1 x Super Lemon Haze {CFL}{Soil}{Indoor}{5gal}

Awesome harvest chipp!!! I have NO idea how much you're gonna yield but it's going to be a lot! Give us a smoke report!
Chipp looks great.Well my slh is dry and ready to go in the jars now.I tasted a bud and it taste somewhat like incense.You feel the high after 2 pulls in your eyes.The buds are all covered in resin overall a good strain.
Thanks for the compliments everyone... The buds are still hang drying. They'll be moving into paper bags on Wednesday or Thursday probably, and in glass jars by Saturday or Sunday. Expect a weigh-in sometime this weekend! All I can say is wow, do these buds ever look shiny! Since I've never grown or my own or had access to wicked chronic, I can safely say that this stuff is the best I've seen. Maybe the look will change as it cures, but right now it's awesome!

Also, to anyone wondering about my next grow, it won't be starting until September or so (if I do decide to do another one). So, if it does, I'll keep everyone in the loop!
Glad to hear chipp.but what do u mean if you grow again?why not continue?hopefully everything works out 4 u.good luck...

Well, I will probably grow again, its just that I'm in a rented house and I need to make sure I tread softly so to speak... I'll probably start in September (I'm away for the majority of August).

Anyways, I snipped all the bud off the stems into nuggets, and I put them in paper bags. I could only get the little paper lunch bags on short notice, but they were 50 for 1$, so I can't complain. There's 10 of them!! I filled them up perhaps 3 inches each, very loosely arranged. I'll be shaking them around once or twice a day. All of my trim is sitting on the paper tray still - I'm going to be making a block of butter with it in a couple days.

Anyways, pics are just of what I did today. I'll get some bud shots up eventually. I'm also going to do the weigh-in this weekend when I transfer to glass jars for the cure!

(Don't worry - those fans are on the lowest setting - they also aren't exactly pointing straight at anything... Just keeping the air moving......)

Until next time (=Friday or Saturday)!


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Yeah for sure guys... Just give me a bit, ya know? I'm putting it in glass jars tomorrow to cure, and I'll get some close shots soon!
Alright man, here's an uncured shot. I don't really like the picture, but I'll put it up as long as you know there will be nicer shots of cured bud coming :)

ALSO! I did a weigh-in today! The bud is pretty much as dry as it's going to get (give or take a tiny bit during the cure), since I think I dried it a bit too much before curing. I know some people say they like putting their bud in glass jars even when it's a bit soggy, but mine was quite dry. I'm sure the cure will help anyways.

So, the weigh in:

Trim: 3.35 oz - my trim is going into butter. 2x 1lb blocks, about 1.7oz per 1lb block. The trim is pretty high quality, with even smaller buds in it, etc. I think it will be a good butter.

Bud: 6.8 oz!!!! That's right, just under 7 ounces! I'm ecstatic about the yield. That's what 13 x 42w CFLs can do for you (especially with plenty of side and underlighting). I'll get pictures of all the bud up in a couple days.

Anyways, I'll post again in a couple days. ... 6.8 oz! :D


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Thanks guys... I'll have more pics up on Sunday. And yes, my main resource for growing was this website (thanks rollitup !). I also read a few ebooks and shit before I started, but I didn't have any help in real life. Hoorah!
Alright man, here's an uncured shot. I don't really like the picture, but I'll put it up as long as you know there will be nicer shots of cured bud coming :)

ALSO! I did a weigh-in today! The bud is pretty much as dry as it's going to get (give or take a tiny bit during the cure), since I think I dried it a bit too much before curing. I know some people say they like putting their bud in glass jars even when it's a bit soggy, but mine was quite dry. I'm sure the cure will help anyways.

So, the weigh in:

Trim: 3.35 oz - my trim is going into butter. 2x 1lb blocks, about 1.7oz per 1lb block. The trim is pretty high quality, with even smaller buds in it, etc. I think it will be a good butter.

Bud: 6.8 oz!!!! That's right, just under 7 ounces! I'm ecstatic about the yield. That's what 13 x 42w CFLs can do for you (especially with plenty of side and underlighting). I'll get pictures of all the bud up in a couple days.

Anyways, I'll post again in a couple days. ... 6.8 oz! :D
Close to 7 ozs from cfls.Pretty damn amzing..Good work chipp
Actually do you have pics of the dry weight it kind of sounds unbeleivable.not saying it can be done

Yeah man, for sure... Here's two quick pics of it all in jars. They are the standard size canning jars, like 1.5 Litre or something like that. Let me know if it's hard to get a size reference with these pics. I'll get some more pics up later, but I'm in the middle of a pretty intense study session for some exams, haha...

Maybe take my scale's accuracy into effect, and say 6.8 oz +/- 0.5 ounces (residual moisture + scale quality). I weighed it all pretty well though.

Anyways, expect better pictures in a couple days - this is all I have for now!


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