12/12 from seed 5 weeks into flowering schwag bagseed


Well-Known Member
well see.. the thing is furbie.. i wanna soke it on thanksgiving and start the revegging soon.. so for me to smoke and have adequate drying and curing time by thanksgiving... i am gonna have to cut it on the 12th (1 week)... this is a sativa dom strain and i know that sativas need a lil longer however... 90% of my trichs are cloudy now... which is fine to chop now in my opinion, but i wanna see what it will do in a week... i also wanna get a grow under my belt and learn some new shit about growing... i know for a fact this bud will get me stoned with a week left of growing... that is really all i am concerned about at this point... i need to turn my flowering box into a veg box for a lil bit... the fact that i am too broke to get another time is a whole nother reason to switch back to vegging hours... it's cool that i get to smoke my shit.. i dont know man.. i have my reasons and i have thought about my reasoning for awhile... so yeah... wont really change my mind on when to harvest... sorry, but i DO agree with you... i figure that if i give it more time it WILL ripen up more... and i know that trichromes should be amber and all... but like i said, i have my reasons...


Well-Known Member
to be completely honest.. i dint think i would make it this far on my first one in the size box i was growing in... it gives me hope for the future of my growing if anything at all...


Well-Known Member
Yea man you should do what i did, vegg for like 2-3 weeks, then switch to flower, i had mine 12/12 for a week, but its way too slow in growth, im glad i decided to veg for another 2 weeks


Well-Known Member
yeah... that is prolly what i will do when i reveg this plant.. keep it in veg for like a month or two.. i have read that revegging takes awhile so i figuring two months should be adequate... we will see i guess... i like the way revegged leaf look... i will have three diffrent bud sites to get ne growth from so i am def planning on getting more outta my next grow.. just wanted to get my feet wet before i jump in for the dive...


Active Member
your doing a great job mate.... your micro grow is looking really great.... but you do have a little bit longer left to go before you cut. keep it up man:)


Well-Known Member
i know.. i am just sorta ready to move on to a better grow.. ya know what i mean? i do agree.. this plant is sweet... i just want to clear up space and sorta "do thing right"... i did alrite on this one, but yeah...


Well-Known Member
Glad to see that last post, bro. You can do better, and I like that you know it. I'd either start from scratch on a fresh box (PC cases are cheap cheap) or gut this bitch when you harvest...either way, you need to generally construct and mount thing better so you're not losing so much space.

I look forward to your next journal. Lemme know if you have any construction questions, or better yet, make a thread and put the link here or in your sig or something. If you're going to take the time and risk to grow something, you may as well get the most outta what you're doing.


Well-Known Member
Yea i agree with what he said, revegging takes a long time, and your plant is nice, but nothing worth trying to keep onto, add a week or two of vegg and you can get a better harvest


micro that needs like 3 more weeks to finish and looks like will yield you a half an 1/8 and took you around 14 weeks to flower under not even 70 watts of cfls was it worth it??????


Active Member
still not bad for your firts grow... its all about learning and even if you dont get much of a stash from the plant you still have some great knowlage, you should go ahead and start your new setup for the next grow. no time like the present


Well-Known Member
yuppers... lol... i agree with all your comments... i did get a couple strain seeds from a friend of mine last nite.. 5 of the seeds are loui or lui (legends of ultimate indica) it is supposedly from dj short... a friend of a friend went to the west coast and supposedly got them... he also threw me about 5 seeds of grand-daddy purp... not really sure if they are feminized or not... but hell it is a actual strain.. so in a since i'm moving up son... my goal in this grow was smoke my own shit.. so yeah chitown... it was totally worth it... a lot of smokers go their whole lives without ever smoking their own shit... i am not one of those smokers as of thanksgiving... i know its not alot of bud... but i will be blazed that day...lol... baked outta my muh fuckin turkey day gord...lol.... i will let you know bud weaver if i need any help on my next box... it's gonna be a rather big one... too bad i cant change my display name to "was.micro.now.stealth.grower"...lol... i will be back on here in a lil bit... i need to go look up these strains and see what i am about to grow in the next couple months...


