1000W HPS or 6500K CFL'S for vegging

well i just found out the ballast i have has an HPS switch and a MH switch so i can use metal halide, but for some reason it wont work, the guy i bought it from said its a dummy switch and it hasent worked???? hey $75 for a 1000W HPS is still great, (i love craigslist), what should i do to fix this???

take it to a hydro shop. they will set you up.
well i just found out the ballast i have has an HPS switch and a MH switch so i can use metal halide, but for some reason it wont work, the guy i bought it from said its a dummy switch and it hasent worked???? hey $75 for a 1000W HPS is still great, (i love craigslist), what should i do to fix this???

Dummy switch, eh? :?

Chuck it out and buy a new unit.

$75 for a thing that doesn't work (or work fully) doesn't sound so great to me. Craigslist might be a fine service, but when you buy second-hand electrics that you haven't seen operating, you're taking a big risk.

I'd be wary of expecting anyone at a hydro shop to be able to repair high-power electrical goods which are completely capable of burning an op to the ground. They're mostly retail shop staffers. If they were electricians, they'd be doing something more lucrative for a living. The owners of such shops often have some knowledge of the electrics, but are still unlikely to have electrical qualifications.

In my other life, I'm an electronics engineer. I frequently build electrical accessories for my op. I might know a bit about electronics, but I'm not clairvoyant. I normally can't tell by just casual inspection of an enclosed ballast unit if its transformer has problems, such as having been overheated in its service life, unless there's a scent of burnt enamel or something else obvious.

When it comes to high-power electrics, I sleep better at night buying brand new. Explaining a grow op fire to the fire chief and insurance company is much more painful than shelling out the bux for new lighting gear.
I like how when someones asks for advice on this website, alot of times it turns into a arguement, not a fight, but a arguement. I think everyone should just say what they would use, and thats it. If you can get conversion I would use the MH over the hps for veg, otherwise I would use the cfl, only because it would be effective and cheaper. Goodluck buddy : ) Grow on
Maybe I just didnt read the whole thing, but the first two pages looked like it was turning into an arguement, over the whole hps causes more males. Maybe I should have read the whole thread? But I didnt really think I was going to get any information about it. Once I saw people posting pictures of their plants, I figured it was going to get ugly.
this is hogwash. save yourself some energy, and grow some females. if i need to prove it i will, it's right there in greg green's cannabis grow bible.


male or female is controlled only by genetics... NOT light. thats like saying putting a feminized seeds under a HPS and saying they will turn male.. just doesn't make sense.
lol, no, this applies to seedlings. in my experience, my statement is very true. under hps, i had 60% male. under mh, i had 95%+ fem. go figure...

but... the fact still remains that 6500 kelvin is the ideal spectrum for veggetative growth. using cfl's will save you electricity too.

hmmm, yep, i still think i'd go with the cfl's, saving my pretty powerful 1000w for flower.


I have 2 T5 CFL's that I will be using for vegging; and 2 600 w HPS for flowering. Once Im in the new house its onnnn ^.~
male or female is controlled only by genetics... NOT light. thats like saying putting a feminized seeds under a HPS and saying they will turn male.. just doesn't make sense.

i dont know how about plant sex'es, but babies in mothers bellies makes they sext by mothers lifestyle. if shes good mother - it will mostly be a male, if mother smokes, drinks and so on while shes pregnat, it will mostly be a girl.
i dont know how about plant sex'es, but babies in mothers bellies makes they sext by mothers lifestyle. if shes good mother - it will mostly be a male, if mother smokes, drinks and so on while shes pregnat, it will mostly be a girl.

you're kidding, right? :-?:-?
i dont know how about plant sex'es, but babies in mothers bellies makes they sext by mothers lifestyle. if shes good mother - it will mostly be a male, if mother smokes, drinks and so on while shes pregnat, it will mostly be a girl.

you're kidding, right? :-?:-?

fair go
, fdd, I see some of the most unbelievable shit on this board some days. :roll:

I have a 150 watt HPS, (1 each) 65 & 105 watt cfl will having both give me a better chance for male or females? Also i plan to get at least a couple 23 watters for coverage.

Adding CFLs to HPS is like adding a model airplane engine to your 747.

Lighting type will make absolutely NO difference whatsoever to the sex of the plant. Anyone who thinks so is simply mistaken. It's the luck of the DNA which determines sex.
gr8 luck..

1 seed for me, we shall see in 2 months time what it has become!,, thi thing grows like it loves the environment, and in dry nevada the humidity is like 10-25% avg and the plant is loving it inside my closet with that rh%, its growing ridiculously fast, i am thinking of plastic wraping the whole area then lining with mylar and buying 2 HPS 150's and 3-4 blue fluroecent plant lights to give it the blues so it aint a fucking palm tree
If you flower clones immediately after they set root, you get short plants which do not need fill lighting.

Adding CFLs to HPS is like adding a model airplane engine to a 747.

