1 auto, 1 photo Tangled roots. DWC


Active Member
Thanks in advance.

Hey guys- I've got a Critical Cheese Auto (about 2/3 weeks from cutting) and a beautiful Blue OG (day 7 of 12/12) in a DWC cooler set up. I threw in an auto at the same time so I would have something while I waited for the OG to finish. However, my impatience has screwed me. The roots are intertwined and the auto will be coming out 7 or so weeks before the OG.

Any tips or thoughts on how to get the cheese out of the cooler without ruining the OG?

About the only idea I've been able to come up with so far is to cut the cheese roots as close to where they meet the other roots as I can. And hope for the best? Anything I can use to help eat up or at least not infect my OG with root problems? Or leave the lowest popcorn branches and let it go till the oh finishes hoping that it doesn't die completely from the chop?

Also, I can't really take them out of their grow space, I wouldn't be able to stuff these big Betty's back in there without damaging them.


Active Member
Because the blue og will go for another 7+ weeks after the cheese needs cut? Not sure if I understand your question..
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Active Member

I have a plant that needs to be harvested about a month before the other plant. Both are in the same dwc and the roots are massive and tangled. What can I do?


Well-Known Member
my roots get really tangled up in my dwc i hope some one has a answer for this ... my last ones looked like a Wreath lol
My solution for this is to chop the plant down but leave some foliage at the bottom in order to just keep it alive until you can harvest the other plant. Unfortunately, that means the chopped plant occupies a potential growing spot for the next round of plants and 7 weeks in your case is a long time to have an empty grow spot.

You could attempt to cut the roots of the harvested plant away from the root ball, shouldn't hurt the existing plant, but you won't get all of them. Leaving dead root matter in the res for 7 weeks isn't something I'd be comfortable with.


Active Member
Finally, an answer!

I'm thinking this is about the only option. I'm just going to chop the colas off and then pluck the rest of the decent bud/popcorn and leave as many of the fans and branches as possible on the critical cheese.

Really don't want to lose the blue OG, it is massive. 8 tops all 5 ft tall.