1 person wished me happy birthday...

I'm thinking you're one of those the glass is half full kind of guys.

i really try hard to be as optimistic as possible, and although sometimes im not,i do try...the most important thing to me tbh is my little boys happiness, my happiness comes second priority to him, always...which if you look at it a certain way its a cause and effect thing...he is happy, therefore I am happy..but sometimes things still suck, it makes me feel selfish. i really love all you guys :peace:

PS. GWN you missed it dude, everyone already went home :lol: i forgive you
Happy B-day bro! How old are ya?

25 as of yesterday, im still young, i should be more appreciative of that.

PS. another thing i want to add. I dont want to trivialize what i said in my original post or any others... I know im lucky, I know i should be thankful, there are others out there with ALOT bigger problems than me, even on this site, let alone the world, i just wanted to vent and i dont really know, maybe see if anyone could relate, and i was REALLY surprised at all the positive responses I received, I really dont think there is one negative post here, even the person that asked me about closing old friends out being my fault, i felt they were saying it to try to help me, and I DO appreciate it. i just want to say thank you again to everyone that really took the time out of their day to care about what i had to say
25 was fucking awesome for me. Shit, all of my 20s were amazing.

You're in the prime of your life. Go chase some tail or get drunk without getting a hangover.
Screw you.
