10 free seeds from Nirvana!! Pay nothing!!


Well-Known Member
I got 10 free seeds and a bonus (stealth) gift for absolutely free! Didn't even have to pay for s&h. Want to know how? All I did was send them an email asking them to prove to me that they were a legit seed company, and I asked for a sample! A weak later, Beans!! and a nice gift too! To bad I already ordered a shit load of seeds before that, they are sitting in my drawer for now!
I got 10 free seeds and a bonus (stealth) gift for absolutely free! Didn't even have to pay for s&h. Want to know how? All I did was send them an email asking them to prove to me that they were a legit seed company, and I asked for a sample! A weak later, Beans!! and a nice gift too! To bad I already ordered a shit load of seeds before that, they are sitting in my drawer for now!

no way.....
That's pretty cool. Once they start getting alot of these emails though I'm sure they are going to discontinue.
Holy shit. That was awesome. Sorry for the double post but I tried to register, and got a 404 error. Nothing unusual, right? Wrong. Go check out the 404 on that site. Tell me this doesn't crack you up.

The page you requested could not be found.There could be several reasons for this:

  • If you typed the URL into your browser directly, please make sure the spelling is correct.
  • If you clicked on a link to get here, the link is outdated.
  • You're high as a mofo. Come back later and try again. :-)

What to do?

  • Go back to the previous page.
  • Use the search bar in the top left corner of the page to search for your products.
  • Follow these links to get you back on track. Store Home My Account
  • Go sleep it off already. Sheesh. :-)

Edit: Think you can help me out with that Email adress? I can't find it. :)
Hi, I have attempted a number of orders with no success. Everytime I attempt to use my CC the page freezes on me for some reason. I am kind of scared to send cash for a purchase as I have never used your site before. I have used other site that have took my cash and I never recieved my product. If possible, could you send me a freebie or two just so I know you guys are for real. I plan to make many purchases in the near future but want to know that I can rely on you guys, if you do you have a new customer for life.
Thank you very much,

We were having some problems with the credit card payments on the day
you tried to order, sorry about that. As far as I know, all should work fine
now, so please try again!

In the mean time I will send you some free seeds to proove that we are
for real!

btw i got the idea from someone else on this site who never tried to make a purchase... he just sent an email asking to prove the site was legit
Holy shit. That was awesome. Sorry for the double post but I tried to register, and got a 404 error. Nothing unusual, right? Wrong. Go check out the 404 on that site. Tell me this doesn't crack you up.

The page you requested could not be found.There could be several reasons for this:

  • If you typed the URL into your browser directly, please make sure the spelling is correct.
  • If you clicked on a link to get here, the link is outdated.
  • You're high as a mofo. Come back later and try again. :-)
What to do?

  • Go back to the previous page.
  • Use the search bar in the top left corner of the page to search for your products.
  • Follow these links to get you back on track. Store Home My Account
  • Go sleep it off already. Sheesh. :-)
lol i got that message before too
hmm i dunno bout that one you should have posted the time and date header i may have thought it was semi legit...
lol, maybe you dont understand that i dont give a fuck if u think its legit or not, I'm just trying to help out my fellow RIUers
i didnt want my name to be in it thats why u cant see the date

NIRVANA SHOP | 10/27/09 11:26 AM

Quote [quot name="NIRVANA SHOP"]Hi Jonathan,We were having some problems with the credit card payments on the dayyou tried to order, sorry about that. As far as I know, all should work finenow, so please try again!In the mean time I will send you some free seeds to proove that we arefor real!Peace,Alice[/quot]

Hi Jonathan,

We were having some problems with the credit card payments on the day
you tried to order, sorry about that. As far as I know, all should work fine
now, so please try again!

In the mean time I will send you some free seeds to proove that we are
for real!

