• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

100,000 of us. and all we get is decriminalization


Well-Known Member
You would need people in office who are for legalizing and have no problem with their public image going to shit.


Well-Known Member
well in that case we just have to wait untill the people in office come out and our generation (potsmokers or potsmokers friends) get into office.


Well-Known Member
I can almost guaranty you that there are hypocritical fuck heads in office right now that smoke pot but they will be crucified should that info come out.


Well-Known Member
thats what i was sayin pretty much. ik there has to be some lawyers in this community. some one with an official title...... and yea we are just bitching. but bitching can turn into a whole different thing.. like you said of course everyone is gonna agree with my points. well i hope ya would.. so like i said 100,000 people on this site alone......... and yall prolly know people who smoke, grow, etc... that arnt registerd to RIU.... i have no problem puttin my info out there. in NY the only way to et a felony is if you are growing over ten pounds and its a class c felony....... i am not worried bout getting in trouble..... its time to do somthin homies. if you want the ball to get rollin. spit some ideas out. im just elaborating of your ideas and my own...... and sorry to all the haters that have to stop by and say somthing negtive about somthing posative...... just trying to help everybody out..... and it is all about the cash..... idc bout it tho. as long as i can eat. im letting ounces of diesel go for 250 when ik 5 people selling it for 400-700 a zip... im trying to make it so they can make there bags fatter than just a half gram for 20 bux.. thats not right..... weed is for everyone to enjoy not capitalize off it. yes you can but in reason. not overcharge and make people think your buying an ounce of coke....people say the prices rise cus of supply and demand but no no no no.. like i said 100,000 potential growers here alone.... so its just people are greedy fucks. ik atleast 2 other peolpe on here that ik in person that grow. soi can only imagine whoelse in my neighborhood grows thats not even on this site...... startin to rant. Pe@ce...


Well-Known Member
weed any everything that has to do with weed goes against what the people in charge and make the decisions believe.
that 1% everyone hears about but none can identify.
Alan Greenspan says Fundamental misunderstanding in how the market works.
he was talking about way more than the system of government or economics and doesn't realize it.
they work against the laws of nature.
thier karma will follow them.
on a side note
ive never and never will sell drugs
I'm sorry but years ago i used to deal with drug dealers
and if you sell weed lol....
that's"capitalism light" if anything.'
in weeds world the word front and "friends"exists.
you don't front crack.
I make a distinction here.
sorry about just jumping in here and letting off some steam.
potheads for president.


Well-Known Member
hahaha yea u dont front nobody somee rock or powder..... adub bag... aint nothin...... your really not makin money on weed unless your flippin pies.... i make just enough to eat like i said.... on top of my real job...... gotta have somtin to claim for your taxes ahaha dont whanna get caught up.


Active Member
a politician recently was trying to get a bill passed to "legalize marijuana for responsible adults" i think i saw a video or something on NORML's myspace. i know for a fact that if we actually did get to vote to repeal the prohibition of marijuana that it would pass. it seems to me that many law enforcement and legal people don't even know the story of why marijuana was made illegal. i went and saw a juveinile officer when i was 17 because i got busted and she was saying "i know that it's not as life threatening as alcohol, but there must be something that has to make it illegal." as far as i know it was made illegal in the 30's i think because the government thought it was making people violent and made kids kill their parents and shit, all that "Refer Madness" bull shit. i know that massachusetts had a referendum question in november to decriminalize it. up to an ounce is a civil violation which would be a $100 fine and does not go on your criminal record. i couldn't find if they passed it or not, but most likely they did.


Active Member
im letting ounces of diesel go for 250 when ik 5 people selling it for 400-700 a zip... im trying to make it so they can make there bags fatter than just a half gram for 20 bux.. thats not right..... weed is for everyone to enjoy not capitalize off it.
you have a good point man. i live in maine where you can get an ounce of mersh from about 140 to 170 and danks from like 200 up. and my cuz whose from jersey pays like 250 a Z for mersh and like 400 for danks, it's ridiculous at the prices. best place to get bud in maine is at the maine vocals events. pretty much whatever you are looking for you can find if you look hard enough. check them out on their website mainevocals.net and come up and visit one of the events, they are a blast!


Well-Known Member
yea if you get caught with 15 grams........ bagged up. its like 200 fine. if its just in a sandwich baggy. most cops wont bagg you.


