12 Reasons You May Never Want To Eat Turkey Again

Is there any hard science to back up the claim that even a small amount of meat is bad for you? I eat meat frequently, I'm in perfect health, great cholesterol, low body fat %, active, energetic, etc. It just seems so extreme to say eating meat in moderation is terrible for your health.

Many people think they're in perfect health because of a doctor's visit... many people are misled. You very well may be, but disease isn't typically something that happens overnight. It can take years or even decades before a doctor could catch anything. Best way to see if you're truly healthy is to get a blood test done to check your levels of vitamins, minerals, omega-3's, etc. Then you can address nutritional deficiencies if there are any, which there probably are. Most Americans get very little magnesium, D3, and omega 3's (and many others)... all vital for optimal health. But their doctor's tell them it's genetics or "bad luck" and get them jacked up on prescriptions while never really addressing the CAUSE. They focus on treating the symptoms instead of the cause, which only furthers the problems.
Is there any hard science to back up the claim that even a small amount of meat is bad for you? I eat meat frequently, I'm in perfect health, great cholesterol, low body fat %, active, energetic, etc. It just seems so extreme to say eating meat in moderation is terrible for your health.

And yes, plenty of evidence.

http://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/261382.php (70,000 people involved in study)
http://english.pravda.ru/society/stories/19-03-2012/120821-vegetarians-0/ (120,000 people involved in study)
And yes, plenty of evidence.

http://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/261382.php (70,000 people involved in study)
http://english.pravda.ru/society/stories/19-03-2012/120821-vegetarians-0/ (120,000 people involved in study)

"Some evidence suggests vegetarian dietary patterns may be associated with reduced mortality, but the relationship is not well established."
From first article^

And the second article focuses on RED MEAT only, mentioning that consumption of fish and poultry had an inverse relationship with mortality:
"When replacing red meat with fish, vegetables and poultry, there was an inverse relationship - reduced mortality."

I am aware of the risks of red meat, but you never see vegetarians only speak against red meat, it's "ALL MEAT IS TERRIBLE." If there's anything showing ALL meat to be unhealthy (as you said is true) then I'd be interested in seeing it. I eat red meat less than once per week.
OMG I'm so old. When I make pancakes I warm the plates and the syrup. I also don't (I'd strikethrough that and make it can't but I can't), use a microwave to cook.... Just call me gramma, Kinetic!

But to get us all in the mood, the butt bread tasting service:
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Butt bread (oh yeah and that is MY stuffing recipe from scratch) seriously stuffing is what you are throwing OUT of the fridge folks.... not what you buy in a bag/box, lord have mercy. Back when I was stuffing rolls of TVP (that you had to make your fucking self because we did not have ToFurkey), it would have been my home made bread too. But my impact mill sits mostly silent these days..... sigh....
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Allow me to put it in a different perspective (even though humans are completely herbivorous when speaking physiologically). Every single body function relies upon enzymes. Enzymes are abundant in raw, organic fruits and vegetables but die when exposed to temperatures over 118 degrees. Cooking meat certainly does this as well as creates a plethora of cancer causing chemicals (heterocyclic amines, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, AGE's, maillard-browning compounds, and more). When we supply our bodies with an abundance of enzymes from plant foods, our bodies don't have to work as hard to perform every bodily function because we're getting those enzymes from our food (food enzymes). However, when you cook food, you destroy all the enzymes and your body has to work much harder and use more of its own enzymes (metabolic/digestive enzymes). Along with that, plant foods are rich sources of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, etc.

A lack of dietary enzymes can lead to a toxic colon due to a build-up of fermenting, undigested food. Toxins that have accumulated eventually end up in the blood stream where they disrupt all cells in the body, leading to chronic disease and lower quality of life.
Allow me to put it in a different perspective (even though humans are completely herbivorous when speaking physiologically). Every single body function relies upon enzymes. Enzymes are abundant in raw, organic fruits and vegetables but die when exposed to temperatures over 118 degrees. Cooking meat certainly does this as well as creates a plethora of cancer causing chemicals (heterocyclic amines, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, AGE's, maillard-browning compounds, and more). When we supply our bodies with an abundance of enzymes from plant foods, our bodies don't have to work as hard to perform every bodily function because we're getting those enzymes from our food (food enzymes). However, when you cook food, you destroy all the enzymes and your body has to work much harder and use more of its own enzymes (metabolic/digestive enzymes). Along with that, plant foods are rich sources of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, etc.

