10 free seeds from Nirvana!! Pay nothing!!

Let me just say that there's no guarantee that those are any good strain seeds. They could be mexican swag bag seeds for all you know. I got about a million of those, I think i'm going to take a hot air baloon ride soon haha.
Let me just say that there's no guarantee that those are any good strain seeds. They could be mexican swag bag seeds for all you know. I got about a million of those, I think i'm going to take a hot air baloon ride soon haha.
dude your tooo funny
DUDE? It takes you to a place where in the right corner, not small at all, in flahing colors is a button to click that says request free samples! lol. It cant be any clearer. They sent me a case of sample packs of grow bloom and heaven and pens and charts and stickers.
LMFAO! How the hell did you miss it? It's the size of a small banner and it's all the colors of the frickin rainbow.
emailed nirvana and requested my freebies from biobuzz, thanks guys! I'll update if it's legit
lol sounds like a lot of people just emailed nirvana... hope they give them to everyone:leaf:

Btw I just got this email from biobuzz

First off please accept my thanks for sending in your free sample request, we always like to help people who want to be organic superstars try our nutrient line for free at least once. Secondly I would like to apologize for an inconvenience that we are having at the moment, we receive a lot of these requests everyday and at the rate it is moving at now, free samples go fast. We should be receiving more samples some time soon from the mother ship in Holland. I have all of your shipping info, so once we get our samples you will receive a 2nd e-mail from me letting you know that I sent out your box of goodies, once you receive the 2nd e-mail you should be seeing the package in about 2-3 days. If you have any questions please feel free to contact me and I would be glad to help, that’s what we’re here for, your patience with receiving your organic superstar starter kit is truly appreciated, Until then take care, be safe, and DON’T FORGET “If it’s not certified…It’s not organic.”

Best Regards:
Jacob P. Walter
Got my biobuzz email. Two actually, I asked them a question about their line and the ability to use it alongside another company's line (GH). Says it'll work fine, but who knows. Can't wait for my freeeeebies
Got my biobuzz email. Two actually, I asked them a question about their line and the ability to use it alongside another company's line (GH). Says it'll work fine, but who knows. Can't wait for my freeeeebies
ya, I actually sent emails to like 4 diffrent nute companies yesterday in hope to get one of them to send something, Now I have 2 sets coming... You just can't beat free!
WTF. So far this week I've got free lights, free seeds, and free nutes. Why doesn't someone just cut out the middle man and start sending free bud. :D Jk.
WTF. So far this week I've got free lights, free seeds, and free nutes. Why doesn't someone just cut out the middle man and start sending free bud. :D Jk.
where did you get free light from, I'm very interested I need to upgrade my lighting:-P
wish I could change the name of this thread to "how to get everything you need, free!"
ha ha this is awsome if this works im gonna track u down and hug ya lmao or at least burn 1 with ya lol i just singed up and siply sent a message stating that i have never ordered online and am skeptical on doin so and would appreciate proof that they re legit so i asked for a samle to try out before ordering since i dont wanna take a chance on loosing my money lol wonder if it will work.
if so ill give ya some rep guaranteed
ha ha this is awsome if this works im gonna track u down and hug ya lmao or at least burn 1 with ya lol i just singed up and siply sent a message stating that i have never ordered online and am skeptical on doin so and would appreciate proof that they re legit so i asked for a samle to try out before ordering since i dont wanna take a chance on loosing my money lol wonder if it will work.
if so ill give ya some rep guaranteed
cool dude, i know for a fact at LEAST 5 other people just sent the same email. If I was you I'd try sending the same email to another seed bank or multiple others. Only takes a minute and it cant hurt!!! Might as well do it now before everyone else does! Thanks for the rep!
you can get free compost at some dumps. they are composting as a way to recycle. but that shit is like 20 bucks a pick up truck full of the good stuff in craigs list.

I wanna give away my ozone generator. lol.
nope no free seeds if this guy actually got them hes 1 of the lucky 1ns they pretty much told me theyre into selling them not giving them away lol to keep the prices down
nope no free seeds if this guy actually got them hes 1 of the lucky 1ns they pretty much told me theyre into selling them not giving them away lol to keep the prices down
probably because you and 50 other people sent an email to them on the exact same day saying the exact same thing..:wall: I mean their have been 1000 views on this thread so thats if only 5% tried it. When I wrote mine I was the only person doing it. I mean seriously, they probably have only one or two people who respond to emails so it's not hard for them to put 2+2 together and realize what happened.... Go try another seed bank that others haven't tried.
Buy your beans like everybody else does.Those are probably mexican bag seeds and used bulbs.You get what you pay for especially when it comes to beans.I cant understand why some of you put the cash into your grows then cut corners by buying nirvana seeds.
oh yea because I'm sure nirvana's just got some mexican strain sitting around. Shit doesnt even make sense. And fyi I have ten other plants that I spent good money on so even if they turn out to not be that great what do I have to lose?? Please just stop the hating and acting like you know how theseed game works when you obviously have no substance to back up your claims. I love it how their are so many people who love Nirvana but a couple people like you who love to bash them . Yes Nirvanas seeds are cheaper then other companies, maybe you need to understand that when a company sells more than other smaller seed banks can afford to help the consumer save money. Simple economics. Let me ask you a question, If you think Nirvana is such a shitty company why did you open my thread in the first place?