1000 Things to do while stoned

335 hit empty cans in my room around with a baseballbat.
336 update my growjournal
337 wait till this thread reaches 419 then jump in and steal the fame...
338 enjoy my fame
339 get more high :bigjoint:
342: I like to do stupid bar tricks like trying to catch my lighter behind my back and stuff like that. try it! lol
349. wonder why noones made a post with 70+ things on it to get to #420 before everyone else does.
350. name you new born child
351. put a key in the electrical outlet
352. wrap yourself in saran wrap and go to the store
353. get a bag of mcdonalds, go to the grocery store, and try to pay for it at the register
I don;t know if it's been said, but the things I like to do

psycho-analyze everyone around you including yourself
Write random thoughts on paper explaining things that everyone else seems to understand, but you just cant wrap your head around.. like why people lie, why people try so hard to fit in, what's the point in friendships, are they so that a person feels they fit into a group, an over whelming desire to have human contact, or a way to validate themselves as someone...

I'm a lonely person and have a hard time making friends, so I spend alot of my time alone, inside my head...

EDIT: haha.. maybe I should try to figure out a way to make friends??.... naaah.. fuck that.. I REALLY hate people....