Well-Known Member
hey bud nice thread. Ive got 4 silver mountain in flower at the moment - week 5-6. Like the goji they really go for it in flower, easy 2x stretch. You probably know this already.
For the fungus gnats i use tanlin, sticky traps and nematodes and although it isn't guaranteed to wipe them out it stops them from becoming a problem. I'm subbed up and looking forward to seeing the fruits of your labour.
Thanks for the tips man. I'll take a look at your thread, can't seem to find much on these SMs anywhere. I'm glad to hear they're stretchers, I'm counting on at least 2x to fill out the screen so that's good news. Hopefully I can train the Gojis into minding their manners since they're probably going to get stuck in the small tent under the horizontal light.