Yes, start them under CFLs, but veg & flower with HID lighting.
i dont know how about plant sex'es, but babies in mothers bellies makes they sext by mothers lifestyle. if shes good mother - it will mostly be a male, if mother smokes, drinks and so on while shes pregnat, it will mostly be a girl.

This person has obviously never studied medicine, genetics, hormones, or really anything to do with human development, or marijuana development for that matter.

Here are some ideas that must be discussed if anyone is trying to "prove" that lighting will alter the sex of a marijuana plant:

Is sex determined at the point of pollination/seed conception?

  • Most evidence points towards this being true with nearly all other species of flora and fauna, although, plants can tend to have radical genetic traits that we do not yet fully understand.

If not, how do various wavelengths of light falling upon the seeds affect the sex of the seed itself PRIOR to germination?

  • If the claim is that it is merely the wavelength of light that is causing plants to tend to sex in one way or another, then at what point does it do so?

  • It would be most efficient for the plant to be genetically altered at the seed stage before it has any new cell growth - it would be much more difficult to alter the genes of every cell in the plant body later on in vegetative growth.

If light does not affect the sex of the plant until AFTER germination (possibly due to the light barrier created by the external shell of the seed), then what wavelengths of light deliver the correct amount of penetration past the cell wall to genetically alter every cell in the plant body in its initial vegetative phases?

  • If, like the guy I quoted above, we are to assume that plants work in any way similar to the human species (which is a weak assumption at best), then it is possible that different environmental factors could alter the gender expression of the plant, but how would you prove that it is the wavelength of the light?

  • According to the new field of epigenetics (look it up if you don't know what it is), human and plant genes are continually altered due to their "experiences" with the world - for plants this means the grow environment, for humans this means your everyday life - however, one must consider the complexity of the system to understand the epigenetic effects. Humans are much more affected by epigenetic controllers because our complex system of organs and neural networks depend on such diversity and complexity. However, a marijuana plant is nowhere near as complex as the human body/brain, therefore, epigenetic switches may not play as critical a role in development and sexing - we simply do not know enough about this yet, especially in regards to marijuana, let alone humans.

  • If we are continuing the comparison of plants and humans, then, I would also like to raise the point that sex is determined at conception, however, gender is not! Gender identification and expression lies on a spectrum from male to female, which is why we see hermaphroditic plants (and humans) when they are under stressful growing environmental conditions - it is yet unknown whether this is due to hormones caused by stress or whether the hormones themselves are released due to epigenetic switches within the DNA of the plant/animal itself. More research on this will come in the next few decades, so it is important stay up to date with the scientific community! Such research is already done/being done on gender expression in humans, but not so much in plants.

And I'll leave you with this: please think logically and scientifically about your claims and what you can do to prove them before you start spouting them out as "facts" just because a "well known author" has written about them. Many "well known authors" have written about "facts" that are just no longer true due to empirical evidence showing otherwise. Just like how the world was flat at one point... Please understand that, without any of these questions being fully answered, none of you will ever be able to claim any of your opinions to be factual...they are mere anecdotes to help guide people in the direction you think is correct. I for one would like to advance the science of studying marijuana, not just the pure speculation of it. So next time you want to make large claims such as these, please give empirical, logical evidence that fully addresses the issue at hand - or give an idea of an experiment that would. You really can't argue with the data when it is collected correctly and effectively, the hardest part is in designing the experiment to fully enlighten the issue at hand.

I hope this helped!
P.S. To address the original question of the thread (I had a similar one which is how I stumbled upon this subject) here is how my growroom works...

I have a 1000W HPS for flowering, but I also use it for vegging when it is on during it's 12 hour cycle. It comes on around 8:00 AM (I usually get up an hour or two later...meh it's summer!) at which time I move the plants from my vegging area into the flowering room and turn off the four 4' 6500K 40 watt fluoro tubes I have them under at night, thus saving energy. I only have two plants actually flowering right now under the 1000W, which is why I didn't really want to waste a bunch of energy just for those two plants, so I started putting the vegging mothers underneath, too, and since then they have actually been doing very, very well. I think it's because they get lots of the "blue" spectrum light during the night until whenever I get up, and then they get about 10 hours or less under the HPS which offers much greater light penetration.

I have a separate window area where I keep a clone chamber (it's actually my snakes old tank which does the trick nicely), where I have three 30W 6500K CFLs spread out over a bunch of clones about 2 or 3 inches from their tops with high humidity levels.

I do have a question, though, about the clones. When I move them from the clone chamber, would it be unwise to put them under the HPS during the day like my other vegging plants, or keep them under the 4' flouros all day and stop turning them off? I thought the 1000w HPS might be a little too intense for them, so I'm just wondering what I should look for/at what point most people would consider clones to be "capable" of handling such an amount of light? I'd rather not change up my method by leaving the flouros on all day and wasting more electricity, so what I really just want to know is when it would be optimal to move clones into the 1000w chamber without negatively affecting their growth/possibility of survival?