12/12 from seed 5 weeks into flowering schwag bagseed


Well-Known Member
has anyone heard of the legends ultimate indica or have grown/smoked it? like i said, from what i read, it seems like a really good strain for me to grow... it seems like it "meets my requirements"... anyways... holla holla nuccahs....


Well-Known Member
all this posting i have been doing on other threads has seemed to push my thread to the bottom.. that and know one is commenting on mine... so a friendly bump is in effect...


Well-Known Member
She looks great man, a tru micro breed, you have some bomb seeds, im still leaning towards not re-vegging, i mean how tall is she? i say a good 3 grams if anything dry


Well-Known Member
the bottom buds that i will be revegging are only like 3.5 inches from the soil... i am mostly leaning towards revegging just to learn how it works... that way when i wanna revveg a good strain, then i will know what to expect....
bout the three grams... i am thinking more towards half an eighth or one hell of a joint...lol...
also, when i reveg, i plan on repotting her into a real big pot and giving her her own closet.. not hving a extra timer, i could benefit from this.. i will keep her on 24/0 anyways for the first little bit... and since nutes are seasonal and i cant get any more rite now, i still have plenty of vegging nutes for th winter...


Active Member
that little plant is sick man, been watching the whole time pretty much and now im thinking of doing a micro grow just cause i like the way it looks. let me know how she smokes after curing. + rep man.


Well-Known Member
yeah.. def learn the best method for me to take clones off of her... this is my practice plant in a since... didnt pay shit for the seeds... dont know genetics cept sativa dom... so it is not a waste if i fuck her up either... i just love gaining knowledge... almost as much as smoking weed... so this plant has already fulfilled some goals i have had so far... if i dont learn a way for me to clone comfortably over the winter, then something is wrong with me...lol..

wowisuckatthis: i well DEF. put up a smoke report... and the beauty of this plant is that i will be able to give a second smoke report on her after revegging all winter... also, i will be curing diffrently and growing it diffrently next time around... see what diffrence my changes make in the flavor and shit.. if i aint having fun with it, then i dont wanna fuck wit it... so i keep myself pretty occupied with her and CONSTANTLY learn more stuff...


Active Member
best method of cloning ive used gives me about 95% succes rate. take the cutting a little longer than u need, then hold the end under watter, and using a VERY sharp blade slice thru the stem diagonally. after thats done scrape the stem about a half inch from the bottom to expose the inside of the stem, then take it out of the water and quickly dip it in your root gel or powder, i like the schultz take root, i use it on just about any kind of plant and it gives a good succes rate. any way u want to dip it in about a quater inch above the scraping. you can put it into a coaco plug or rock wool whatever you prefer. check the directions to make sure you dont need to soak or rinse whatever you are going to use, and use a dilute starter mix to spray everything down nice and then throw it into a dark cup and place a clear one over the top of that to keep it humid in there. i try to keep it around 75-80% humidity until i see a few roots poking out of the bottom of the plug, usually takes about 3 days for the first roots to pop, keep them under a daylight cfl or a 64k daylight t5 flouro. after about a week of being in the humidity domes you can put them in your soil mix. as a side note on that try to use small starter cubes, i like the 1.5 incers, anything larger and they dont gointo soil very well. good luck man.

josh b

Well-Known Member
i cant get anough of ur grow im on 12/12 from seed at 3 weeks and showing signs of pre flower/sex that waz the same with u rite?

i saw a little yellow dot where a node is ment to grow but now it looks like 2 white hairs =) to young to tell but its doing gd.

that plants is the smallest ive ever seenin my life to bud and i hope it al ends well =)

gonna stick about

gl growing



Well-Known Member
well with a long weekend and no internet... i will be giving updates shortly... i will say my next update may not be what you expected... so let the suspense kill ya till i get them up... they will be up in about 15 minutes... so sit tite and wait...


Well-Known Member
so here is my update...
i worked on my new box all weekend... i didnt take any new piks of the plant because my camera died after of took piks of what i was working on and didnt get the charger back till today... so i will have some updated piks of it tomorrow... i will say that the trichs are all cloudy/milky... the pistils are all a faint orange... it is super dense and fucking smells phenomanal... ummm... icant wait to regrow this plant the "right" way...lol... much fun... i am sticking to my harvest date of cutting it down thursday nite... it wil be its full eight week bday from showing sex... and being under 12/12 since seed...most fan leaves are falling off now... it looks a lil naked and bare, but that is fine... it is maturing to death... i have started flushing as well... not like i used a hole lot of nutes, but i read that even the molasses will change the natural flavor of it... update tomorrow on her... but this is my new box update... so lets get with it...

pics 1 and 2 are piks of my new micro bud drying box... i was really bored and figured why not get one ready... there will be fans for intake and exhaust on each side...

pics 3 and 4 are of my seedilings (now sprouts) i started germing awhile back in soil...i slao added another seedling to the mix... i am shoting for a couple females this time... but who knows... the more is def better... i will have sprouted piks of these up tomorrow... rite now they are testing out the new veg box for me...

pics 5 through 9 is the new light setup i am working on for my rubbermaid grow.. i have a total of 5 lights on this fixture... i plan on running four 42 watt cfl's and one 68 watt cfl... lots of lumens for my box.. i dont have it wired yet... i have to get new light sockets.. they have old ones in it, and i dont want to take the risk of burning my house down... there was probably a reason it was trash...one of the sockets were cracked, so i have decided to run it out of that hole... i will also prolly shorten the power chord to run along the top side of the box and plug it into my light set up that is gonna be across from it... refer to pik #8 to see the power strip light set...

1 will prolly put another two 42 watts and a single 68 watt and have them spaced evenly... so lets see real fast... if i get the bulbs i need for this, i will have a total of 388 watts...

i also plan one spraying of the inside of this box with flat white spray paint... i know mylar is good, but i feel that the white will serve its purpose...

piks 10 through 12 are my new veg hood.. got it from a friend of mine as a gift... i took the frame he had off of it and used the hood that came with it... its pretty good so far... all of my seedlings have sprouted and are doing good with it... there are two 18 inch 15 watt flurous... dont know what color spectrum ornything else about them... they just came with the table a friend gave me... i know that is low, but it seems to work fine... when they are taller, i will place them in the bottom of rubbermaid box, and the when it is time to flower, i will simply switch hoods and set my timer... i am also going to make this a yogurt cup sog at some point... i doubt from seedlings, but once i get some clones going prolly... once again, we will see what happens when it gets here... possible scrog in this box one day...

anyways, i think that concludes my update... i did have one question about harvesting... i have seen people not trim there leaves at all and cure their buds with the leaves still on them.. i am considering this... i do plan on smoking every bit of my trim, so the way i look at it is this, if i am going to smake it, i minus well let it get some cured bud flavor... any suggestion? this is one of the few things i cant find on riu... so any advice on curing untrimmed bud would help.. thanks guys, and like i said... new bud shots up tomorrow...



Well-Known Member
my next box i will build will be for clones... i am going to go the old fishtank route... it seems conventionally reasonable and gets the job done... plus it is not huge... so yup... next box... will be in the future... gotta focus on vegging my babies again for round two... who knows what round two will hold in store... keep following.. i will get a continuation thread going after i finsih this one to follow my journies...


Well-Known Member
congrats micro, sounds like the 'planets are aligning' for you if your trics are like you say, and the fans are dropping, sounds like you'll be very close on optimal potency