the saying to be any good the bird would need to like cheese more than worms.


Well-Known Member
Hey Smirg,
I love the Avatar.
It looks like the force is with Yoda.
Yeah Doobie006 ,The force is definitely with Yoda, I knew Yoda was a stoner when I saw him raiding Luke's ration kit for munchies, I guarantee he's gotta patch growing there on Dagoba somewhere:mrgreen: .

Smirg', I still do not get what this has got to do with the bird. for the saying to be any good the bird would need to like cheese more than worms.
The part where I posted "The second mouse gets the cheese" is a counter to the Early bird metaphor, you see the First mouse that got caught in the trap he was "The early bird" so to speak and in his case he didnt get the "worm" (referring to the cheese) while the second mouse did.

If your lit my explanation may only confuse you further, Dont fret its just something silly I came up with.:peace:



New Member
I see your point exactly... meaning that it's okay to be lazy because you'll get your cheese at the expense of your fellow man anyway. It's not an ethos I agree with... I'd prefer to be the early bird.