1000w BarneysFarm Red Diesel


Well-Known Member
:joint:here are some pics to show the diff. between the toppd n untoppd...and was wondering is it cool to flush with tap water(ph7.5-8ish)?:joint:
For me to flush my pots I need a shit load of water, so I use mains water which runs at about 7.5PH.
I've been doing this for years and it works fine.
I do run a little PH'd water through afterwards though.
You should be fine to flush with your tap water as long as you finish off with some PH'd water.


Well-Known Member
I would still leave it out in a bucket or something? That is just me...you know evaporate off some chlorine


Well-Known Member
where do you buy your seeds from? I keep getting males out of the seeds i order from vancouverseedbank. Im getting really pissed off. Im almost ready to give up on growing this shit. It cant seriously be the heat right? because other then heat my grow environment is perfect. well the temp is good now.


Well-Known Member
where do you buy your seeds from? I keep getting males out of the seeds i order from vancouverseedbank. Im getting really pissed off. Im almost ready to give up on growing this shit. It cant seriously be the heat right? because other then heat my grow environment is perfect. well the temp is good now.
DONT GIVE UP(iv been there bro),from what iv read, reality is anything under 85F is ideal and good enough for MJ(and i think youll see physical sign of stress on leaves before heat turnes ur plant male or hermi), but i buy FEM seeds cause i dont wanna go threw the BS of pullijng out males, sure they say there is a higher chance of hermiing in FEM seeds but i would rather have a hermi and 2 girls than possibly only get 1 fem(still could hermi) and 9 males for 50$....^my thoughts:peace:


Well-Known Member
:joint:pic of the girls here, no signs of hermi or male flowers, temps are getting higher due to it getting hotter(mid 90s), but still under control, cause i know how hot it could get inside my tent(100+)....but to help the slight yellowing/burn im gonna flush with R/O water from outside vons from now on hope that helps clear up my roots...:joint::peace:



Well-Known Member
where do you buy your seeds from? I keep getting males out of the seeds i order from vancouverseedbank. Im getting really pissed off. Im almost ready to give up on growing this shit. It cant seriously be the heat right? because other then heat my grow environment is perfect. well the temp is good now.

I have read somewhere seeds planted on the surface in a cup with about 4.5 inches of soil below it and covered by a few pinches of dirt to block the light out have a higher chance of being females. I have never been able to find anything about it but I planted 2 seeds about a 6 weeks ago or so and One is a female and the other one is about to show but I think its a female also? I don't have a good magnifying device yet.

Im going to get an eyeclops. Good luck with your seeding...I wouldn't give up. Just get to where your cloning.:peace:


Well-Known Member
I just ordered 5 G13 White Widow through Attitude. After the last couple plants show sex if tere are no females I will give it one last go.


Well-Known Member
if your orderd fem. seeds you wlll get a couple good femalesbongsmilie and that makes me wonder, was you 5-star seeds fem. that turned male? cause i saw a page on how to determine if a plant will be male or female just by looking at the seed, here is the post on how to determine seed


Well-Known Member
Yeah I got the fem'd seeds. Ive always wanted to grow white widow. Now with my temps down and some fem'd seeds hopefully Ill get a female. I think they are sending me a freebie too!


Well-Known Member
Yeah I got the fem'd seeds. Ive always wanted to grow white widow. Now with my temps down and some fem'd seeds hopefully Ill get a female. I think they are sending me a freebie too!
Looks great bro.heard the red deisel was suppose to be the stronges.i'll be watchin these.i did16 big buddah blue cheese fem.in 2 gal. containers and everyone one was very consistant,got three BB pheno types the res good solid strain for 50.00 for 10 beans each and no hermies,,killer weed.got a lb. ina 3ft by 3ft. area under one of my 600s.repeating it presently.26 reg. BB and sensi hp.and the two feminized freebies attitude give in the other growroom till i get prob. 50% females from the dutch passion strain everytime ,maybe more,never less..keep it goin.


Well-Known Member
i just picked 6 clones off of my hermie. I tried to make sure all the branches i took had nothing but female parts on it. Im just putting them in pots after some root formula and leaving them outside. Within 5 minutes they had all almost fallen over. lol. guess we'll see how they turn out in a week or so. If they root Im going to put them in my grow box after some pesticide cleaning and flower them right away. then maybe ill get a little smoke! HAH!


Well-Known Member
yo Ext' you might be into this, i was just down at my local hydrostore and saw these, think imma get me one next pay day.... also looked at all kinds of fans and still feel satisfyd with mine... and i bought some rockwool cubes for my clones, the ones that didnt root i recut and dippd in root powder and put into RWcubes, hopefully they can be saved:neutral::joint: http://www.hydrofarm.com/pb_detail.php?itemid=8828


Well-Known Member
so the clone that actually rooted is doing great, it will be my RedDiesel Mother, i toppd it to get the inner nodes to grow out more, gonna keep in 24/0 vegg. with 2 2ft. 20w florecent bulbs, the girls are lookin down today so i fed em pretty good, 2tbspBB,2tspTB, hopeing the super flush i gave em opend up them roots, also looking into buying some Nitrex or CalMag, this yellowing is pissing me off now:joint:



Well-Known Member
Nice grow !!!! Looks like your going to have some killer bud. If you dont mind me askin. What size hose are yall using on the stanley blowers!!! Thanks


Well-Known Member
WEEK 8 alive, (5 weeks flowering)
alright so today is week 5 of flowering and the yollowing is starting to get a little outa control....one of the plants is deff. stunted and is yellowing faster than the others...think that next time i feed im gonna go full strength since im pretty sure is deficincy not burn..?.here are some pics...the kinda close ones are the main colas starting with the back left(smallest)plant going clockwise.:peace::joint::leaf:


Young Macdonald

Well-Known Member
Hey bubble nice grow and beautiful plants. I have a red diesel in dwc its about 3 weeks ould and its startin to reeekkk already! i cant imagine it when its flowering lol. Im def subscribed to this thread though. keep it up


Well-Known Member
WEEK 8 alive, (5 weeks flowering)
alright so today is week 5 of flowering and the yollowing is starting to get a little outa control....one of the plants is deff. stunted and is yellowing faster than the others...think that next time i feed im gonna go full strength since im pretty sure is deficincy not burn..?.here are some pics...the kinda close ones are the main colas starting with the back left(smallest)plant going clockwise.:peace::joint::leaf:
Looking great mate all bar the yellowing.
You are correct, the yellowing you are seeing is not overnuting, it's N deficiency.
How much N is in your nutes?
You should be able to carry healthy green leaves until flush time.
Healthy leaves = healthy buds.
Make sure they get some nitrogen when you next water and it will stop the yellowing.
If your bloom nutes are low in N mix in some of your veg nutes with it to compensate.
You should not be getting yellowing this early unless your bloom nutes are too low in N.