12 Democratic Senators sign on to co-sponsor Bernie Sanders' Medicare for All Bill

I get it... I do. Well for moment we must simply resist his aweful agenda together.

To move forward we for now must accept each other's imperfections until the Republic is in safer waters... we can't give up the good for the sake of the perfect... we cannot commit the sins the tea party did. They have taken and broken functioning conservatism... they will sink anything that's not perfect in their eyes, even if it pulls the ball closer to their perfection. They want a goal made with a single kick...every time, no exemtions...no compromise.

We cannot do that! From center right all the way to the leftist left must unite at least in common decency in treatment of each other and willingness to compromise and work in good faith with each other for greater good.

The perfect should never be the enemy of the good...

I'm as progressive as it gets I beleive, but I must work with a corporate dem if we can do some good and compromise. That doesn't mean I quit working to pull further left.

Look at current GOP, owns all of D.C. Can't get a thing done... there's a chance that could be dems in 2021, we cannot afford to be the liberal version of what they are today.

We Unite in opposition to the Trump agenda, we work towards the good of all with anyone willing to do so and to compromise with each other in good faith.

We must never loose our ability to govern like they.. is it easy to work w folks that we disagree with? Nope. But can we do it? I still will always beleive:

Yes We Can
I think we should have a rollicking debate all the way through the 2020 primaries. The rhetoric and debate lately has been more about Clinton v Sanders, which is really bitter and dumb but I'm hoping we move on to the list of candidates for the 2018 and 2020 elections.

The party did pull together and vote for Clinton in 2016. 88% of Sanders voters in the primary voted for Clinton in the general. Counter to everything you read and see, that's unity, not disunity. People are confusing passionate debate with real division. Not that anybody should take any one else's vote for granted but I think the 2020 election will see about the same unity we saw in 2016 in the general election. Even pad said he'd have voted for Clinton if the situation in CA had shown a chance for Trump to win there.

I enjoy the debate. Let it roll. And fwiw, I hope we do come up with a winning campaign funding mechanism that excludes legal corporate and big donor money. The first test for that will be in 2018.