Well-Known Member
well all of you are lucky i here some places fuck you over hella bad with 2000 dollar fines for any amount! fuckin sad, feel sorry for them.


Well-Known Member
Not to be a wet blanket, but if you want to make a difference, bitching about it on a pot growing website where just about everyone agrees with you isn't going to do a thing. Did Thomas Jefferson and Samuel Adams and all of the Founding Fathers just sit around in their 18th century meeting bitching about the brits? Did MLK just sit around and whine to his people? Did any of those things (" american revoloution, french revoloution, the storming of the bastille, the civil war....") (1)just happen? No! Some one, or a group of people, made a plan of action towards change, and only after years and years of hard work and determination did they make changes.

If you want to make change, break the stereotype of a pothead, and get off your ass and do something. (2)Write a letter to a governmental official, run for office yourself or organize a peaceful assembly/protest. Until you've done something, don't expect change.

I'm not disagreeing with you about how it should be legalized, but it really grinds my gears when people expect the government to know everything or do everything for them. If you think that's their job, then go to a library (a place where you can find books and borrow them) and get a copy of the constitution and read it. Hell, you could probably find one on the internet.
Sorry to go apeshit on you. :blsmoke:
Addressing points 1 &2, Sure as hell, just sitting around bitching wont solve anything (but it CAN be a decent outlet). Have you ever written to a gov't official? I did once, and got a letter back about something that had NOTHING WHATSOEVER to do with why I wrote the letter. Most of them have pre written response letters that are so vague that they can apply to about anything. "Representative So&So cares deeply about your concerns, and is working tirelessly to address the concerns of his constituency". Nothing gets done. Oh they'll tell us it's under advisement, but I learned a while ago not to hold my breath. I aint trying to discourage anyone from doing so, just prepare for disappointment.
We (my generation) have staged open smoke ins (we lit up as one in public), held NORML rallies when NORML was formed, and have tried every other non-violent means of protesting the marijuana laws (among other things), and some even went so far as to get REALLY militant about it. Yet here we are today, in many ways (and in many parts of the country) worse off than when we started.
As to the 3rd issue, it is MOST DEFINITELY our governments job to act in our best interest, and with THAT MANY GREAT MINDS (sic) in one room, yeah, I think they should know everything. Shit, as it sits, they already think they know whats in our best interest, and they also think that we are too stupid to think, speak or act in our own best interests. They think that we are kids, and they need to protect us from ourselves. And that may well be true. Look at how we the people have let our Government become what we fled 300 years ago. At LEAST they could have a handle on how their constituencies feel about the issues, and actually vote on pending legislation accordingly. But no....thats NOT how things work. They treat us like children telling us that its a "complicated issue" or that "They'll take it under advisement" as if some of us are incapable of grasping abstract concepts.
I think that YOU might need a refresher course on constitutional law. It is CERTAINLY NOT the governments job to second guess whats "in our (citizens) best interests", or act in any manner other than the will of the people. Read the preamble to the constitution.
We are a country founded by "throwing off the yoke of oppression" of the crown and government. Our forefathers (and mothers) committed acts of protest, sometimes violent, over government tyranny up to and including armed insurrection, and here we are, so much worse for the wear. It seems that somewhere along the line we lost our vision and let greed take over.

Marijuana is illegal because too many people are getting fat because it IS illegal. Pure and simple. If we legalized Pot, a whole bunch of government bloat would be unemployed, the pharmaceutical industry (one very powerful lobby) would suffer, as would many other industries. There are entire branches of government that are dependent on pot being illegal. Marijuana eradication is the sole reason why some branches of gov't exist in then first place.

well in that case we just have to wait untill the people in office come out and our generation (potsmokers or potsmokers friends) get into office.
YEP!!!! Thats just what WE SAID, 30 years ago. And we DID get into into office, but we promptly dropped the ball and did less than nothing. I certainly hope your generation has more integrity to follow thru when it's your generations chance. One thing is certain................Ya'll can't POSSIBLY fuck things up any worse than we did. Good luck!!! I'm smoking it, AND GROWING it, legal or not.


Active Member
Smoke in's sound like the best way to get marijuana legalized. I'm sober right now and that sounds like a hell of an idea. you get a couple hundred people one weekend, and get the word around. I think there is huge potential in smoke in's I'm behind that idea.


