1000w BarneysFarm Red Diesel


Well-Known Member
Looking great mate all bar the yellowing.
You are correct, the yellowing you are seeing is not overnuting, it's N deficiency.
How much N is in your nutes?
You should be able to carry healthy green leaves until flush time.
Healthy leaves = healthy buds.
Make sure they get some nitrogen when you next water and it will stop the yellowing.
If your bloom nutes are low in N mix in some of your veg nutes with it to compensate.
You should not be getting yellowing this early unless your bloom nutes are too low in N.
so you think its nitrogen?? cause i was in a toss up between buying nitrex or cal mag just not sure....


Well-Known Member
so you think its nitrogen?? cause i was in a toss up between buying nitrex or cal mag just not sure....
You could get both? It wont do them any harm.
It's a little hard to tell from the pics but definitely looks like they are lacking N.
Mag' deficiency will usually start at the leaf margins and work it's way in.
Mg def' will cause a light green appearance in these areas not yellowing.
I can't see that happening from your pics.
Looks like text book N def'.


Well-Known Member
You could get both? It wont do them any harm.
It's a little hard to tell from the pics but definitely looks like they are lacking N.
Mag' deficiency will usually start at the leaf margins and work it's way in.
Mg def' will cause a light green appearance in these areas not yellowing.
I can't see that happening from your pics.
Looks like text book N def'.
alright, if i remember correctly i had this same problem with my last grow....fuckin foxfarm, wont get another dime out of me..but gonna buy nitrex tomorrow super broke right now, + runnin out of buddzzzzz form my last grow:-|, sucks cause im gettin used to smokeing like 50cent,:joint:bongsmilie:leaf: :leaf:


Well-Known Member
here is another pic of the problem most leaves are showing, the redish purple on the veins and overall yellowing and what not, thinking there is all kinds of deficency going on...so i will probably just end up buying nitrex and CalMag...also temps are getting up there:peace::joint:

Take a look at this page...it has a diagnosis chart....Maybe your locking something out with your ph? Did you test your runoff?


Well-Known Member
couple fresh pics, the clone is really doin good you can see the toppd nodes growing out, the girls are lookin alright, they seem to be doin better since last 2 watering i fed them more than full strength so im gonna have to prolly flush again in a week or so and keep smothering them with nutes...and btw they arnt as yellow as the pic shows HPS was just comeing on and made them look a little more yellow than they really are:leaf::leaf:



Active Member
alright, if i remember correctly i had this same problem with my last grow....fuckin foxfarm, wont get another dime out of me..but gonna buy nitrex tomorrow super broke right now, + runnin out of buddzzzzz form my last grow:-|, sucks cause im gettin used to smokeing like 50cent,:joint:bongsmilie:leaf: :leaf:
It isn't the Fox Farm. You just don't have all the components. You need Fox Farm Grow Big for vegetative growth and nitrogen supplements in the middle of flowering. Big Bloom doesn't really have everything you need. It's an organic formulation of micro (and some macro) nutrients, but won't be enough without Grow Big and Tiger Bloom (Check the numbers on the labels). Big Bloom is supposed to be used throughout the entire cycle because it also helps break salt bonds that lock out nutes. Check out the Fox Farm feeding schedules on their website. Also, you might want to check your pH... seems like 6 is a little low. I would shoot for 6.5 to 6.8.


Well-Known Member
It isn't the Fox Farm. You just don't have all the components. You need Fox Farm Grow Big for vegetative growth and nitrogen supplements in the middle of flowering. Big Bloom doesn't really have everything you need. It's an organic formulation of micro (and some macro) nutrients, but won't be enough without Grow Big and Tiger Bloom (Check the numbers on the labels). Big Bloom is supposed to be used throughout the entire cycle because it also helps break salt bonds that lock out nutes. Check out the Fox Farm feeding schedules on their website. Also, you might want to check your pH... seems like 6 is a little low. I would shoot for 6.5 to 6.8.
pretty sure 6 is good, and thats just a rough estimate i use a drip tester....and yes i do have the Tiger Bloom too,GROW BIG IS FOR VEG.. but the fact of the matter is this shit shouldnt happen, and i shouldnt HAVE to but a Nitrogen or CalMag solution....but either way FoxFarm is dead to me..


