1 Auto Seed Challenge

Thats neat, how did the plant turn out?

The solution to my predicament turned out to be easy and affective.
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I carefully dumped the contents of the cup out onto a sterilized surface, and then ever so gently, I pawed through the coco perlite mix to find the two young'uns. I had 2 new cups ready to accept them.
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After planting them, I gave a healthy spritz down of filtered water and Canna Rhizotonic which is a kelp based rooting hormone. 24 hours later they're doing just fine today.
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These are Greenpoint Seeds Texas Butter and have great vigor. I dropped them in water Monday evening, transferred to soil Wednesday morning and have 100% germ rate looking similar to these guys.
The plant turned out great, but I had to up the nutrients about 15% and put it in a 7 gal pot.
Thats neat, how did the plant turn out?

The solution to my predicament turned out to be easy and affective.
View attachment 4367529
I carefully dumped the contents of the cup out onto a sterilized surface, and then ever so gently, I pawed through the coco perlite mix to find the two young'uns. I had 2 new cups ready to accept them.
View attachment 4367530
After planting them, I gave a healthy spritz down of filtered water and Canna Rhizotonic which is a kelp based rooting hormone. 24 hours later they're doing just fine today.
View attachment 4367531
These are Greenpoint Seeds Texas Butter and have great vigor. I dropped them in water Monday evening, transferred to soil Wednesday morning and have 100% germ rate looking similar to these guys.
I just got some of those Texas Butter seeds, too! Let me know how they turn out.
Weekly Update: She is going strong. I just transplanted her in to her final 5 gal pot about 10 min ago. The one in the background is an AvT F2 from Mephisto. On the left are some CBD plants I am breeding and on the right are the CLG plants. Note: They are not as light green as they appear. I need to mess with my color settings on my camera. I also need to move the fan. It's too close to the front there and is blasting my auto plant with wind. The curl should be gone by next update.

Weekly Update: She is going strong. I just transplanted her in to her final 5 gal pot about 10 min ago. The one in the background is an AvT F2 from Mephisto. On the left are some CBD plants I am breeding and on the right are the CLG plants. Note: They are not as light green as they appear. I need to mess with my color settings on my camera. I also need to move the fan. It's too close to the front there and is blasting my auto plant with wind. The curl should be gone by next update.

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That AVT looks shitty just like mine... No offense...15638475994954343959333340653973.jpg
Those avts both look like theyre going through moisture stress. Uncle Bens guide, about moisture stress, should help you rule out the diagnosis.
Mine is going through transplant stress. I had just moved it in to the 5 gal bucket. It should look much better next update.
Oh man, I generally dont like to transplant autos as they are finnicky little bastards as is.
I just read the 1st page of an old Uncle Bens thread that was an enjoyable read.

Yeah dude has other awesome threads you should check out. Very knowledgable.
1 week since my last photo update. I'm not stoked with this grow but am optimistic even though its behind my usual seed, sprout, seedling, veg cycle stature at 23 days.

Some variables in play:
1. new tent - 2x2x4 - intended to buffer normal grow due to long light cycle requirement.
1a. New ventilation needs - trying 4" PC fans on controller to drive in/out air flow
1b. New RH management
2. new medium - never used this brand coco, nor have I run this high % perlite. Dries quickly and think root zone is not happy.
3. new to autos - always used normal or feminized seed. Not blaming Mephisto only me.
4. transplant schedule - do not damage the tap root during transplant, go from 16oz to 7g at 2 weeks. I usually go longer, but saw fellas in big pots early and thats what the grow guide said to do.
5. summer heat - stunted growth, although temps ranged from 75-82 with RH of 45-65.
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