Dude you're all fresh and expressive. Did you just finish up with your nazi piss enema
Sorry, I like that whole due process thing where the courts prevent the government from goose stepping all over my rights.
"common knowledge" dude you talk shit so fucking deeply that it's ridiculous. When you get called on it you ignore it, attempt to change the subject or say it's self explanatory. Youre among the dullest fucking louts on RIU, quite a distinction. However you exceed all others in your numbness, your brain dead thinking, flaccid wit and astonishing lack of self awareness. Bro you are plainly a clown youve never made a post that shows you're anything other than an common idiotUntrue, common knowledge, like gravity, needs no citation. Thanks.
You cant own a slave either.
Dude telling us about foreign affairs after revealing that you're a laughable maggot is silly, cmonFrance is a Mossad playground... the recognition of a Palestinian State was due to cause them trouble
You're really angry tonight Testiclees.
Did you sit on your balls or something?
The whole democrat sit in in congress after the Orlando shooting?"See, even if you regulate guns, they'll just use trucks! See, see!! Outlawing guns doesn't prevent terrorism!!"
Who said gun regulation will prevent terrorism?
you can't own a fully automatic rifle or a sawed off shotgun either. how infringed are you right now, dumbass?
I've been posting with you for years. You tried to tell me that the Trayvon Martin shit had nothing to do with race because Zimmerman is half Latino. Google Peruvian racism. That would be yuuuuge.
You constantly speak out of your ass even after presented with facts and personal firsthand experiences. You're beyond logical, rational discussion. Your mind, your world, your experiences are so lacking. I have more intellectually fulfilling conversations with my bong, cat, and dog.
It allows an unelected bureaucratic agency to remove one of your constitutional rights without due process.
Flying is not a right.
I like guns myself. I think they are beautiful machines. I fawned over my brothers purchases and appreciate them for sport and hunting.
And you need a semi auto to stop what exactly? How long have you been waiting for this magical "event" to arrive to use it? ...Meanwhile in reality
Kids and idiots take guns from dumbass family members like you to kill innocent people.
Hey muyloco and nlsxk1 tell me about the day you will Shoot all the cops you love so much when they come to take your guns.
Will cops use guns to take other peoples guns away ?
That almost sounds like you are for some people owning guns, but not others.
hi, no drama.You shouldn't talk unless you know what you're talking about. You absolutely can own machine guns and short shot guns (usually classified as an AOW or "any other weapon"). However machine guns (any select fire weapon) and most all other class 3 weapons are very expensive and require a $250 tax stamp, some extra paperwork, and a couple of months of a wait.