Active Member
I know Grow Big is primarily for veg, however Fox Farm recommends a supplement of Grow Big during the 3rd and 4th week of flowering, alongside Tiger Bloom and Big Bloom. Check their website. I just thought you might want to know before you switched your entire fertilizing regiment. Nice grow... I try not to post just to keep a low profile, but have really been keeping up with your journal.

Btw, here's the Fox Farm recommended soil feeding schedule.



Well-Known Member
I know Grow Big is primarily for veg, however Fox Farm recommends a supplement of Grow Big during the 3rd and 4th week of flowering, alongside Tiger Bloom and Big Bloom. Check their website. I just thought you might want to know before you switched your entire fertilizing regiment. Nice grow... I try not to post just to keep a low profile, but have really been keeping up with your journal.

Btw, here's the Fox Farm recommended soil feeding schedule.

shit bro i didnt realize it WAS requird....and you would think FF would give you this chart information with a purchace of there nutes, but a this point i guess i need "CHA CHIING"?...but still i am gonna look for a nute solutinon that can to the job itself, and not have to buy 3-4 different bottles...but thanks for the link tho brotha, atleast now i have a better idea of whats wrong:peace:


Active Member
The solubles really are helpful, but I don't think you need them. I like having multiple components that can be mixed to my liking as needed.


Well-Known Member
FFFUUUCCCKKK!!!! just clipd off a peice of the small plant to test and guess what....SEEDS mother fucking hell, went hermi on me?!?! i been lookin all over and i dont see a single male sack...WTF...now im pretty sure im fucked, cant put the hermi outside and cant really leave it in the tent....prolly wont even be smokeable cause of all the undeveloped seeds....fuck...all i can say....i hope my other 2 girls are alright but from what i understand all the redish hairs are effected cylaxes?? cause if so im totally fucked......and if anyone can tell me what the fuck a hermi sack looks like on a plant 6 weeks into flower i would apreciate it cause i cant for the life of me identify a male pollen sack on my plant....which almost makes it more frustrateing:cuss::cuss:


Well-Known Member
hey man, ive bought some hermie weed before. its not ALWAYS bad. Ive actually smoked some pretty good weed with seeds in it before. sometimes its had couple developed seeds in it that i have actually grown, and sometimes it has medium seeds and sometimes it has seeds so small that you cant get em out and they crackle and shit when you smoke em.

anyways heres my new grow dude. nothing sprouted yet but i cleaned up my grow area, re-aranged some stuff and took some pics.



Well-Known Member
how close do you have your lights when tey are just sprouting? mine is like 12" maybe? too close? temps high with it close. maybe i should raise it?


Well-Known Member
with respect to using veg nutes in bloom.

You should add the veg nutes in flower because when the plant is stretching where do you think its getting all the goodies?

It needs N to growwww. The idea is to reduce the amount of veg nute as you go through flowering until at the end you dont need it at all.

Are you sure the plant has hermied, can you post pics of these supposed seeds?


Well-Known Member
with respect to using veg nutes in bloom.

You should add the veg nutes in flower because when the plant is stretching where do you think its getting all the goodies?

It needs N to growwww. The idea is to reduce the amount of veg nute as you go through flowering until at the end you dont need it at all.

Are you sure the plant has hermied, can you post pics of these supposed seeds?
yea ill get some pics up(moms got the camera), good amount of seeds in just a little nugg(lots undeveloped),really got me bummed about this grow...good news is after alot of looking i started finding the sacks and can almost pretty much confirm 1 hermi, 2 females, but the 2 girls have been pollinated a little but that shouldnt be a problem....and i have the clones that i took form the hermi and the female but 3 havent rooted yet, and i dont know which is which anyways so ill have to clone LABEL then flower to find my girls anyways:wall:


Well-Known Member
alright so today is just about week 7 for the 2 ramaining girls, the hermi i chopd and tryd to smoke, but so darn many undeveloped seeds it was unsmokeable, all i would get is a pounding headach...so i took most of it and turned it into cooking oil and gave it to my pops (helps with his arthritis), kept a little to smoke out scavangers lol, the nuggs i plucked off the 2 girls had a couple seeds but nothing like the hermi plant, thats another reason im pretty sure my 2 are girls, it seems hermi weed smells,taste, and even drys out a little differently..?i dunno thats something i think iv noticed,lol...and got a couple pics of my ghetto veg./clone room, so far 3 of 4 have rooted and 1 is dieing slowly, so of the 3 clones i have atleast 1 i know is female, i just gotta find her....anyways super stoned and blabing,
some pics:peace::joint: