1 600w on light mover, or 2 600w stationary in 4x8 tent?


Active Member
Hey all, looking for some opinions if I could please. The name of the game is the highest yielding, best quality buds, for less money and risk(isn't it for everyone?!).

Anyways, I'm thinking of buying one of the 4'x8' tents designed for 2 600w. I was wondering if I just put 1 600w on a light rail, if I could achieve the same yield and quality as 2 600w stationary?

Here's a link to the rail I was thinking of :
ht tp://www.lightrail3.com/garden/LR35.php

And this shows how 1 light on a mover is actually better than 2 stationary(but is supplied by the same company that sells the mover)
ht tp://www.lightrail3.com/garden/why.php



Your yield will be far less than if you had 2 lights. Light movers are good for a small boost of efficiency, letting the light move an extra foot or so. Trying to double your footprint with a light rail will produce light airy buds.


Well-Known Member
NO, you will not get the same yield with one on a light mover.. but if your on a budget then it will work fine for a few runs..
i tried the same with 1000's and the yield with the light mover and 1 1000 was about 30% less than with 2 1000's..


New Member
two 600w lamps in that tent will easily cover your tent, 1 would easily. especially since all tents now a days come with reflective material of some sort in them, i know from experience and professional grade opinions that it indeed will, given your height and width. hell one 400w lamp would grow 4 beautiful plants with big buds.

its the amount of plants your trying to grow with those lights that becomes a factor, on top of the amount of light that is getting to where its needs to which is done with LST or just simply trimming to give the spots of flowering more light. i use 250w in 3.5wx6.5ft tall tent and ive been growing for about 6 years now i only need 2 plants in my tent and my colas are just fine if not as big as my fore arm, my reason for growing only 2 is because i top and train them they get very bushy, short and flat versus 1 massive cola at the top.

for you being as your tent is almost the same size as mine, i wouldnt suggest over 6 plants and those lights will be fine, you could do more but the more plants you have in a confined space like that, which i learned the hard way when i grew 6 in my tent the first time was just way too much to deal with i could barely walk in there let alone move them safely without knocking another one over, the more plants you have in there just like in any other natural environment they will all fight for the light, it will become like a damn mad house of forest and you will hate it, so will your plants, yes they like some company but all that leafage will leave you with poor results and makes it even more harder for the light to penetrate further.

also if you ask me light movers are a really huge waste of money for such a minimal increase in yield and i see tons of newbies with smalls setups worrying about something unnecessary like light movers at their stage. i would never buy those things unless im growing in a factory. for the cost of one damn decent light mover you could just buy 2 more 600w systems enough said.


New Member
if that company is lying like that to get you to buy their product than that is even more reason for me or anyone not to. i mean you could just put a fan on your light and it will move for god sakes.

the only reason they have light movers in any of those photos is simply because they are using one light, for a space that probably has a floor area over 12 feet. with 4 feet of moving room its almost pointless to have a light mover in such a small area. these also dont seem to be made for marijuana seeing as flowering comes into play and if that light moves leaving any space for darkness that could become an issue and stress most plants. just a thought.


New Member
also for excellent veg results just get a lamp that supports both MH/HPS again having a light mover for veg would still be overkill and unnecessary for your space, light movers are for large areas and people who cant afford to have a light in every spot.