Well-Known Member
like SICC said, reveg is quite an investment in time, mine took a good month before started seeing veg growth
i did mine because i really wanted that femme
but the other thing that reveg gives is certainty that you're growing a female which can be a big deal if you're growing a small number of plants(such as 1)


Well-Known Member
yeah.. i figured revegging took awhile... i was watching/reading a revveg journal... i loved the way the new leaves looked when it started vegging again... i'm with you on garunteed females... i figured if i could reveg it then i would prolly take clones off of it... or veg till it gets to a decent size and flower it again... i dunno...
i was reading up on the legends ultimate indica strain... it seems like it will perfect for my future grow.. with it being indica and grand daddy purp being indica, i was considering breeding the two together... 1 reason, i will have more dank seeds... and two, both of them would be awesome if combined in my opinion... so i guess i may start reading about breeding... i think i will call it "purple loui"... i guess only time will tell..
also... just wanted to say thanks to all of you who have helped me through my first grow... the skies the limit now...lol.. well maybe not the sky... but knowledge is muh fuccin power... and i am in the weed school of experts (rollitup crew)...
also, i forgot my camera at work last nite... so i will take piks tonite or in the morning and post them tomorrow...


Active Member
yeah revegging is great and you got a nice size plant to reveg... plus you can just reveg in your micro box :) so you will always have a small little stash for special occasions.

that grand daddy purp is aq nice strain, and there are ways to help get more femme then male, ie mild heat and high humidity. best of luck to you on what you decide to grow next. If you Veg for a good 4 weeks then flower you will have a great harvest. keep it up mate


Well-Known Member
yeah... well i plan on revegging for at least 2 months to double my harvest if not triple it... i am garunteed to have 3 shoots this time since i have 3 budsites i will be revegging..... well enough of this.. time for more piks... i will prolly have a constant micro grow going... im just not really sure about any of it till it gets here... i stay up at nite thinking about the design of future boxes... so i do have alot of ideas floating around... i will be sure to let all my homies on here know when i get a new journal going...


Well-Known Member
yup... i like to call this grow a micro miracle due to how small the box is, no previous growng experience of any kind, and the fact that my homie who has grown in the past said that there wasnt any way in hell i was gonna get ANY bud from that box... he came over the other nite and called it a micro miracle... which to me it is... a lil bit of heaven....:bigjoint:
enough with all that shit... onto the piks...




Well-Known Member
also... this grow is a mostlt organic grow... i have used molasses, epsom salt and organic bone meal (it may be blood meal... whatever has a higher potassium level.. i am not at home to look at the bag...).... i guess we will see how much of a difference the organics will make...

about the revegging casper.... so i shouldnt trim my roots and keep the same soil? i mite end up transplanting it to a bigger pot... do you guys think it will make a difference? i see a lot of root growth when i take off the red cup and look at the roots through the clear one... i mite just making a mother closet and keep her in there... one of my homies was saying that if i revveg it that i would cause it to go hermie... which wouldnt really be a prob since i will be garunteed femmed seeds... or even hermie seeds but no males... so the more i think about it, the more i really want to reveg it... i really wouldnt even need a timer for the most part of my reveg... hummm... be back in a sec to see if anyone posted any comments or questions.. but for now, i need to learn all i can about harvesting... not referring to when to harvest, but rather the diffent ways to dry and cure... i do know that i wont water cure it... maybe in the future but not now... i had some pot-o-gold x trainwreck a while back... the jar got submerged in water outside one day... it didnt ruin it, but it totally killed the taste.. i love the taste of weed good or bad... i really dont want to lose one of the things i love... i do realize that water curing allows you to smoke a lil more discreetly, but i smoke at home, so i really dont give a fuck about the smell being strong...