Well-Known Member
True that.I could make an argument that I've never voted in my own best interest.
True that.I could make an argument that I've never voted in my own best interest.
Mostly because you've never been given the chance, right?I could make an argument that I've never voted in my own best interest.'s true, i remember..reagan introduced religion to government, we 'said no to drugs' and MOP stopped paying their fair share.
Mostly because you've never been given the chance, right?
No, because my own self interests would likely be better served by a republican potus/congress.
I'm white, male, straight, debt free, upper tax bracket, self employed, I have health care, investments, etc...
I'm liberal, and vote for left leaning candidates because they represent ideals that I believe in, not because I personally benefit from them.
Something seemingly impossible for critics to argue againstNo, because my own self interests would likely be better served by a republican potus/congress.
I'm white, male, straight, debt free, upper tax bracket, self employed, I have health care, investments, etc...
I'm liberal, and vote for left leaning candidates because they represent ideals that I believe in, not because I personally benefit from them.
You did the same as I did. Oh wait, you didn't vote for Sanders, did you?
Something seemingly impossible for critics to argue against
I'm in the same boat, yet constantly bombarded by accusations that I only support Sanders because I'm poor, and racist. Nah, I support Sanders because I think his policy positions would benefit the most amount of Americans at the highest possible capacity than the other contenders. Although my taxes might be raised, that's a small fraction to pay to provide essential necessities to less fortunate countrymen, not to mention the pragmatism of paying for a less expensive system of healthcare that covers everyone. The idea that this is surprising to critics highlights their lack of actual progressive ideals. If you're a progressive, you shouldn't be surprised that well off progressives would still choose to support the ideas that will harm the pocket book but benefit poor and minorities.
How can we be expected to unite if half the party wants to continue the corporate agenda?Those that are anti trump, we must lay down arms amongst ourselves folks. We can discuss this but it can't take our shared interest of stopping him away.
I think Russia had some effect on it all
I think third party voting had some effect on it all
I think some of hillarys choices and style had some effect on it all
I think liberals terrible ability to market had an effect on it all.
I think some Bernie supporters not following Bernie to back her had some effect on it all.
I think the fact I backed out of working the phone banks the last three days had some effect on it all..
There's plenty of blame to go around, and yes I do not understand you mr or mrs third party voter but if you are against the trump agenda, we can, we must work together...and while working together I can't promise you that I won't remind you next time don't do the 3rd party thing when the stakes are this high...
Those that are anti trump, we must lay down arms amongst ourselves folks. We can discuss this but it can't take our shared interest of stopping him away.
I think Russia had some effect on it all
I think third party voting had some effect on it all
I think some of hillarys choices and style had some effect on it all
I think liberals terrible ability to market had an effect on it all.
I think some Bernie supporters not following Bernie to back her had some effect on it all.
I think the fact I backed out of working the phone banks the last three days had some effect on it all..
There's plenty of blame to go around, and yes I do not understand you mr or mrs third party voter but if you are against the trump agenda, we can, we must work together...and while working together I can't promise you that I won't remind you next time don't do the 3rd party thing when the stakes are this high...
88% of Sanders supporters voted Clinton..a very nice showing considering, don't you think?
You're dishonest about how terrible and incompetent your candidate was. Worse, you berate people who actually voted for her!Fuck you Trump supporter
There's a huge difference between the Tea Party and the Progressive Movement.I get it... I do. Well for moment we must simply resist his aweful agenda together.
To move forward we for now must accept each other's imperfections until the Republic is in safer waters... we can't give up the good for the sake of the perfect... we cannot commit the sins the tea party did. They have taken and broken functioning conservatism... they will sink anything that's not perfect in their eyes, even if it pulls the ball closer to their perfection. They want a goal made with a single kick...every time, no compromise.
We cannot do that! From center right all the way to the leftist left must unite at least in common decency in treatment of each other and willingness to compromise and work in good faith with each other for greater good.
The perfect should never be the enemy of the good...
I'm as progressive as it gets I beleive, but I must work with a corporate dem if we can do some good and compromise. That doesn't mean I quit working to pull further left.
Look at current GOP, owns all of D.C. Can't get a thing done... there's a chance that could be dems in 2021, we cannot afford to be the liberal version of what they are today.
We Unite in opposition to the Trump agenda, we work towards the good of all with anyone willing to do so and to compromise with each other in good faith.
We must never loose our ability to govern like they.. is it easy to work w folks that we disagree with? Nope. But can we do it? I still will always beleive:
Yes We Can
how terrible and incompetent your candidate was.
Won't you EVER take responsibility?
This is why I think Bernie's relative position is a good one for this country; he shows just how far off the pitch the other idiots are playing.The progressive movement and platform of today was common ground Republican policy about 50 to 70 years ago. We have been steadily moving to the right for quite some time now.
Really? McCarthy, Committee on Unamerican Activities, blacklisting suspected communists, John Birch society, not to mention Southern Democratic Party segregationionists, excluding black people from voting, the draft and the Vietnam war. These are all policies that were mainstream policies 50-70 years ago. We haven't come as far as many would like. We have lost ground recently but we have progressed from those days.The progressive movement and platform of today was common ground Republican policy about 50 to 70 years ago. We have been steadily moving to the right for quite some time now.
Tl;Dr Version: "Hillary got game, we had no game..."she beat your God in a landslide. she also outperformed every single candidate your God endorsed.
every. single. one.