1 person wished me happy birthday...

My birthday was today, it was pretty ....well, depressing. without getting into my whole long life story (long story short) ive had a really really rough go of it the past year or so, again i dont want to elaborate to much..during this tough time for me i stopped talking to and making new friends, and even less talking with my old ones, theres many reasons for this, it doesnt really matter, its not the point. the point is my birthday was today, well dec 14, and only one person said happy biirthday, and to be honest they didnt even say it they texted me it...like, whats that shit, ya know? tbh it felt pretty shitty, and im not one to every feel bad or pity myself to much, i honestly dont even know why i made this post, maybe i still feel bad? most def. self pity... i guess i just want to vent a little bit about it..i hope 2013 brings better times for me, but, i dont count my chickens...sorry again for the pity party.

ps. to top it all off the ct thing really twisted me up in a knot, i have a 5 year old, i couldnt even imaine, i dont even want to try, i would most definitley go insane, at best...i dont pray but i will pray for those families tonight..sickening...merry christmas im going to sleep. :peace: :peace:
I get depressed every year when my daughter calls me on mine, but my son always forgets until just before midnight if he remembers at all.
when things are at their worst they can only get better right? hope things get better and work out for you OP. i can somewhat relate to your story and know how you feel. again....hope things get better for you and you find the bright side of life.
Happy belated birthday man.
things are shitty all over, until they aren't.
Birthdays suck once everyone you know stops buying gifts,
and making a fuss.