A lack of dietary enzymes can lead to a toxic colon due to a build-up of fermenting, undigested food. Toxins that have accumulated eventually end up in the blood stream where they disrupt all cells in the body, leading to chronic disease and lower quality of life.


all i have to say
Getting eaten by a lion doesn't exactly look pleasant either. Whatever people choose to eat is on them. I like my diet. Without eating things that can turn cellulose into useful food I don't think we can feed humanity. And I'm fairly certain that killing off half the population isn't a viable option either.
We won't know until we try it.
Cows are classified as a ruminant and ruminants are not accustomed to eating high-starch foods like corn, which upsets their digestive system. Cattle create a lot of gas, which they usually expel, but when their diet is high in starch and low in roughage, it forms a layer of foamy slime in their stomach called the rumen.
This slime can trap the gas, causing the rumen to balloons out and press against the animal’s lungs. Unless you act quickly and relieve the pressure (usually by ramming a hose down the animal’s throat), the cattle will suffocate.
A corn diet can also generate acidosis. Unlike the highly acidic stomachs of humans, cattle’s stomachs are normally a neutral PH. Due to is acidic nature, corn turns their stomach unnaturally acidic. Acidotic animals tend to have diarrhea, ulcers, bloat, liver disease and a general weakening of the immune system.
Another terrible fact is that cattle cannot stay in a feed lot for more than six months, because a sustained maize diet will lead to fatal liver failure. As the acids corrode their stomach lining, bacteria enters the bloodstream and collects in the liver. Here is where the use of antibiotics comes into play. Antibiotics are given to reduce gas and prevent liver infection. However, the overuse of antibiotics in the feed lots means bacteria become resistant to them. This can be a real problem, leading to new, disease-resistant strains called super-bugs.

Uh no. Cows in Iowa, where I'm originally from, are fed a diet of feed corn year after year after year. They get nice and fat, and the meat is very tasty. The stomachs do not corrode, they don't all get fed antibiotics, and there is no liver failure. Go ask an actual farmer instead of believing some pro-vegetarian idiot.
"Some evidence suggests vegetarian dietary patterns may be associated with reduced mortality, but the relationship is not well established."
From first article^

And the second article focuses on RED MEAT only, mentioning that consumption of fish and poultry had an inverse relationship with mortality:
"When replacing red meat with fish, vegetables and poultry, there was an inverse relationship - reduced mortality."

I am aware of the risks of red meat, but you never see vegetarians only speak against red meat, it's "ALL MEAT IS TERRIBLE." If there's anything showing ALL meat to be unhealthy (as you said is true) then I'd be interested in seeing it. I eat red meat less than once per week.

Yes, it is true that if someone cares about their body enough to become vegetarian, it is also likely they care enough to exercise and not drink or smoke. That just means the extra lifestyle factors added even more years, not that vegetarianism didn't add any. Meat is unhealthy for so many reasons. Cancer-causing chemicals, extreme acidity, and actually weakens the bones (because the body has to make up for the acidity by leeching calcium from your bones)
Yes, it is true that if someone cares about their body enough to become vegetarian, it is also likely they care enough to exercise and not drink or smoke. That just means the extra lifestyle factors added even more years, not that vegetarianism didn't add any. Meat is unhealthy for so many reasons. Cancer-causing chemicals, extreme acidity, and actually weakens the bones (because the body has to make up for the acidity by leeching calcium from your bones)

Oh I see all those meat eating animals just drop`n left and right from cancer and break`n bones daily. Really ??
Oh I see all those meat eating animals just drop`n left and right from cancer and break`n bones daily. Really ??

1.) Carnivores eat meat raw
2.) Carnivores have different characteristics than humans. As I said before, humans are 100% herbivorous.
people look AT ME weird cause i eat soy

but theyre the ones shoving stuffing up someones asshole and baking bread in it. ass bread.


fucking weridos.

1.) Carnivores eat meat raw
2.) Carnivores have different characteristics than humans. As I said before, humans are 100% herbivorous.

What part of your nose tells you the plant is not poisonous ? Like I stated earlier, We are tropical creatures and gathering in the tropics requires lots of climbing and digging. You are not built for either. How many of these precious plants are you gonna find in the tropics ? Ones you can eat raw. When you do all the research and conclude that it`s not possible to sustain your life very long from gathering in the tropics, and ask ...How can that be ? ..You`ll start to understand the meaning of your existence.