Well-Known Member
Isn't your national debt either at or close to 100% of GDP?
That coupled with an endless deficit and shitty growth is not the rosey path you make it out to be.
actually the deficit has been cut by two thirds (all under obama) and out growth is over 5% right now.
so besides having your facts completely and utterly wrong, you are right.
As for owing most of the money to yourselves, you owe it to the Federal Reserve (a semi-private organisation) and if you failed to repay any of it your debt would be reduced below investment grade and your currency would unravel.
It's rarely (if ever) as simple as declaring "self-rule" and getting an automatic victory.
rawn pawl lost, get over it.
i know, getting over things is tough for you, since you are 4'11''. but try, OK?