Well-Known Member
the reason marijuana will never be legalized.....i spent 5000 dollars recently on lawyers..bail...and confiscated money i should get back...over two joints...the lawyers make alot of money on marijuana being illegal..ALOT..BILLION UPON BILLIONS..most politicians are lawyers....they make money off of the laws they make..matter of fact it makes them rich..the government MIGHT consider legalizing it if they could figure out a way to control and tax it...but they know if they legalize it..everyone will be growing it in their back yards...so that isnt going to happen..they really dont give a shit about your freedom..you are just a cash cow for them to feed off of..to hell with the government and any of their laws..they can go fuck themselfs..they are illegit ...go read the constitution..all we have is a government of thugs ..no differnt than the MAFIA..they tell you what you are going to do..and how much you are going to pay them..and how long you are going to work to pay them...and its only going to get worse...we live in a police state now..the more the government loses contol over the country because of this economy ..the harder their grip on your throat will become..ALL governments become corrupt over time..then they fail..we are at that point with our's,,they are going broke..and grabbing at straws to keep control


New Member
shit reading about everyone getting decriminilisation in the states but over here in england gordon brown is putting it up to class b again, this is despite being advocated against it, simple reason is to appeal to some of the more conservative daily mail types for the next election. funny thing is cannabis consumption has actually gone down with a move from b to c according to the figures


Well-Known Member
shit reading about everyone getting decriminilisation in the states but over here in england gordon brown is putting it up to class b again, this is despite being advocated against it, simple reason is to appeal to some of the more conservative daily mail types for the next election. funny thing is cannabis consumption has actually gone down with a move from b to c according to the figures

Thats the main problem over here. The Candidates try to appeal to EVERYONE, and for some reason, no body has the balls to back legalization. They believe that it would negatively impact their public image and voter support. They would have us believe that the majority want to keep the status quo.
The truth of the matter is that the vast majority of the population either support legalization, or are at worst ambivalent about it. You'd be hard pressed to find someone who really believes that pot is a dangerous drug, and if someone COULD be found, we'd in all likelihood find that his position is based on ignorance, or the PAP the government spoon feeds us.
I wanna know how the Government can continue to spew out the lies to the public, and get the public to buy it!!!!


New Member
yeah, don't know about over there but here i reckon they'd only get marginaly more votes for legalising as it doesn't seem to be as major an issue we don't get medical (at least i've never heard of it maybe we do but its not really that publicised), but with the amount of media hype about pychosis i think that there are more strongly against it than strongly for, while i still think that the majority would be ok with decriminalisation ( mabye not legal) but its not a major voting point. I don't know about recently but for example the liberal democrats had said a while back (don't know what they are saying now but have probably jumped on the bandwagon agian) that they would be more leniant on weed (was class c) but i would never vote for them because they are a joke, if the scenario was the same at the mo i'd probably still vote for brown, its a shame but true


Well-Known Member
yeah, don't know about over there but here i reckon they'd only get marginaly more votes for legalising as it doesn't seem to be as major an issue we don't get medical (at least i've never heard of it maybe we do but its not really that publicised), but with the amount of media hype about pychosis i think that there are more strongly against it than strongly for, while i still think that the majority would be ok with decriminalisation ( mabye not legal) but its not a major voting point. I don't know about recently but for example the liberal democrats had said a while back (don't know what they are saying now but have probably jumped on the bandwagon agian) that they would be more leniant on weed (was class c) but i would never vote for them because they are a joke, if the scenario was the same at the mo i'd probably still vote for brown, its a shame but true
There again, people with positions based on inaccurate or patently false information (and they say our leaders wont lie to us!!) ANY intelligent person with a modicum of common sense can see the truth behind the lies and misinformation with just a little research.
Barak says he supports decriminalization, or at least would take an HONEST look at the subject. Maybe faith in our government CAN be restored.
I aint real convinced about Barak yet, but it really aint hard to shine when you're following GHWB. If Barak does anything at all positive for this nation, he'll have done a MUCH better job than his predecessor.


New Member
If a single terrorist attack is carried out on Obamas watch .. his presidency will be considered a failure.

out. :blsmoke:


New Member
pirate - yeah i'm liking obama from what i've seen he seems a lot more relaxed on the subject so can only be a good thing