10 Rules Guys Wish Girls Would Learn

man i dont know if you have kids yet or not, but my g/f got a little boy and so do i, and lets just say you never want sit without lookin at my house :shock:
May I have this dance? Translation: I want to have sex with you.
I like your shoes. Translation: I want to have sex with you.
Can I buy you a drink? Translation: I would like to have sex with you.
You look very pretty this evening. Translation: I would like to have sex with you.
So clean it, You self Rightious Bitch! All we ask for is a target, Barn Door, Ant bed, but NO!. Close us in, talk about Drapes. Then Bitch about ...... the list never ends.
Suppose the cover is down too, is that any better? Prolloy not, eh? Well, wouldn't that be a neutral position, pain in the ass (no pun intended) for all? Makes no sense, satifies no one...nah. Early poster had it right: learn to work the seat. If it's up and you need it down, put it down. If it's down and you need it up, put it up (or aim very well).
Saw this list today and thought it was funny:

10. Learn to work the toilet seat. If its up, put it down
9. Sometimes we arent thinking about you, deal with it.
8. Sunday sports, is like a full moon or the tides changing. Let it be.
7. Ask for what you want, subtle hints dont work.
6. We dont know what day it is. Mark birthdays and anneversaries on the calander.
5. "Yes" and "No" are perfectly sutable answers.
4. A headache that lasts 17 days is a problem. See a doctor.
3. Please, no whining on weekends and holidays.
2. Dont rub the lamp if you dont want the genie.
1. You can either ask us to do something OR tell us how you want it done. Not both!

ok fuck you dude.
rule #10 is stupid.
seriously, if you put the fucking seat up, put it back the fuck down.
plus isn't that what urinals were made for? so no one has to touch the fucking seat? (too bad they can't be in personal bathrooms)
but all in all, it's usually down for your dumping pleasure.
just put the seat down.
finally technology has solved another age old problem:

Saw this list today and thought it was funny:

10. Learn to work the toilet seat. If its up, put it down
9. Sometimes we arent thinking about you, deal with it.
8. Sunday sports, is like a full moon or the tides changing. Let it be.
7. Ask for what you want, subtle hints dont work.
6. We dont know what day it is. Mark birthdays and anneversaries on the calander.
5. "Yes" and "No" are perfectly sutable answers.
4. A headache that lasts 17 days is a problem. See a doctor.
3. Please, no whining on weekends and holidays.
2. Dont rub the lamp if you dont want the genie.
1. You can either ask us to do something OR tell us how you want it done. Not both!

left out rule #11..... learning when to STFU. :D
if prostitution was legal there would be a lot less divorce. I say make it legal legalize it!!!!
WoW you guys must have them lining up in droves LOL....Women love to be called bitches and ho's and treated with disprespect.
I got a great sense of ha ha.....Find it hilarious actually. Thats why I LOL'ed. Just cause I'm laughing for a differant reason does not mean my sense of ha ha doesn't exist.
So clean it, You self Rightious Bitch! All we ask for is a target, Barn Door, Ant bed, but NO!. Close us in, talk about Drapes. Then Bitch about ...... the list never ends.

LOL, so just because I dont want to walk in on someone elses pissy mess, makes me a self righteous bitch. I personally dont expect another person to take of of my messes, im a grown adult, and really just dont see any quality in someone who thinks its ok to take that attitude. But each to their own.
you are really supposed to put both seats down after using the toilet so when you flush, water droplets don't spurt out onto the floor or elsewhere. I don't flush with the top up because i imagine little microscopic shit mist flying all over the bathroom and on the walls and stuff. it grosses me out.

lofl, my friend the other day was complaining about people not washing their hands and I was thinking, how can be complain when he flushes with the seat up??? he probably has shit mist all over his pants. that's dirty too!!

none of this stuff applies to my fiance and i.
you are really supposed to put both seats down after using the toilet so when you flush, water droplets don't spurt out onto the floor or elsewhere. I don't flush with the top up because i imagine little microscopic shit mist flying all over the bathroom and on the walls and stuff. it grosses me out.

lofl, my friend the other day was complaining about people not washing their hands and I was thinking, how can be complain when he flushes with the seat up??? he probably has shit mist all over his pants. that's dirty too!!

none of this stuff applies to my fiance and i.

I keep 2 towels on a rack that's behind the toilet.. I would never flush with the seat up.

Drying my clean self off with shit and piss doesn't appeal to me.