wyteberrywidow, I just checked my hydro bill and turns out it's 5.6 cents/kWh... Woo Canada!
pinkfloydy, Thanks for stopping in! Yeah man, it's been so long since I've started this, I just can't wait to pop some of Hazel in my volcano
sow, I've got some pictures up below - just a couple of the fans if you were interested.
Day 64:
Very close! I gave Hazel her last hit of nutrients yesterday. She's on a water-only diet now until harvest, and the next 2 waterings I will do more of a flush, and give her 2x the amount per watering. The harvest date I've pegged is either July 25th or July 26th, depending on my free time. After that, its 3-4 days hang-dry, 2-3 days bag-dry, then 2-3 weeks glass jar cure. This stash is 100% personal, but I still want it to look awesome
Anyways, here are some pics I took yesterday (Hazel is sleeping right now). Just one pic of the entire plant, which doesn't really serve much purpose, then a couple pics of my exhaust/intake fans for
1. All of Hazel. Her bottom buds are really pulling down!
2. The top of the box - exhaust fan
3. Intake #1
4. Intake #2
And to think when I first started this grow I was going to make the box 2ftx2ft instead of the 2.5ftx2.5ft I have right now... Even the 2.5ft is about 1/2 a foot too small...