13 Plants- All Hermies WTF?

funny how "100%female" doesnt actually mean "100% female".
scum fuckers. its like ordering tofu and getting a rare steak. lol tofu sucks though. and rare steak rules....but hermis and males suck
If you want to you go in everyday and find the flowers and kill em before they spread pollen it'll help allot. I did that and still came up with like 10 seeds per plant just this morning from plants 7 weeks into their budding. Kill all those flowers or you'll have tons of seeds. Also while your in there you could look for seeds and pull em pre matture I hear that'll make her stress and produce more potent buds. She's already a herm so no fear in stressin her too much now. What shocked your plants? Mine freakied cause I drove them across town to a new place right before budding them and it was chilly out side.