• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

100,000 of us. and all we get is decriminalization


Well-Known Member
some guy said somthing a couple pages back bout "smokeinns" that shit sounds like somthin that would work... rent an auditoruim out and just spread the word... 20 bux at the door. invite all the smoke shops. hae hookahs and all that to smoke in.. light bulb*

Big P

Well-Known Member
some guy said somthing a couple pages back bout "smokeinns" that shit sounds like somthin that would work... rent an auditoruim out and just spread the word... 20 bux at the door. invite all the smoke shops. hae hookahs and all that to smoke in.. light bulb*

what about the coppers?


Well-Known Member
just hire the security team and shit as your friends, and at a place that the owner doesnt mind how can the po po find out...ive been to concerts and shit before and smoked plenty of times..


Well-Known Member
I think there are 2 major points here we've summed up.

1. Marijuana is a source of income and jobs for the government (based on arrests/fines, confiscation, et cetra). However, we're creating victimless criminals, and also making the tax payers suffer from the confinement of non-violent drug "offenders".

2. Legalizing marijuana would hurt these government departments (police, etc), as well as, of course, the tobacco and pharmaceutical industries [*edit, and of course, alcohol!].

The only way I think you can go about making marijuana legal in all aspects is to somehow involve the government in making profit. You may also be able to accomplish some other things in the process/as a result.

The first step I think would be to form a group (much like this forum) and start growing and experimenting (much like this forum). But, in the long run, I think the goal would be to form a type of non-profit organization (this is only the 1st step). Eventually the government could step in and make profit from marijuana ONLY (I know, this is pretty shitty). But I don't know how else, conceivably, government would allow it to be legal without making money.

If government did make money (I don't now how much, for how long, or if eventually companies would form to reap the profits), you could also stop the people in jail, take the profits out of the streets...possibly reduce violence...etc. Just an idea.....

But maybe, just maybe, there is a deeper reason as to why it's been so hated on (besides the real reason, which I think, is because its simply been vilified so much throughout the years starting back when Harry J Anslinger did his best Hitler job [lied to his people] about the effects of marijuana).

One thing is for sure. $$$ WILL BE MADE. That's pretty much the only 100% sure shot.

**Edit, oh, and there also is the idea that you will create a lot more "upheaval", if you will, in society. People may want other drugs legalized (which I think should be the case - no one should have the right to force me to not put something into my body [with threats of jail or fines, etc), but they do have the right to say what I shouldn't put into my body and vice versa [through means of EDUCATION and truth). But in any event, this will pose as unwanted dealings from the powers that be.....and people will fear (the government will tell us this) that it will create more problems than good.


Well-Known Member
Making money legally for the government off the sales of marijuana isn't that hard. The cigarette company's can manufacture it and create more jobs. By the creation of more jobs the government now gets taxable income off those new workers. Then the tobacco company's sell it at a ridiculously low price and the government can tax the shit out of it.


Well-Known Member
Yep, pretty much. That's how it will be, I would think. Just like alcohol and pharmaceutical companies...but these companies will probably not welcome the idea.


Well-Known Member
I don't see how alcohol companies would care? Pharms would just pill THC. Snack food companies could also get in on the game too with candy bars and shit. I bet in the end if the switch was made government would make the same or more then they do with there "war on drugs". And lets not forget we get rid of THC it gives them more time and resources to go after hard drugs. Crack, meth so on and so forth.


Well-Known Member
Our largest cash crop by far, how does it compare to the big three car makers? Is there anywhere you can find real uninflated estimates? What about when you add money spent directly on weed to all the other things related to it like being able to grow hemp products at all or bong sales or growing supplies and ferts etc. Lets say all those were legal and or taxed, and you could come up with some real numbers to add it all up and tack on all the costs of enforcement. I bet we'd all like to know those numbers wouldn't we. There are a lot of things related that people may not think to add on and or have no way to even guess numbers on. AS in if it's legal here then it's not imported so much right, so that could really up the sales of grow equipment and supplies here then instead of mexico or canada, so in a round about way that's more generic retail sales here. Legal here, not so much ordering most seeds from overseas, another little thing that might not be so little if added all up, but again something you wouldn't think of and again an exaple of lost revenue here and money leaving the country.

If you (we) wanted to _really_ start something or change something in the current climate we are in we would have to start with researching, theorizing, and making a clear and concise estimate with some sort of plan and posting all that on the internet in a very short business like proposal directed towards fixing the problem with the economy AND the legal system on this issue.

If those numbers add up to what one of us might imagine, and they can be cross referenced to any current government estimates we might sell enough people to get the idea on the news more. Then all you'd need to do is to re-edjucate half the population on everything they've ever been told and we'd be there.


Well-Known Member
I don't see how alcohol companies would care? Pharms would just pill THC. Snack food companies could also get in on the game too with candy bars and shit. I bet in the end if the switch was made government would make the same or more then they do with there "war on drugs". And lets not forget we get rid of THC it gives them more time and resources to go after hard drugs. Crack, meth so on and so forth.
You don't see how they would care? Alcohol and pot are both drugs and they assume (rightly) that they might end up with a few less alcoholics long term and they might loose a few sales to people who smoke and drink too because they'll drink less.

They're right on all counts. They will loose a bit, not nearly what they think but yea could be a fair bite.

Making THC pills is what pharma does now while it's illegal and they sell them at a very very very very very high price. If legal they couldn't sell shit for more than pennies, or at all since few would actually want it over the real deal anway. And no pilling up the real thing is no better for them, since we could do the same at home, but again almost free.


The gov. couldn't sell marijuana like they do tobacco. You can grow marijuana, harvest it, dry it and smoke it all on your own without the use of any outside source, that means nobody can claim the rights to the plant, not even the gov. That would be like claiming the rights to h2o or all spruce trees... Tobacco is different, as it's refined and altered to a point they can pattent it, they pattent the process, not the actual tobacco plant. Can't pattent it, can't produce it, can't make any money off selling or taxing it...


Well-Known Member
Very few people grow out of the majority that smoke and if you could get a pack of cigaweed for 6-10 bucks a pack at your local 7-11 it doesnt matter if you can grow it. People always want that quick easy fix.


Well-Known Member
Most even on here would not grow any longer if you could just buy it or would likely go to growing outdoors or something.

I probably wouldn't grow indoors any more if I didn't have too, and I'd supplement with just buying it when I ran out of my one yearly harvest or if it was stale thus saving 500w (more like 650 total) 12 hours a day 365 days a year at my place alone and I have one of the smallest grows. Growers all over the place would go to sun, period, since sun makes the best product and outdoor is cheaper and sort of easier in many respects.

What could we expect, a 10% drop in overall residential electric use across the country? More? Add that up on the proposal too. Someone might try to say that more people will grow for sure using way more power if legal, but I would sort of disagree. A lot of grow equipment will sell, and those people will try but quickly fail and give up on indoor. But at the same time lots of lights currently in use will be replaced by sun and as soon as the first outdoor harvest crops out and hits the market then bam, massive drop in electric.

We have all seen pictures of massive outdoor plants right? Hell a couple of those and I'd be set for a whole year easy, but I know for a fact I'd still be buying some too, you'd all have to buy some even if you had your own wouldn't you? I would just to compare and try different things even if I had 10 pounds of my own stash.

Am I right on any of this stuff, or does anyone actually read this? I can probably type anything right here (my nuts itch) at the end and nobody will ever see it, since you won't read this far.


Well-Known Member
I agree with what all you guys say. Lots of our weed comes from Mexico Drug Lords and terriest. I would much rather have a person like myself(A non-violent american, harder worker) to buy from then from terroist and Mexico.You would think our goverment would too.


New Member
The gov. couldn't sell marijuana like they do tobacco. You can grow marijuana, harvest it, dry it and smoke it all on your own without the use of any outside source, that means nobody can claim the rights to the plant, not even the gov. That would be like claiming the rights to h2o or all spruce trees... Tobacco is different, as it's refined and altered to a point they can pattent it, they pattent the process, not the actual tobacco plant. Can't pattent it, can't produce it, can't make any money off selling or taxing it...

I've got news for you..... the Govt. already has the H2O and Spruce trees locked up. Pay attention man. :shock:

out. :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
Most even on here would not grow any longer if you could just buy it or would likely go to growing outdoors or something.

I probably wouldn't grow indoors any more if I didn't have too, and I'd supplement with just buying it when I ran out of my one yearly harvest or if it was stale thus saving 500w (more like 650 total) 12 hours a day 365 days a year at my place alone and I have one of the smallest grows. Growers all over the place would go to sun, period, since sun makes the best product and outdoor is cheaper and sort of easier in many respects.

What could we expect, a 10% drop in overall residential electric use across the country? More? Add that up on the proposal too. Someone might try to say that more people will grow for sure using way more power if legal, but I would sort of disagree. A lot of grow equipment will sell, and those people will try but quickly fail and give up on indoor. But at the same time lots of lights currently in use will be replaced by sun and as soon as the first outdoor harvest crops out and hits the market then bam, massive drop in electric.

We have all seen pictures of massive outdoor plants right? Hell a couple of those and I'd be set for a whole year easy, but I know for a fact I'd still be buying some too, you'd all have to buy some even if you had your own wouldn't you? I would just to compare and try different things even if I had 10 pounds of my own stash.

Am I right on any of this stuff, or does anyone actually read this? I can probably type anything right here (my nuts itch) at the end and nobody will ever see it, since you won't read this far.
Do like BigBud says, if they itch..........scratch!! If it's one of your posts, trust me I read it.
You trying to tell me that you prefer outdoor growing? I grew outdoors in college, and I gotta tell you, I do like the control I have. (Yeah, I'm one of those)


Well-Known Member
Haha you guys read my post. I was starting to wonder if anyone actually did, or just skimmed them.

Up until this last week I'd have agree'd with you on preferring indoor control wise but with my recent double bug infestation and the realization that I'll be spraying for them indoors from now on anyway just like outdoors hell yea.

I have no chance in hell of growing a plant taller than me with a pound or more on it indoors but I know I could raise em like that outside since I'm in Oregon, damn they'd really grow like mad in my yard. I guess location would play into things too, depends on the pests and people that might get to your crop.


Well-Known Member
You know you're preaching to the choir here, right? You've got to preach it to those who are ignorant. Difficulties can ensue from that.


Elite Rolling Society
We're all preaching to the choir here.
Have you seen today's news about the letter that Pamala Anderson wrote and ent to Obama? She said we are letting the child molesters out of prison and keeping the pot smokers in prison and that is not right. She urged Obama to push for legalization. I'm writing Obama today too. Maybe she started a movement, I don't know, but I am moving!
I encourage you to write to Obama too.