10 free seeds from Nirvana!! Pay nothing!!

I don't know, something seems fishy about this. I emailed another seed bank if this works I will believe you.

what reason do i have to lie.
Ill tell you what... Ill take a pic of the bag it came in and post it with 6 of the original seeds in it and the other 4 that are germinating if i get 10 rep ^
what reason do i have to lie.
Ill tell you what... Ill take a pic of the bag it came in and post it with 6 of the original seeds in it and the other 4 that are germinating if i get 10 rep ^

It just seems to good to be true.
I wish my email worked I want free seeds but nothing is free in this world.
what reason do i have to lie.
Ill tell you what... Ill take a pic of the bag it came in and post it with 6 of the original seeds in it and the other 4 that are germinating if i get 10 rep ^

Just post the pic, you have to earn rep it's not given away by showing us a picture of what might even be just a bag you put together that says free.
Just post the pic, you have to earn rep it's not given away by showing us a picture of what might even be just a bag you put together that says free.
i would be earning it by taking a picture, then uloading it to this site which I dont really feel like doing, its true, you can believe it or not but I wouldnt just make some stupid shit like that up for no reason... and I didnt send an email, it was actually a ticket on thier help desk
i will give you guys a tip. For freebies write nutrient comapnies. I got 160 dollars worth of one companies and bio bizz sent me their line and the others have written saying they are sending them soon. One company, sent me so much I was shocked. A heavy ass case came to my door. Bio bozz officially has a tab to click for freebies abd you get grow bloom and bio heaven plus a crapload of nice pens.
i will give you guys a tip. For freebies write nutrient comapnies. I got 160 dollars worth of one companies and bio bizz sent me their line and the others have written saying they are sending them soon. One company, sent me so much I was shocked. A heavy ass case came to my door. Bio bozz officially has a tab to click for freebies abd you get grow bloom and bio heaven plus a crapload of nice pens.
no way dude, so what email do i send it to, man thanks for the info cause my budgets pretty much all gone and I definetly am in need of some nutrients
im on bio bizz website and I don't see a freevie tab

how did you get ahold of nirvana? what is the e-mail? i ordered 30 wonder woman from them through worldwideseeds and only a handful germed an none of the germs grew. i would like to have a word with them...
how did you get ahold of nirvana? what is the e-mail? i ordered 30 wonder woman from them through worldwideseeds and only a handful germed an none of the germs grew. i would like to have a word with them...
lol, that sucks man, let me just say in nirvanas defense I ordered 5 ice and 1 ak femanized and 1 snowwhite and every single one germinated and are looking extremely healthy, I also went through worldwide. When you sign up for nirvana they send you an email welcoming you but you can also just send them it through the help desk when you are logged into their site.
all im saying is nirvana definetly sells more than other companies, so they can afford to charge less in return,they are like the wal mart of seeds, come on econ101,

and y did someone give my thread 1 star, I tell you how to get free seeds and you all you people do is question my vadility...
geez people stop hating!:cuss:
Since this thread has recieved so many views I will say I got some free nutrients too, but not which company because I haven't recieved them yet. All I did was sent them an email talking about plant problems I've been having.
That's pretty cool. Once they start getting alot of these emails though I'm sure they are going to discontinue.

nirvanas free seeds are usually all indoor strains and mostly skunk... best of luck hopefully u got a wonderwomanin there... shes a beast
The above link takes you to a website that lists a dozen or so hydroponic shops along the left side tool bar. One of those is DH...

DUDE? It takes you to a place where in the right corner, not small at all, in flahing colors is a button to click that says request free samples! lol. It cant be any clearer. They sent me a case of sample packs of grow bloom and heaven and pens and charts and stickers.